PNAAW scholarship form 2015 Word

2015 PNAAW College Scholarship
Information and Application
The Professional Nutrient Applicators Association of Wisconsin (PNAAW) is pleased to
announce the 2015 College Scholarship Program. Up to 3 scholarships will be awarded to
college students who are Active PNAAW members, employees, or their children. Full
details, including the application process, are outlined below.
Eligibility Details
1.Scholarships Awarded: Up to three scholarships may be awarded annually by the
Professional Nutrient Applicators Association of Wisconsin (PNAAW). Scholarships will be
awarded to applicants who plan to enter post-secondary education in the fall of 2015 or
will be continuing their postsecondary education.
2. Scholarship Amount: The total amount of scholarships funded by the PNAAW General
Fund will be determined by the PNAAW Board prior to the posting the application in the
fall. The total funds will be split equally between the selected recipients. For 2015, the
board has chosen to award a total of $1,500.
3. Selection Criteria: Selection will be based on leadership and civic activities, high school
or post-secondary scholastic achievement, work and volunteer activities, with preference
given to those specifically related to production agriculture, and an essay that provides a
vision for the applicant’s educational and vocational future. Preference will be given to
students who have not previously received a PNAAW Scholarship.
4. Eligibility:
a. All applicants must have direct family ties to a current Active Member of PNAAW.
This includes business owners, employees, and their children. Associate Members
are not eligible. For the purposes of the scholarship, PNAAW dues must be current
at the time of application.
b. An application from a family member of an employee must supply a pay stub,
letter or email from the PNAAW member to confirm employment with the PNAAW
member. Private information (Social Security Numbers) should be crossed out.
c. Applications would also be considered if the applicant was directly related (son or
daughter) to a deceased PNAAW member. Deceased member must have been a
Active Member within the two years prior to their death for the application to be
d. Applicants must be enrolled/accepted at an accredited university, college, or
technical school and pursuing a degree or certificate to be eligible to apply.
Preference will be given to those enrolled at least half time (6 credit hours).
5. Application Process: Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application form that
will be available after July 1 on the PNAAW web site
6. Timing: Applications must be submitted to the Chair of the PNAAW Scholarship
Committee and are due on the August 5th 2015. The PNAAW Scholarship Committee will be
comprised of three Board members and will review applicants by August 30th. The
submission address for the scholarship will be listed on the application form. Winning
applicants will be notified on or around September 15.
7. Award Presentation: The award will be given to the recipients at the annual PNAAW
meeting in January.
8. Fund Disbursement: Funds will be made available after the end of the fall semester.
Winners must provide a transcript to the Chair of the Scholarship Committee showing
that they have attained a 2.5 GPA (on a 4.00 scale) during that semester. The PNAAW
Board Treasurer will present the award check at the annual meeting in January, or, with
extenuating circumstances, will mail a check to the student if criterion is met and the
student is unable to attend.
Scholarship applications must be received by August 5, 2015 to be considered. The full
application, along with supporting documentation, should be mailed to:
PNAAW Scholarship Committee
% Dana Cook
S7701 Denzer Road
North Freedom, WI 53951
2015 PNAAW College Scholarship Application
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________
City:___________________________________________State:________ Zip Code:________________
Name of Eligible PNAAW Member Firm: ___________________________________________
Business owner: _______
Relationship to PNAAW Member/Employee of PNAAAW: ______________________
Proof of employment (pay stub, letter from business owner) attached? _____
Post-Secondary Educational Institutions enrolled at/accepted at (name/city/state):
Post-Secondary Areas of Study under Consideration:
High School Attended (name, city, state):
The application requires your signature below. Your signature on the application
indicates that the information in the application is complete and correct to the best of your
Signature:__________________________________________ Date:____________________
Applicants must provide the following information to PNAAW Scholarship Committee along with
the signed application Cover Page.
Scholastic Achievement:
Please provide official documentation concerning your high school grade point average, ACT or SAT
exam scores and class rank. If your high school does not provide class rank data, then a letter from
appropriate high school official must be provided. These data must be provided by a high school
official and sent to the PNAAW Scholarship Chair directly by that official. The data should be
accompanied by a letter from the official on school letterhead. Students who have completed one
full year of college (full time) should substitute college a college transcript for these requirements.
Academic and Civic Involvement and Leadership:
Provide a chronological list of activities demonstrating your level of involvement and leadership
during your high school/college career. You should include any awards or honors in this section.
Please emphasize activities related to production agriculture. Please limit this section of the
application to no more than two pages, single spaced.
Please write an essay (no more than two pages, double-space, 12 point font) to help the Selection
Committee understand your future goals and how your educational plans will help these goals
become a reality.