Transdyne Corporation SCAMPI Class A, B, C ID No. 0100145-01 Contributing Factors Determining the Sufficiency of COCOMO-Based Estimation Processes in SCAMPISM Appraisals 23rd International Forum on COCOMO and Systems/Software Cost Modeling and ICM Workshop 3 Dr. Mary Anne Herndon Certified SCAMPI A, B and C Appraiser Transdyne Corporation, San Diego, CA October 27 2008 SM CMM Integration, SCAMPI, SCAMPI Lead Assessor, SCAMPI Lead Appraiser, and SEI are service marks of Carnegie Mellon University. CMM and CMMI are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University. Contributing Factors Determining the Sufficiency of COCOMO-Based Estimation Processes in SCAMPISM Appraisals Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Agenda • Overview of the SCAMPI Family • Three Phases of a SCAMPI Appraisal • The Rules for Verification of Appraisal Evidence • Expected SCAMPI Lead Appraiser Competencies and Behaviors • Overview of CMMI-DEV v1.2 Model and COCOMO-based Estimation Processes • Examples of Contributing Factors in Process Areas • Benefits and Summary 2 SEI SCAMPI Reference Documents SCAMPI Method Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Reference Documents • Appraisal Requirements for CMMI (ARC) v1.2 (CMU/SEI-2006-TR-011), 2006 • SCAMPI Lead Appraiser SM Body of Knowledge (SLA BOK) (CMU/SEI-2007-TR-019), 2007 Class A • Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement Method Definition Document (MDD) v1.2 (CMU/SEI-2006-HB-002), 2006 Class B and C • Handbook for Conducting Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) B and C Appraisals (CMU/SEI-2005-HB-005), 2005 Class A, B, and C 3 Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Three Classes of SCAMPI Appraisal Methods Overview of SCAMPI Methods Institutionalization A SCAMPI B provides options in model and organizational scope, but characterization of practices is fixed to one scale and is performed on implemented practices. Depth of investigation SCAMPI A is the most rigorous method and is the only method that can result in ratings (benchmark). B Deployment SCAMPI C provides a wide range of options, including characterization of planned approaches to process implementation according to a scale defined by the user. C Plans Breadth of tailoring 4 SCAMPI Method Appraisal Phases SCAMPI Phase Activities Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Relevant When Implementing COCOMO-Based Estimation Processes There are three phases of a SCAMPI appraisal Phase 1 - Plan and Prepare for the Appraisal Yes Phase 2 - Conduct Appraisal Yes Phase 3 - Report Results Reporting results obtained in Phases 1 and 2 5 Phase 1 Requirements – Plan and Prepare for the Appraisal Requirement Types of objective evidence gathered* SCAMPI A Documents AND interviews SCAMPI B Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum SCAMPI C Documents AND interviews Documents OR interviews Class A Ratings generated* Goal ratings required No ratings allowed No ratings allowed Organizational Unit coverage* Required Not required Not required Minimum team size* 4 2 1 Appraisal Team Leader requirements SCAMPI A Lead Appraiser SCAMPI B and C Team Leader SCAMPI B and C Team Leader Appraisal Input Statement and Plan signed by Sponsor Yes Yes Yes Class B Class C * Requirement Relevant When Implementing COCOMO-Based Estimation Processes 6 Phase 1 Requirements – Plan and Prepare for the Appraisal (Continued) Requirement SCAMPI A SCAMPI B Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum SCAMPI C Team members complete Intro to CMMI and some form of team training Yes Yes Yes – if a team is used Some form of Readiness Review * Yes Yes No Class A Objective evidence collection plan* Required Criteria for team * experience in engineering and management Yes Required Required Class B Yes Yes (may not be met but Class C must be documented) * Requirement Relevant When Implementing COCOMO-Based Estimation Processes 7 Phase 2 Requirements - Conduct Appraisal Requirement SCAMPI A Direct Artifacts reviewed* Yes Some form of Interviews conducted* Yes Sources of objective evidence (interviews, documentation, instruments)* 2 Interviews conducted by at least 2 team members* Yes Observations corroborated* Yes SCAMPI B Yes Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum SCAMPI C No * * One type of objective evidence collection is required Yes No* * One type of objective evidence collection is required 2 1 Class A Yes No Class B Yes No Class C Validation of preliminary findings* Yes Yes No * Requirement Relevant When Implementing COCOMO-Based Estimation Processes 8 SCAMPI Phase 2 “Conduct Appraisal” Processes Process Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Description • Examine objective evidence • Document objective evidence (data sufficiency) • Verify objective evidence ( practice strengths & weakness) • Practice Characterization Class A – Fully Implemented (FI) Largely Implemented (LI) Partially Implemented (PI) Not Implemented (NI) Not Yet (NY) Appraisal Team Class B – Green, Yellow, Red Class C – High, Medium, Low (optional) • Validate preliminary appraisal outputs • Generate appraisal results Class A - Goal Rating, Maturity and Capability Levels, final findings, Appraisal Disclosure Statement (ADS) Class B and C – characterizations (optional in C), final findings, ADS 9 Phase 3 Requirements – Report Results Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Activities Common requirements for all SCAMPI Classes: • Appraisal Requirements for CMMI (ARC) v1.2 (CMU/SEI-2006-TR-011), 2006 • Designated appraisal results shall be provided to the stakeholders identified in the appraisal plan • The appraisal record shall be delivered to the appraisal sponsor • The appraisal data package shall be submitted to the CMMI Steward The following items must be submitted to the CMMI steward: • Appraisal plan, including the appraisal input • Appraisal findings – strength and/or weakness statements • Appraisal Disclosure Statement (ADS) • Record of Entry SAS 10 The Types of Evidence used in SCAMPI Appraisals Process Implementation Indicators (Evidence) Direct Artifact Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Description and Examples The tangible outputs associated with implementation of a CMMI practice. Example: COCOMO output data provided by a project participating in the appraisal Indirect Artifact Evidence that is a consequence of implementing a practice, but not the primary purpose of the practice. Example: Minutes of project planning meeting discussing the use of COCOMO. Affirmations Oral/written evidence confirming/supporting implementation of a practice (or lack of implementation) typically obtained by interviews or presentations and provided usually by the person performing the work. Example: During a presentation, the project manager states that “he/she was responsible for implementing COCOMO on the project”. 11 Rules for Types of Evidence used in SCAMPI Appraisals Process Implementation Indicators (Evidence) Class A Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Data Coverage and Sufficiency Each practice must have at least one direct artifact and indirect/affirmation. For each goal, at least 50% of the cells in the participating projects must have at least one affirmation. Class B Each practice must have at least direct artifact and there must be at least one affirmation from the set of projects participating in the appraisal for each practice. Class C Each practice must have at least one direct or indirect or affirmation as evidence. References • Appraisal Requirements for CMMI (ARC) v1.2 (CMU/SEI-2006-TR-011), 2006 • Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement Method Definition Document (MDD) v1.2 (CMU/SEI-2006-HB-002), 2006 • Handbook for Conducting Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) B and C Appraisals (CMU/SEI-2005-HB-005), 2005 12 Rules for Corroboration of Evidence SCAMPI Class Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Corroboration Requirement Class A and B The objective evidence is obtained from at least two different sources. At least one of the two sources must reflect work actually being done (e.g. process area implementation) Class C Not required References • Appraisal Requirements for CMMI (ARC) v1.2 (CMU/SEI-2006-TR-011), 2006 • Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement Method Definition Document (MDD) v1.2 (CMU/SEI-2006-HB-002), 2006 • Handbook for Conducting Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) B and C Appraisals (CMU/SEI-2005-HB-005), 2005 13 SCAMPI Lead Appraiser SM Body of Knowledge (SLA BOK) Competency Cluster - MDD Knowledge Area (KA) Mapping Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Competency Cluster COCOMO Relevant MDD Knowledge Area (KA) Competency Cluster COCOMO Relevant MDD Knowledge Area (KA) 1. Achieving & Managing Agreements KA 3 Managing Objective Evidence 6. Understanding & Adapting to Organizational Context* KA 1 Appraisal Planning KA 4 Judging Processes 2. Decision Making and Problem Solving KA 2 Preparing Team & Participants KA 3 Managing Objective Evidence 7. Model Interpretation* KA 1 KA 2 KA 3 KA 4 KA 5 3. Project Planning & Management* KA 2 Preparing Team & Participants KA 3 Managing Objective Evidence 8. SCAMPI Method Tailoring, Adaptation* KA 3 Managing Objective Evidence KA 4 Judging Processes 4. Interpersonal Communication & facilitation KA 3 Managing Objective Evidence KA 4 Judging Processes 9. Professionalism KA 4 Judging Processes Lead appraiser 5. Integration, Articulation, and Expression of Information* KA 3 Managing Objective Evidence KA 4 Judging Processes * Higher Maturity addressed in these Competency Clusters Appraisal Planning Preparing Team & Participants Managing Objective Evidence Judging Processes Reporting Outcomes Appraisal team 14 CMMI v1.2-DEV: Continuous and Staged Representations Category Process Areas Including IPPD Organizational Process Focus Process Management Organizational Process Definition + IPPD Organizational Training Organizational Process Performance Organizational Innovation and Deployment Level Process Areas 5 Optimizing Organizational Innovation and Deployment Causal Analysis and Resolution 4 Managed Organizational Process Performance Quantitative Project Management 3 Defined Integrated Project Management + IPPD Risk Management Decision Analysis and Resolution Organizational Process Focus Organizational Process Definition + IPPD Organizational Training Requirements Development Technical Solution Product Integration Verification Validation 2 Managed Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control Supplier Agreement Management Configuration Management Process and Product Quality Assurance Measurement and Analysis Requirements Management Project Planning Project Management Project Monitoring and Control Supplier Agreement Management Integrated Project Management + IPPD Risk Management Quantitative Project Management Engineering Requirements Management Requirements Development Technical Solution Product Integration Verification Validation Support Configuration Management Process and Product Quality Assurance Measurement and Analysis Causal Analysis and Resolution Decision Analysis and Resolution Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum 1 Initial 15 15 Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Overview: CMMI-DEV v1.2 Process Areas (PAs) and COCOMO-Based Estimation Processes Configuration Management Process and Product Quality Assurance Measurement and Analysis Causal Analysis and Resolution Decision Analysis and Resolution Support PAs Organization planning improvement of estimation process Process Management PAs Organizational Process Focus Organizational Process Definition Organizational Training Organizational Process Performance Organizational Innovation and Deployment Generic Goals Requirements Management Requirements Development Technical Solution Product Integration Verification Validation (Institutionalization) COCOMO Model Estimating Process Engineering PAs Project Management PAs Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control Supplier Agreement Management Integrated Project Management Risk Management Quantitative Project Management Appraisal team verifying COCOMO-based estimation evidence 16 Examples of Contributing Factors in SCAMPI Appraisal Phases 1 and 2 for Process Management Process Areas (Capability/Maturity Levels 1 - 3) Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Process Areas Phase 1: Appraisal Planning Phase 2: Conduct Appraisal (Evidence) OPD, OPF, OT Sufficient time and resources for institutionalization of organizational and defined project estimation processes, including tailoring criteria and any staff COCOMO training Improvement estimates for estimation Verbal Affirmations (interviews & presentations) Project managers, process engineers, higher level managers, COCOMO experienced staff and trainers Historical sufficiency of COCOMObased estimation measurements for relevant projects Identification of business goals for improving project estimation A “thread” of planned defined estimation process and implementation, including estimation data, completed project plans, COCOMO outputs, thresholds for tracking project completion, analysis of “significant variances” Improvement information of estimation process, such as lessons learned, measurements, action plans,.etc. Peer reviews of estimation process QA audits of estimation process Relevant appraisal findings Training plan, record of staff/project managers responsible for COCOMO; measures of effectiveness 17 Examples of Contributing Factors in SCAMPI Appraisal Phases 1 and 2 for Process, Project Management and Support Process Areas Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum (Higher Capability/Maturity Levels) Process Areas Phase 1: Appraisal Planning Phase 2: Conduct Appraisal (Evidence) CAR, OID, OPP, QPM Business goals linked to estimation process performance model A “thread” of projects using estimation process and implementation of process model, defined process/subprocess including ranges for tracking project completion, analysis of special and common cause variations Verbal Affirmations (interviews & presentations): Project managers, process engineers, higher level managers, COCOMO experienced staff Historical sufficiency of COCOMO-based estimation measurements Sufficient time for statistical stabilization of estimation process Improvement information of estimation process, such as lessons learned, measurements, action plans, etc. Peer reviews of process performance model Candidate realistic (process and innovative) improvements in estimation process linked to documented business goals Adequate resources to develop process performance models to improve project estimation Causal analysis reports of defects/improvements in current COCOMObased estimation process Action and deployment plans and results of improvements 18 Examples of Contributing Factors in SCAMPI Appraisal Phases 1 and 2 for Project Management Process Areas (Capability/Maturity Levels 1 - 3) Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum Process Areas Phase 1: Appraisal Planning Phase 2: Conduct Appraisal (Evidence) IPM, PP, PMC, RSKM, SAM Sufficient time and resources for institutionalization of organizational and defined project estimation processes, including tailoring plan and any staff COCOMO training A “thread” of planned defined estimation process and implementation, including estimation data, completed project plans, COCOMO outputs, thresholds for tracking project completion, analysis of “significant variances” Verbal Affirmations (interviews & presentations) Project managers, process engineers, higher level managers, COCOMO experienced staff Historical sufficiency of COCOMObased estimation measurements Appropriate risk management strategy Tracking and completion of project action items, as appropriate Appropriate risk identification and management of projects Improvement information of estimation process, such as lessons learned, measurements, completed action plans Peer reviews & QA audits of estimation process Training plan and record of staff/project managers responsible for COCOMO 19 Examples of Contributing Factors for SCAMPI Appraisal Phases 1 and 2 for Engineering and Support Process Areas Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum (Capability/Maturity Levels 1 - 3) Process Areas Phase 1: Appraisal Planning Phase 2: Conduct Appraisal (Evidence) RD, REQM PI, TS, VAL, VER Sufficient time and resources for institutionalization of organizational and defined project estimation processes, including any staff COCOMO training A “thread” of planned defined estimation process and implementation, including estimation data, completed project plans, complexity measures, COCOMO outputs, thresholds for tracking project completion, analysis of “significant variances” CM, DAR, MA, PPQA Verbal Affirmations (interviews & presentations) Project managers, process engineers, higher level managers, COCOMO experienced staff Historical sufficiency of COCOMO-based estimation measurements Implementation of life cycle models Selection guidance for project complexity values Tracking and completion of project action items, as appropriate,in product life cycle phases Relevant project planning and tracking measurements for life cycle phases Relevant implementations of decision analysis process, if appropriate Peer reviews of estimation process QA audits of estimation process Revision histories of COCOMO outputs 20 Contributing Factors for SCAMPI Appraisal Phases 1 and 2 for Institutionalization (Generic Goals (GG) 1 – 5) Generic Goal Phases 1 and 2: Plan and Conduct Appraisal GG 1: Achieve Specific Goals COCOMO-related evidence for each PA in model scope Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum And GG 2: Institutionalize a Managed Process COCOMO-related evidence for PP, PMC,CM, MA, PPQA, OT* IPM* And GG 3: Institutionalize a Defined Process COCOMO-related evidence for IPM, OPD, OPF PAs And GG 4: Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process COCOMO-related evidence for OPP, QPM PAs And GG 5: Institutionalize an Optimizing Process COCOMO-related evidence for CAR, OID, PAs *If PA is in the model scope of appraisal 21 SUMMARY Benefits SCAMPI Appraisals Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum COCOMO is helpful for organizations to improve process consistency in estimating project resources. COCOMO automates resource estimation using calibrated algorithms and data sets maintained by a large community of practitioners and developers. In mature organizations, the use of COCOMO establishes historical data that is a perquisite for the journey to higher maturity levels. Maturity Level 4 organizations use the project estimation database to develop the process performance models used to forecast project resources for different domains and customers. Maturity Level 5 organizations are challenged by changing business environments to reduce product costs and schedules. The resource estimates provided by COCOMO algorithms provides an aid to quantitatively understand the random variance in development processes to model candidate improvements. Key planning factors to increase the efficiency of data collection and verification activities in SCAMPI appraisals include providing: 1. 2. 3. 4. “Evidence threads” to each CMMI practice “touched” by COCOMO estimated resources. Staff adequately trained on COCOMO for the project(s) Project managers actually using the estimates to plan and manage the project(s). Higher level managers that are aware of resource estimation as an effective management tool to achieve business goals. 22 The End Transdyne Corporation COCOMO 2008 Forum You have just seen a summary of SCAMPI A, B, C and CMMI-DEV v1.2 requirements relevant to organizations implementing COCOMO-based estimation processes from the “30,000 feet” level. Questions, Comments and Concerns ? 23