Check List for Doing a Community Service Learning Class Dates for Fall Quarter 2008 Preperation before the class: By April 2008 Attend a faculty training and Community Links training. Decide if you want the class designated in the schedule with an S. Ensure all CSL forms are submitted before course begins. Submit to the ICCE Office when you submit your schedule to your department. Forms: o Commitment Form March 2008 o CSL Proposal Sheet April 2008 o Develop syllabus July 2008 Procedures for Approving Designation as a Community Service Learning Course 1. Faculty commit to ICCE staff that they will have CSL component in course. Complete the Faculty Commitment registration form which includes a brief description of the probable service assignment(s), including, as known, specifics on hours and/or work products expected, and an explanation of how students will be prepared for their service placement. 2. Ensure all CSL faculty materials are submitted by each faculty member before course begins. 3. Courses and sections to receive the CSL designation shall be identified by the department/division in the appropriate Schedule of Classes. - If multiple sections of the same course are offered, only those with the CSL components will be identified. - Departments shall be responsible for removing or changing CSL designations for each succeeding Schedule of Classes. - ICCE staff will be working with Divisions/Departments schedulers to achieve this step. 6-4-08 Update Check List for Doing a Community Service Learning Class When planning your class: Design element of the class that lends itself to CSL Participate in an orientation with partner agencies/organizations. Work with ICCE to match projects you’d like students to do with appropriate community partners. Enter your class roster and projects into ICCE database. Design assignments for assessing student learning. Require students to integrate the learning derived from service with subject matter learning outcomes through relevant reflective activities such as guided discussions, journal assignments, written assignments, and/or class presentations. Evaluate students’ abilities to integrate the learning derived from service with subject matter learning outcomes, not merely on performance of community activities. This evaluation should contribute directly to student grades. Prepare handouts for class, such as time sheets, and list of placement options. Maintain and verify students’ volunteer hours. During the Class: Introduce students to the principles of community service learning. Consider having community partners make presentation to class. Train students in appropriate behavior for placement. Require students to complete no less than 12 hours per course of direct academically relevant community service. Maintain and verify students’ volunteer hours. After class: September/October 2008 December 2008 Check in with community partners about how the placements went and what could be done better next time. Makes sure the community partner/ completes the community partner evaluation (see ICCE). 6-4-08 Update