Culture, Community and Identity

Do some Christians fear social media?
+ Creates artificial relationships
+ Inferior quality of teaching and learning
+ Exposure to “bad” stuff
+ Increases isolation
+ Perception of “trivial”
+ Replace the “church”
+ Fill in the blank _______________
There is NO verse telling us to:
“Go therefore onto the Internet and create a social media page for
your university and start using G+ to facilitate classroom discussion.”
- Romans 16:28
Matthew 28: 19-20
“Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have
commanded you. And behold, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.”
A Journey To the City
Connect DAILY just using
Recruitment and Retention
What is the goal of the Christian university?
Ultimately to share the gospel – recruitment
and retention do this.
Creating communities that serve the
purposes of the university
Functioning within the culture of social media
and creating culture in social media
Creating Identity: Expanding the “footprint”
of online presence.
Topical groups and discussions
Degree program groups
Classroom specific groups
Topical groups
Community focused groups
The biggest challenge for any Christian
organization is engaging in the cultural
format of social media
Facebook fan page vs. group page
“If your not family: it better be short, have a
picture and make me laugh….”
The group you are trying to reach does not
know your school exists. They are not
searching for your school (i.e., Bakke
Graduate University) and so the key to online
identity is keywords“Online” Doctor of Ministry
Transformational Leadership Degree
Christian MBA Accredited
What do the Google results for your
organization and it’s top leaders reveal?
Create Yelp and Google reviews
Utilize YouTube keywords and degree
Public complaints
Theological debates
BGU Leadership Series
Value to students
1. Build a culture
2. Improve esprit de corps
3. Communicate issues and actions
4. Change the financial results
5. Leave behind a cadre of future
transformational leaders