Wisconsin SARE Mini-Grant Application Project Title: Project leader: Position: Phone(s): E-mail: Address: Project partners: Anticipated date(s) of project: Project Summary: How will this project advance the environmental, economic, and social sustainability of agriculture in Wisconsin? How will this project contribute to professional development of agricultural educators in the state? How will you disseminate what you learn through this project to other educators? How will you measure the impact of the project on educators, farmers, and others? Budget: Mini-grant funds requested (total): Matching funds source(s) and total amount (no match required) Mini-grant Match (optional) Supplies Travel Printing/publicity Other: ( ) ( ) ( ) Budget narrative: Please note: SARE mini-grant funds cannot be used to provide meals for project participants. Up to $20 may be used to provide coffee, water, or tea for participants. Any other food costs must be justified and directly related to the educational content of the project.