Diagnostic Paper and Evaluation Rubric

EWRT 200 Diagnostic Paper, Writing Assignment #1
The first writing assignment will help me determine how to direct your individual
needs. Although the grade won’t influence your final score in the class, I will
evaluate your paper to understand your writing and reading skills better and make
recommendations for your success in the class—including out of class work at the
Student Success Center.
Using Tallent’s “No One’s a Mystery” and/or Hughes’ “Mother to Son” respond to
ONE of the following questions:
1. How does the writer convey meaning with images? Consider “meat loaf” or
“vanilla” or “5 year diary” or “crystal stair” or “dark” or “reaching landings”.
Remember, writers show instead of tell. How do you learn about the
characters and conflict through the descriptions of images in the story or
poem? Do the words paint a picture that gives meaning?
2. Pick one or more character and describe what is their conflict or motivation
or desire. Do you think they will achieve what they want? Why or why not?
3. What does the story and/or poem reveal about the theme of expectations?
Do you think there is a lesson? Do you think the ending is satisfying?
4. Using the title, think about how it reflects the entire story. What is the
1. You will write for 45 minutes during class.
2. You can use any notes or materials.
3. You can ask me questions.
4. You will write at least 2 full paragraphs
5. Each paragraph should have 1 main focus
6. Each paragraph will include examples (from the text and your experiences)
7. Remember to use specific details and explain your ideas and opinions fully.
When responding to literature, keep in mind that there are MANY different
interpretations that are equally effective. Our own experiences form our opinions.
There is not one “right” answer. The most effective responses engage with the text fully
to find meaning.
Reserve 5-10 minutes at the end for proofreading.
EWRT 200 Diagnostic
Evaluation Sheet
Name: __________________________________
 The writer demonstrates paragraph focus and unity.
The writer shows some paragraph control, but needs more work on
The writer needs practice and review on organization.
 The writer uses specific and detailed examples to support the thinking.
The writer uses some examples, but needs more specificity.
The writer needs to add more examples and detail.
 The writer provides strong analysis and developed explanation of the examples.
The writer provides some analysis/interpretation but could go deeper here.
The writer has little or none of this and needs to provide it.
 The writer is showing excellent control of sentence structure and grammar.
The writer shows good control of sentence structure and grammar.
The writer needs to spend much more time on grammar and sentence structure.