Entity Modeling Pratt & Adamski, Ch 6 Design Methodology Data Modeling The Pratt and Adamski approach is not a standard MIS view. Data Modeling CS Start with reports and forms Identify attributes Identify tables Normalize MIS Approach Start with a narrative description Identify entities Design table structure Check for normalization MIS Data Modeling Top-down approach Begins with a model of the firm Focuses on tables and relationships Begins by modeling entities and adds attributes later Normalization used as a confirmation rather than design tool Life Cycle Enterprise Design: major components Entities and relationships in context Conceptual Design: business needs Tables and attributes independent of DBMS Physical Design: technology design Entities, attributes, constraints, associative tables, etc. as they will be built Enterprise Design Determine the entities and relationships that interact with the proposed system. Don’t model attributes, constraints or tables necessary to implement relational structures or sub-classes Enterprise Model Customer SalesRep Order Product Supplier Conceptual Design Determine the model of the system independent of the DBMS that will be used for physical implementation. System entities, primary keys, attributes, relationships, constraints. No associative entities, foreign keys or sub-classes. Conceptual Model Customer SalesRep CustomerID (PK) Name Address SalesRepID (PK) Name Address Order OrderNumber (PK) Date Product ProductNum (PK) Description Price Category Relational and Physical Design Produce a detailed model of the ultimate system. Model a complete normalized system. Then denormalize selectively to improve the operational characteristics of the final database. Relational Model Customer SalesRep CustomerID (PK) SalesRepID (FK) Name Address SalesRepID (PK) Name Address Product Order OrderNumber (PK) CustomerID (FK) Date Order-Product ProdNum (PK/FK) OrderNum (PK/FK) ProductNum (PK) Description Price Category Entity Modeling Represent each entity as a table Determine the attributes for each entity Determine the relationships among the entities Definition: Schema Notation TableName( {attributes} ) Primary keys are underlined or denoted “PK” Alternate keys are denoted “AK” Secondary keys are denoted “SK” Foreign keys are denoted “FK” Faculty(FacID, Name, Office, Dept (FK)) E-R Diagrams (P&A notation) Entities Table Name Primary Key (PK) Attributes (FK, SK) Attributes E-R Diagrams (P&A notation) Relationships: 1 to many 1 m Department Employee Department Employee E-R Diagrams (P&A notation) Relationships: many to many m n Student Class Student Class Data Modeling