Factor Analysis Principles (Principle Component vs. Common Factor)

Principle Components Analysis
• A method for data reduction
Factor Analytic Techniques
• Reduce the number of variables
• Detect structure in the relationships
among variables
Principal Factor Analysis
(Common Factor Analysis)
• A method for detecting structure
Y = XB + E
• In the preceding equation, X is the matrix of
factor scores, and B' is the factor pattern.
There are two critical assumptions:
• The unique factors are uncorrelated with each
• The unique factors are uncorrelated with the
common factors.
– is the value of the ith observation on the jth variable
– is the value of the ith observation on the kth common factor
– is the regression coefficient of the kth common factor for predicting the jth
– is the value of the ith observation on the jth unique factor
– is the number of common factors
Sample Dimensions
Y = XB + E
Y – (n x p)
X – (n x q)
B – (q x p)
E – (n x p)
Random Variable Dimensions
Y = XB + E
Y – (1 x p)
X – (1 x q)
B – (q x p)
E – (1 x p)
Principal Factor Factor Analysis – (a.k.a. Principal Axis Factoring and
sometimes even Principal
Components Factoring!) Come up with initial estimates of the communality for
each variable and replace
the diagonals in the correlation matrix with those. Then do principal
components and take the first m
loadings. Because you have taken out the specificity the error matrix should be
much closer to a diagonal
matrix. There are various initial estimates used for the initial communalities: the
absolute value of the
maximum correlation of that variable with any of the others, the squared
multiple correlation coefficient for
predicting that variable from the others in multiple regression, and the
corresponding diagonal element
from the inverse of the correlation matrix. There seems to be no agreement on
which is best… but the first
is a slight bit easier to program.