Engineering the Climate Physics Departmental Seminar University of Toronto 25 September 2008 David Keith (; Director, Energy and Environmental Systems Group Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy University of Calgary 1 Morgan & Keith (1995) Forest et al (2002) 2 Forest et al, expert prior (Morgan & Keith) Sanderson et al (2007) Forest et al, uniform P>8=3% P>8=7% P>8=15% 4 Inertia Turn wheel (e.g., enact policy) Low emissions infrastructure is built at some rate after some time delay Emissions reductions grow as integral of infrastructure build rate. Concentration reductions (from BAU) grow as integral of emissions reductions. Reduction in T grow on several times scales, but delays from ocean thermal inertia can be significant. Climate reacts 6 Emissions are rising faster than expected Skeptics argued that this “unrealistic” scenario was included only to make the problem look worse 2005 Raupach, et al., PNAS, 2007. 2006 This is where we need to be heading 7 New York Times May 24th 1953 8 Human actions that change climate Climate System Climate impact on human welfare Human actions that change climate Mitigation Climate System Climate impact on human welfare Geoengineering Adaptation Stratosphere Lower atmosphere Agung El Chichon Pinatubo 11 Temperatures after Mt. Pinatubo Soden et al., 2002 If the radiative forcing from Mt Pinatubo were sustained, temperature changes may have been 10 times greater (thermal inertia of ocean) USGS Putting sulfur in the stratosphere Of order 1-2 Mt-S per year offsets the radiative forcing of 2×CO2 (~2-4% of current global S emissions) ~3 gram sulfur in the stratosphere roughly offsets 1 ton carbon in the atmosphere (S:C ~ 1:300,000) Assuming the NAS 1992 number of 20 $/kg 30 billion per year. Methods: 1. Naval guns 2. Aircraft 3. Tethered balloon with a hose 13 Models suggest the compensation is quite good 2 x CO2 2 x CO2 and 1.8% reduction in solar intensity -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 ºC Caldeira et al., in prep, 2007 Experiments by Phil Rasch, Paul Crutzen, Danielle Coleman NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Middle atmosphere configuration • Model top at about 80km • 52 layers • 2x2.5 Degree Horizontal resolution • Finite Volume solution for dynamics with desirable properties for transport Photochemistry includes only that relevant to oxidation of DMS and SO2 –> SO4 Injection of SO2 • at 25km • from 10N - 10S • 1 Tg S/yr assuming a small (or background) aerosol size distribution Pinatubo 10-30 Tg S Rasch et al: Annual Average Surface Temperature Geo-SO4/2xCO2 (1Tg Bkg)- Control Geo-SO4/2xCO2 (2Tg Bkg)- Control Engineered scattering systems Alternative scattering systems • Oxides – H2SO4 or Al2O3 • Metallic particles (10-103 × lower mass) – Disks, micro-balloons or gratings • Resonant (104-106 × lower mass ??) – Encapsulated organic dyes What you might get: • Much lower mass • Spectral selectivity 18 19 Photophoresis Uneven illumination Sun light Temperature gradient across particle Net force toward cool side net force warm cool 20 Gravito-Photophoresis Sunlight warms particle evenly Particles more likely to rebound hot from bottom of particle Sun light Net upward force net force a=0.7 a=0.9 21 Force independent of pressure in middle of atmosphere Force depends on T × p 1 T F a p 4 T …but T depends 1/p S S 4 Solar input T 4 T E Outgoing longwave input from earth 3 T T (T T ) V a p 2 T 4 Radiative cooling Conduction So force ~ altitude independent until radiative conductive heat loss @ about 100 km 22 What limits the size of particles that can be levitated? The mass-specific force instantaneous force proportional to 1/r But, net gravito-photophoretic force declines as r3 for particle radii below ~1 m because the orienting torque becomes overwhelmed by Brownian motion as r0. 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 23 Gravity is not the only way to break symmetry Magnetic or electrostatic torques can greatly exceed gravitational torques for small particles in the upper atmosphere. Consider the 1 m radius sphere (Rohatschek) in which the center of mass is displaced 0.1 m from the geometric center. A similar magnetite sphere with magnetization of 105 J T-1 m-3 would feel magnetic torques that exceeded gravitational torque by a factor of ~8,000 at the typical terrestrial magnetic field strength of 0.5×10-4 T Similarly, a sphere of barium titanate13, a common ferroelectric, with residual charge of 2×10-3 C m-2 would experience a torque 750 times the gravitational torque in the typical atmospheric electric field of 100 V/m. 24 Conceptual design: A levitated disk Radius ~10 m 50 nm Al2O3 Al BaTiO3 Magnetite (Fe3O4) ~500 X 500 nm Electric field 100-200 V/m Magnetic field -4 10 T Lifting force Poleward force 25 26 Photophoretic levitation of nano-engineered scatterers for climate engineering 1. Long atmospheric lifetimes Lower cost and impact of replenishment Can afford more elaborately engineered scatters 2. Particles above the stratosphere less ozone impact. 3. The ability to concentrate scattering particles near the poles Concentrate climate engineering where it’s needed most. 4. Non-spherical scattering particle designs Minimal forward scattering. Advanced designs that are spectrally selective. 27 28 29 Is climate control impossible? Chaos = extreme sensitivity to initial conditions × One might assume: Weather is chaotic control is impossible Improved observations Improved models Improved analysis/forecast systems See Ross Hoffman, “Controlling the global weather”, Bulletin of the American Metrological Society February 2002 : 241-248 t2 X-29 NASA-DFRC Not so! Control of chaotic systems requires four things 1. A model (initial conditions future state). 2. Observations. 3. An appropriate lever. 4. Feedback. t1 A bigger lever Smaller perturbations needed to achieve a given degree of weather control 30 Radiative Forcing Geoengineering instead of mitigation 2000 CO2 Concentration Albedo modification 2050 2100 31 Geoengineering to take the edge of the heat Radiative Forcing Geoengineering instead of mitigation 2000 CO2 Concentration Albedo modification 2050 2100 2000 2050 2100 32 Warning: Moral Hazard Knowledge that geoengineering is possible Climate impacts look less fearsome A weaker commitment to cutting emissions now 33 Value of knowing more about climate engineering Assumptions: 1. The prior probability that climate engineering will reduce climate risk. 2. The cost of research to narrow the uncertainty about the effectiveness of climate engineering. 3. The probability of big climate impacts for CO2 above ~500 ppm. Summary: you need to be very sure that climate engineering will never work, or think that the climate risk is very small to conclude that research is not justified. 35 Questions & Opinions Opinions 1. We need a serious research program – Impacts, methods and implications – International – Need not be large $$ to make enormous progress. 2. Current understanding of climate systems suggests that intelligently executed climate engineering would reduce climate risks. 3. Geoengineering should be treated as a means of managing the worst impacts of climate change, not as a substitute for emissions controls. 4. The science community should expect to loose control. Questions 1. How can we best avoid the geoengineering mitigation trade off? 2. Should we work toward a treaty? Norms? An alternate mechanism? 36 37 Username: carbon Password: graphite 38 Warning: Slippery Slope “Interest in CO2 may generate or reinforce a lasting interest in national or international means of climate and weather modification; once generated, that interest may flourish independent of whatever is done about CO2.” 1982 US National Academy study, Changing Climate. 39 40 Air capture centralized control of diffuse emissions Mt CO2/yr 50 150 largest coal power plants emit ~10% of global CO2 40 The next 1000 largest point sources account for the next ~30% The next 7000 account for the next ~ 15% 30 Distributed and mobile sources account for nearly half of all emissions. 20 10 150 1000 2000 Number of Point Sources Source: Kurt Zenz House, Alliance Bernstein 104 105 Building air capture on conventional process technologies 2005 spray tower A A But, this was with ~100 µm drops and we now know we can make ~20 µm drops at low capital and energy cost. 2008 packed tower Process design overview Temp swing deca Solubility swing anhydrous