Spreading Log The newsletter of the Professional Nutrient Applicators Association of Wisconsin

Spreading Log
The newsletter of the Professional Nutrient Applicators
Association of Wisconsin
February 21, 2005
 Annual meeting report, ethics
approved, new officers
 Welcome new members
 Dues Due
 Certification opportunities
 Regulations Update
Jeremy Wipperfurth, Dairy Aire Hauling,
Dane, 1 year term at large (filling Jan
Ruhland’s position)
Tim Ransom, T-K Ag Works, Dairen, 2 year
term, Southern Region
Chris Lindstrom (Practical Applications),
Durand, was re-elected to a 2 year term as the
Northwest Regional representative.
A big thank you to Jan Ruhland, Lee
McCarville and Ernie Sundstrom for their
service to the board.
Your officers for 2005 are:
Annual meeting report
The annual meeting of the association was held
January 26 in Wisconsin Dells. Attendees got
an update from both the DNR and Dept of Ag
on proposed changes in manure regulations,
hints on dealing with wet soil applications,
cost-effective tracking of applications using
GPS technology and participated in an active
discussion of ethical manure application.
The Association welcomes one returning and
three new board members for 2005. Newly
elected are:
Brandon Vogel, Right Way Applications,,
Reedsville, 3 year at large term
President: Dave Eisentraut
President-elect: Dana Cook
Secretary: Brandon Vogel
Treasurer: Josh Krull
Board Members
Jerry Blenker
Chris Lindstrom
Jim Mann
Tim Ransom
Jeremy Wipperfurth 608.235.3784
ETHICS: After a sometimes spirited debate,
the membership unanimously approved a
statement of ethics for the association. A copy
of these ethics and standards of conduct are
included with this newsletter. A committee has
been formed to determine how these should be
implemented and to put together a complaint
It must be noted that this statement of ethics
will impact every applicator and farmer in the
state, even if they are not members. When civil
or criminal cases involving any industry reach
the courts, the court often searches for a
standard or benchmark to judge the action in
question against. This statement of ethics will
most likely become that benchmark.
Brandon Vogel , PNAAW Secretary
1148 Cty J
Reedsville WI 54230
Questions about the ethics can be directed to
any board member.
For those firms who are not certified, or want a
refresher on certification, a set of meetings will
be held around the state in March. Watch the
newsletter for more details. (60 people
participated in the Level 3 Training in
Wisconsin Dells. Do they know something you
Annual Dues Due
Association dues for 2005 are $100 for active
applicators and $50 for associate members
(industry/dealers/farmers). Use the enclosed
form. Those that have already renewed for
2005 include:
After All
K&D Manure Handling
Agri-Serve, LLC
Kraus Custom Forage
Animal Slurry Pumping
L&M Industries
Bestul Liquid Manure Transfer
Lemmenes Custom
Big Red (Blenker)
Lundeen Farm Automation
Brandon's Farm Service
McCarville Trucking
Cauffman's Slurry Transfer
Phil’s Pumping and Fab
Cook's Countryside
Practical Applications
Custom Manure (Hefel)
Right Way Applications
D & S Ag Operations
Russel Robaidek, Inc
Dairy Aire
Salsbury Sales and Service
DeBroux Custom Work
Scheidecker Pit Pumping
Eisentraut Ag Services
Schubert Trucking
Fellenz Custom Work
Sundstrom’s Pit Pumping
Folkman Custom Hauling
Superior Manure Handling
T-K Ag Works
Halopka Pumping
Tony’s Custom Work
Hamp Haven
Waste Control Services
Hefel Pumping
Wery’s Dairy Aire
J&S Irrigation
Wohlk Farms
Associate members (industry, farmers) include:
Ag-Chem Equipment
Pagel’s Ponderosa Dairy
Christopherson Farms Innovative Business Engineering
Foxland Harvestore
Maple Leaf Farms
Checks for membership should be made out to
PNAAW and sent to:
Certification Opportunities
Regulations Update
Most of you received a mailing from the state
Department of Agriculture about the upcoming
rule changes and public hearings.
The proposed rule changes for the Fertilizer
Rule are minor, and are designed to let farmers
with digesters/composting operations legally
transfer manure to other farms without paying a
per-ton fee for doing so.
The Livestock Siting rule affects how local
governments can regulate livestock operations.
The Nutrient Management rule will force farms
currently under a nitrogen-based nutrient
management standard (county ordinance) to
adopt the new phosphorus based standard. This
P based standard increases setbacks from
surface water for frozen/snow covered soils and
reduces manure application rates of fields
testing >100 ppm phosphorus.
See the enclosed sheet for more details on the
oposed_rules.html, or call 608-224-4500 for a