DE ANZA COLLEGE ESL 261.06L LOW ADVANCED LISTENING AND SPEAKING WINTER 2016 WELCOME TO ESL 261! CLASS INFORMATION I am so happy to spend the quarter with you. I will do my best to create an interesting and challenging class with many opportunities for learning and practicing English, but you are the key—you will get out of this class what you choose to put into it. Instructor: Gretchen Himes PREREQUISITES Successful completion of ESL 251 or qualifying score on the ESL placement test. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Room: L33 Time: F 9:30 to 12:20 Email: Telephone: Office hours: I am available after every class, so please feel free to stay and talk. Thursday online from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Email, call, or text with questions. Demonstrate understanding of essential points of discussions or speeches on selected academic topics. Demonstrate listening comprehension of a variety of level-specific materials, including academic lectures, newscasts, dialogues and stories by taking notes and answering questions. REQUIRED MATERIALS Academic Encounters: Listening and Speaking 4 2nd ed. with DVD Pearson Interactive English add code (The code will be provided in class.) A account (The code will be provided in class and on Course Studio) Internet access (available at De Anza College) A folder or binder to stay organized 8.5 x 11 college ruled notebook paper 3 x 5 or 4 x 6 notecards GRADING CRITERIA CLASS PARTICIPATION 5% To help make this class more fun and productive, be in your seat at the beginning of class ready to work. You will often work collaboratively (together) with your classmates. You are expected to participate fully in class, small group, and paired activities HOMEWORK 5% Homework includes assignments from ypur presentations, Acedemic Encounters, and Pearson Interactive English 1 PRESENTATIONS 20% You will give individual and group presentations. More information will be given later in class and on Course Studio. QUIZZES 20% We will have several online and in-class quizzes that will test items covered in the homework and in the previous class. Missed quizzes cannot be made up, but I will drop the lowest score. MIDTERM EXAM 20% FINAL EXAM 20% The midterm and final will include class material, material from the text, listening comprehension, summarizing, paraphrasing, and vocabulary. Missed exams cannot be made up. Students may not take the final exam early except under very special circumstances such as medical reasons. An early flight for a vacation does not count. EXTRA CREDIT +3% If you wish to have extra practice listening and speaking and earn some extra credit, consider joining the CCP program or taking a Listening and Speaking Center Workshop. Through CCP you will be matched with a partner with a different language background than yours. You will meet for at least five hours during the quarter. You will write a journal about your meetings, which will be due near the end of the quarter. Sign up at and register under HIMES:ESL261-02. (up to 3% possible) -ORYou may earn 1% extra credit for attending each workshop at the Listening and Speaking Center. You may choose from the Pronunciation Workshop, the Presentation Skills Workshop or the Listening Skills Workshop. (up to 3% possible) GRADING SCALE: A= 90%--100%; B= 80%--89%; C= 70%--79%; D= 60%--69%; F= 59% and below KEYS TO SUCCESS PEARSON ENGLISH INTERACTIVE 4 (PEI ) ONLINE LANGUAGE LEARNING PROGRAM You will be assigned homework in PEI 4 online. I will provide the access codes. You will be responsible for following the homework schedule on this syllabus. The quizzes will automatically close at the end of the quarter, and if you miss the close time, you will loose points for that quiz. You cannot make up quizzes. Do any activities in PEI that you wish, just complete at least 100 and spend a minimum of 5 hours on activities during the quarter. I assigned all the quizzes and tests, but you only need to submit 25 of your choice. 2 METTING WITH THE INSTRUCTOR Students are often afraid to come talk to instructors about problems or confusion they have about assignments. American instructors want and expect you to come to them, so please don’t be afraid to ask for help. I am available to meet after class on Friday. Email or call for help if that is more convenient. Remember, the earlier you come see me, the better I can help you. COURSE STUDIO I will post required materials on Course Studio. Log into MyPortal. Go to the “My Courses” box at the top left. Click on the “Go to My Courses and Instructor Email” link. Click on “Low Adv Listening/Speakg.” You will need to print out the materials and bring them to class. ATTENDANCE Attendance is very important in this class. You must come on time to every class. If you come late or miss class, it will affect your participation points and lower your final grade. You might also miss a quiz. If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to look on Course Studio, get the assignments for the following day and come to class prepared. If you stop coming to class, I may drop you or give you a “W.” LABS AND TUTORING Writing and Reading Center (WRC) in AT 309 -- De Anza Listening and Speaking Center in AT 304 -- Tutorial and Academic Skills Center in L 47 -- Counseling/Academic Advising -- ACADEMIC WORD LIST This is a list of 570 word families that you will need to be successful in your college work. You can access the list at ONLINE LEARNER’S DICTIONARIES These online learner’s dictionaries will help you to stop translating. Merriam-Webster Learner Dictionary -- Newbury House Dictionary Online -- (Don’t type www.) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online -- Collins Dictionary -- 3 Asking Classmates for Information and Help You may find it helpful to get the contact information of two classmates. However, you are not required to give this information to anyone. Classmate #1 Name Cell Email Classmate #2 Name Cell Email EXPECTATIONS ACCADEMIC HONESTY -- CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM You are expected to do your own work at all times. I encourage you to get help from others on most assignments, but the work must remain your own. If you turn in any work that is not your own or copy anything from anyone or anywhere or allow someone to copy your work, you will automatically fail the assignment/exam/quiz and may be dropped from the class or fail the course. Please see the online Student Handbook under “Academic Integrity” for further information. BAHAVIOR You are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards the instructor and classmates. In cases of disruptive behavior, I will enforce all policies and procedures set forth in the Standards of Student Conduct (see catalog). Any student disrupting a class may be asked to leave that class. Administrative follow-up may result. CELL PHONES The classroom is for class activities. Please silence put away your communication devices during class except to use for research. No emailing, texting, tweeting, Facebook or anything else during class. Don’t even read messages. If I see you using your electronic device for non-class purposes during class or it rings, you will have to bring cookies to the next class meeting for everyone. If you are a caretaker, you can put your phone on vibrate. IMPORTANT DATES Last day to add …………………………………………………………………… Saturday, January 16 Last day to drop for a refund ………………………………………………. Sunday, January 17 Last day to drop a class with no grade ………………………………... Monday, January 18 Last day to request Pass/No Pass grade ………………………………. Friday, January29 Presidents’ Day (no school) ………………………………………….………… Friday, February 12 Last day to drop with a “W” ………………………………………………… Friday, February 26 Final Exam ………………………………………………………………………….. Friday, March. 25, 9:15-11:15 am 4