COCOMO II.2000 Scale Driver Descriptions Scale Drivers Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High PREC thoroughly unprecedented FLEX† rigorous largely unprecedented occasional relaxation Somewhat unprecedented some relaxation little (20%) some (40%) Often (60%) largely familiar some conformity mostly (90%) thoroughly familiar general goals RESL‡ generally familiar general conformity generally (75%) TEAM very difficult interactions PMAT SW-CMM Level 1 Lower basically largely highly cooperative cooperative cooperative interactions SW-CMM SW-CMM SW-CMM SW-CMM Level 1 Upper Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 or the estimated Process Maturity Level some difficult interactions full (100%) seamless interactions † degree of required adherence to stated system requirements. percentage of module interfaces specified subjectively averaged with the percentage of known significant risks mitigated. ‡ © 1999-2000 USC Center for Software Engineering. All Rights Reserved 612916866 SW-CMM Level 5 COCOMO II.2000 Post-Architecture Cost Driver Descriptions Cost Drivers Very Low Low Nominal High Very High RELY slight inconvenience low, easily recoverable losses Moderate, easily recoverable losses high financial loss risk to human life (DB bytes / Pgm SLOC) < 10 10 D/P < 100 100 D/P < 1000 D/P > 1000 DATA CPLX See Table 2.19 RUSE DOCU many lifecycle needs uncovered none across project some lifecycle needs uncovered correct amount for lifecycle needs 50% use of available execution time 50% use of available storage TIME STOR PVOL across product line excessive for lifecycle needs very excessive for lifecycle needs 70% use 85% use 95% use 70% use 85% use 95% use major change every 12 mo.; minor change every 1 mo. 35th percentile 35th percentile 24% / year 6 months 6 months 6 months major: 6 mo.; minor: 2 wk. major: 2 mo.; minor: 1 wk. major: 2 wk.; minor: 2 days 55th percentile 55th percentile 12% / year 1 year 1 year 1 year 75th percentile 75th percentile 6% / year 3 years 3 years 3 years 90th percentile 90th percentile 3% / year 6 years 6 years 6 years strong, mature, proactive lifecycle tools, well integrated with processes, methods, reuse 15th percentile 15th percentile 48% / year 2 months 2 months 2 months TOOL edit, code, debug simple, frontend, backend CASE, little integration Basic lifecycle tools, moderately integrated strong, mature lifecycle tools, moderately integrated international multi-city and multi-company multi-city or multi-company same city or metro area same building or complex some phone, mail individual phone, FAX narrow-band email 75% of nominal 85% of nominal 100% of nominal wide-band electronic communication. 130% of nominal wide-band elect. comm, occasional video conf. 160% of nominal SCED © 1999-2000 USC Center for Software Engineering. All Rights Reserved across multiple product lines across program ACAP PCAP PCON APEX PLEX LTEX SITE: Collocation SITE: Communication Extra High 612916866 fully collocated interactive multimedia