Winter 08 Establish and maintain meeting Judy Hubbard schedule

Winter 08
Spring 08
Establish and maintain meeting
Distribute minutes from each meeting
Establish Goals
Identify At risk Factors
Collect data
 Attendance
 Essays
 Reading assignments
Develop entrance and exit surveys
Deliver Exit Surveys
Plan and Run LART
Discussion/Training Group
Attend relevant workshops/
conferences (Brother to Brother)
Track down lost and in-progress
support projects (NAASP)
Compile and Tally Survey results
Focus on LART 100 and evaluate
student records/ papers in terms of
their :
Personal challenges that could
impede progress
Reading rate
Vocabulary use
Completion of homework
Writing improvement
Divide students into
Judy Hubbard
Ulysses Pichon
Suzanne Helfman
Julie Sartwell
Spring 08 contd.
Severely at risk
Develop list of support options
Fall 08
Run a LART training for instructors
Focus on LART 200 and evaluate
student records/ papers in terms of
their :
Reading rate
Vocabulary use
Completion of homework
Writing improvement
Divide student papers into
 Strong
 Medium
 Severely at risk
Winter 09
Develop list of support options
Run a LART training for instructors
Refine Diagnostic Methods
Create Counseling Strategies
Create list of existing support options
for students and methods of directing
students to support options
Spring 09
Develop new support options
Develop training sessions for
Instructors/ Tutors/ Teaching
assistants to help them address specific
problems in student writing