Institutional Assessment Planning

Institutional Planning and
Assessment at De Anza
(a proposal)
Purpose of the Proposal
• To align assessment efforts with program
review and with institutional planning
• To create a process that aligns with the
Educational Master Plan
The Educational Master Plan document reveals
• Who we are
• What we have accomplished
• What assessment reveals about our work and
our environment
• What plans we have for the future
Ed Master
6 year Program
Program Review
Proposal to facilitate alignment
The IPBT program review process and document
should concretely connect assessment,
program review and planning.
Proposal to facilitate alignment
The Comprehensive PR Report should:
-align with the format of the Education Master
-should separate fact from analysis
-should provide a clear path for data to be
tracked from assessment to institutional
-should provide a clear path for resource
allocations to institutional planning
Comprehensive Program Review
Proposed Structure :
Section I:
Describe the program, its outcomes and
its function within the institution
Assessment Methods
Section II:
Describe the methods used to research,
assess and analyze the effectiveness of
the program.
Program Effectiveness:
Reflection and Enhancement
Section III. Describe:
• Program Assessment Results
• Enhancements
• Current budget allocations.
• Resource request and its justification
• How you will assess the impact of the
resource allocation
Our needs from this group today:
• Discuss the concept that the Comprehensive
Program Review (CPR) should inform the
Educational Master plan
• Approve or modify this proposal that places
CPR on the 6 year assessment cycle in relation
to the review of the Ed. Master Plan, College
Mission and Strategic Initiatives
• Approve or modify the overall structure of the
CPR as proposed.