Recap of Mar 4: File Organization • Major concepts: – Files are made up of records; records are made up of fields – Disk blocks are smaller than files and larger than records; files must be split into disk blocks for storage (and the records in a file must be grouped somehow for storage on disk blocks, independent of the file organization) • • • • • Fixed-length records Variable length records Block structure: fixed-packed or slotted page File structure: heap, sequential, hashed, or clustered Details of the above file structures Data Dictionary The data dictionary (also called system catalog) stores metadata -- data about data. For example: • Information about relations – – – – names of relations names and types of attributes of each relation names and definitions of views integrity constraints • User and account information, including passwords Data Dictionary • Statistical and descriptive data – number of tuples in each relation • Physical file organization information – how relation is stored (sequential, hash, clustered, etc.) – physical location of relation -- operating system file name or disk addresses of blocks containing records of the relation • Information about indices – (about which more after the midterm, when we cover chapter 12) Data Dictionary • In effect, the data dictionary is a mini database. The data within can either be stored as: – special-purpose data structures and code to access it, or – a set of relations, using the existing database structures and code to access it (most common solution) Data Dictionary Example of a possible system catalog representation: Relation-metadata = Attribute-metadata = User-metadata = Index-metadata = View-metadata = (relation-name, number-of-attributes, storage-organization, location) (attribute-name, relation-name, domain-type, position, length) (user-name, encrypted-password, group) (index-name, relation-name, index-type, index-attributes) (view-name, definition) Reading and Review Upcoming dates: – Mar 11: HW#2 is due – Mar 11 and 13: midterm review – Mar 18: midterm Text Sections we’ve covered: – – – – – – – Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: E-R data model Chapter 3 (except 3.4 & 3.5): Relational model Chapter 4: SQL Chapter 6: Integrity and Security Chapter 7 up to and including 7.7: Relational-Database Design Chapter 11 (except 11.3 and 11.9): Storage and File Structure Reading and Review Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1: Applications and motivation 1.2: Database systems vs. file systems 1.3: Views 1.4: Data models 1.5: Database languages 1.6: Database users and administrators 1.7-1.10: other stuff 1.11: Summary Reading and Review Chapter 2: Entity-Relationship Model 2.1: Basic concepts: entities (entity-sets), relationship (set)s, and attributes 2.2: Constraints and mapping 2.3: Keys 2.4: Design issues 2.5: E-R Diagram 2.6: Weak entity sets 2.7: Extended E-R features (specialization, aggregation) 2.8: Design of an E-R schema 2.9: Reduction of an E-R schema to tables 2.10: (ignore) 2.11: Summary Reading and Review Chapter 3: Relational Model 3.1: Structure of relational databases 3.2: The relational algebra 3.3: Extended relational-algebra operations 3.4, 3.5: (ignore) 3.6: Tuple relational calculus 3.7: Domain relational calculus 3.8: Summary Reading and Review Chapter 4: SQL 4.1: Background 4.2: Basic structure 4.3: Set operations 4.4: Aggregate functions 4.5: Null values 4.6: Nested subqueries 4.7, 4.8: (ignore) 4.9: Modification of the database 4.10: (ignore) 4.11-4.14: (really ignore) 4.15: Summary Reading and Review Chapter 6: Integrity and Security 6.1: Domain Constraints 6.2: Referential Integrity 6.3: Assertions 6.4: Triggers 6.5: Security and Authorization 6.6, 6.7: (ignore) 6.8: Summary Reading and Review Chapter 7: Relational-Database Design 7.1: First Normal Form 7.2: Pitfalls in Relational-Database Design 7.3: Functional Dependencies 7.4: Decomposition 7.5: Desirable Properties of Decomposition 7.6: BCNF 7.7: Third Normal Form 7.8-7.10: (ignore) 7.11: Summary Reading and Review Chapter 11: Storage and File Structure 11.1: Overview of physical storage media 11.2: Magnetic Disks 11.3: RAID (not responsible for this) 11.4: Tertiary Storage 11.5: Storage Access 11.6: File Organization 11.7: Organization of Records in Files 11.8: Data Dictionary Storage 11.9: (ignore) 11.10: Summary