INFORMATION SECURITY AND CONTROL SECURITY: Deter Detect Minimize Investigate Recover Security Risks Internal External Accidental Destruction Alteration Access Intentional Threats Disaster and breakdowns Access and disclosure Alteration or destruction Improper use RISK ASSESSMENT P1 P2 L Probability of attack Probability of success Cost of Loss Expected Loss = P1 * P2 * L Minimize Threat Categories Administrative Controls Standards, rules, procedures and discipline to assure that personnel abide by established policies. Includes segregation of functions. Security Policy Security is always a cost to efficiency. It must be promoted to be effective. From the top Before installing hardware Politically charged Writing a Security Policy Assess the types of risks Identify vulnerabilities Analyze user needs Write the policy Develop change procedures Plan implementation Implement Vulnerabilities Servers Operating systems and applications Networks Snooping, attacks, spoofing Clients and modems PCAnywhere etc. Viruses Operating Systems UNIX Novell Netware Windows and Windows NT Administrative Controls Security organization Audits Risk assessment Administrative standards and procedures Disaster Management Redundancy and fault tolerant systems Backups and off site storage Hot and cold sites Planning and procedures Architectural Controls Software controls Prevent unauthorized changes Hardware controls Control access and use Tools Firewalls Network partitioning and routers Encryption Testing tools Consultants Encryption Keys and key length Public key/private key Processing problems Location » Application » Network » Firewall » Link Authentication Passwords Biometrics Isolation Remote location verification SECURITY: Deter Detect Minimize Investigate Recover