Pima Community College East Campus ABC 000 Course Syllabus Course Information: Course Prefix/Number: ABC 000 Course Title: Catalog Name Semester: (Summer, 2004) CRN (Section Code): Class Days/Times: Site/Room: Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Required Assessments: Teaching Format: (Lab/lecture, studio, seminar...) Methodology: Transferability: Course Web URL Required Text: XXXXX Estimated Study Time: XX hours per week (or per semester) Instructor Information: Name: XXX US Mail: Pima Community College East Campus 8181 E. Irvington Tucson, AZ 85709-4000 Phone: (520) xxx-xxxx (Do not recommend home phone) Voice Mail: (520) 206-6464 then xxxx E-mail: xxx@pimacc.pima.edu or other Availability: Office hours: (or By appointment) Other Important Phone Numbers: For general information about Pima College at East Campus: 206-7000 To register for any PCC course: 206-4880 (MAX 2000) or via the Internet using Banner Online. Class Calendar/Schedule Course calendar should include brief outline of lecture topics, assigned readings, assignment due dates, exam dates, scheduled field trips, important semester dates, holidays, etc. An example of a 2004 Summer semester traditional class is given here. Week One* Dates Topic(s) Assignments May 24 May 26 Two College Closed May 31 HOLIDAY Jun 2 Jun 7 Jun 9 Jun 14 Jun 16 Jun 21 Jun 23 Jun 28 Jun 30 Jul 5 Jul 7 Three Four Five Six Seven College Closed HOLIDAY Eight Jul 12 Jul 14 Nine ** Jul 19 Add/Drop traditional courses this week Final exam week * ** ABC 000 Course Syllabus Course Description: This should be the description of the course found in the PCC catalog or online at http://dco-proxima.dco.pima.edu/catalog/current/crsidx.htm. You may rewrite this to make it more specific or more "user-friendly", but it should include the same material. Course Requirements: Include everything the student is expected to do to complete the course successfully. Examples: § § § § § Participate in class discussions Take three in class tests Submit 3000 word term paper Take scheduled field trip Take final comprehensive exam. Instructional Materials: (required, suggested, on reserve) Course Objectives: These have been passed by the college curriculum committee, approved by the PCCCD Board of Governors and used to articulate courses for transfer. They specify the course material that legally must be covered in any section of the course that is taught at PCC. You may obtain a copy from your department chair or by clicking the MORE INFO link for your course within the Course Descriptions in the online catalog. The objectives provided are a mandatory minimum for what the course must cover. Any suggestions you have for improvement or revision of these objectives should be given to the department chair. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Course Outline: The outline has been passed by the college curriculum committee, approved by the PCCCD Board of Governors and used to articulate courses for transfer. It specifies the course material that legally must be covered in any section of the course that is taught at PCC. You may obtain a copy from your department chair or by clicking the MORE INFO link for your course within the Course Descriptions in the online catalog. The outlines provided are a mandatory minimum for what the course must cover. Any suggestions you have for improvement or revision of these objectives should be given to the department chair. Course Policies: Included here are policy examples taken from other syllabi. You may use “as is”, modify them or write your own. All syllabi must include the approved ADA statement and your grading policy, including specific information about how grades are calculated. You should also include specific policies for attendance, class participation, cheating, etc. if any of these affect the student’s grade. Attendance: The attendance policy for this class is simple. You are all adults who have in some form paid for this class. If you do not wish to come to any session, you do not have to attend. However, it is your responsibility to make up what you have missed by not attending Since this is an eight-week class, all class sessions cover a significant amount of work and missing a session may well result in a lower grade. Students are responsible for making up any material they have missed. Write your own. Academic Integrity: Violations of scholastic ethics are considered serious offenses by Pima Community College, the (applicable) Department and by your instructor. Students may consult the PCC Student Handbook sections on student code of conduct, on scholastic ethics and on the grade appeal procedure. Copies are available at PCC campus libraries and at http://www.pima.edu/dept/studresp/index.htm. All work done for this class must be your own. While you may discuss assignments with other class members, the final written project must clearly be your own. You may use work from books and other materials if it is properly cited. Copying from a book without proper reference or from a person under any circumstances will result in an F for the assignment, and at the instructor's discretion, possibly an F for the course. Write your own. Classroom Behavior: Because of insurance limitations, non-registered visitors are not allowed at class sessions or on field trips. Possession of drugs, alcohol or firearms on college property is illegal. Eating, drinking, smoking and soliciting are not allowed in classrooms. Pets, telephones, pagers and other electronic devices that distract students are not allowed in classrooms. Students creating disturbances that interfere with the conduct of the class or the learning of others will be asked to leave. Course Feedback: How quickly are exams and assignments returned? Are there student conferences? How do students know how well they are doing? Is there a mid-semester grade report? Deadlines: Contact your instructor if circumstances require an extension of assignment deadlines. Withdrawals: Students may withdraw from class at any time during the first 2/3 of the semester (5 1/3 weeks) without instructor permission and without incurring any grade penalty. Students not active after this date may receive an "F" grade at the end of the semester. Please be sure to withdraw yourself if you do not expect to complete the class. Workload: Students are expected to spend an average of 16 hours per week attending class sessions, doing assignments, reading and preparing for exams. Traditionally, students are expected to spend two to three hours per week working outside the classroom for each hour of classroom instruction. ADA Compliance (Mandatory Statement): Pima County Community College District strives to comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Students with disabilities requiring special accommodations must notify the instructor of this need or directly contact the Disabled Student Resources Office on your campus at the beginning of the semester. Grading Policy (Mandatory Item): This is a sample only: Your final grade will be a weighted average, calculated as follows: Homework Practice Exams Mid Term Exam Final Exam (20 points) (20 points) B (30 points) C (30 points) A = = D = 89-80 79-70 = 100-90 69-60 F = below 60 Incomplete (I) grade: A record of Incomplete as a grade can be given only by the student's request and at the instructor's option. The instructor who gives the grade of "I" will give the student a form listing the work needed and a deadline for completion. When the work is finished, the instructor is responsible for grading the work and sending a Change of Grade form to the Admissions Office. If the student does not finish the work required and a final grade form is not sent within one year, the “Incomplete” will automatically be changed to an “F.” “I” grades must be requested in writing by the student and final decisions regarding an incomplete grade are made by the instructor, but no incompletes are given if less than 2/3 of the course work has been completed. Incompletes are generally reserved for medical and family emergencies that are of significant duration or occur at a critical time during the semester. Due to the nature of this class, incomplete grades will not be given. Write your own. Special Withdrawal (Y) grade: The “Y” grade is an administrative withdrawal given at the instructor’s option when no other grade is deemed appropriate. Your instructor must file a form stating the specific rationale for awarding this grade. “Y” grades are discouraged since they often affect students negatively. Your instructor will not award a "Y" grade without a strong reason. Please note that “Y” grades may affect your financial aid. Exam Information: Each exam will cover the following material: Make-up Exams: No make-up exams are given. Since the lowest of the class exam grades is dropped, students missing an exam will have that exam grade dropped. Make-up exams are available at the East Campus testing center within one week after the scheduled exam. Sample/Practice Tests: Tests from previous semesters are available for student inspection at the Library Reserve Desk. Extra Credit Opportunities: List extra credit assignments Final Grades: Students will receive a grade transcript from the college mailed to the address given with registration materials at the end of the semester when all grades have been recorded. For privacy and security reasons, instructors are advised NOT to give grades over the telephone. Students who wish to check grades may call MAX 2000 at 206-4880. ABC 000 Syllabus - Additional Material Caveats: Since the syllabus is a written agreement involving the instructor, student and the college, it is wise to protect yourself by including phrases such as the following: “Your instructor will make every attempt to follow the above procedures and schedules, but they may be changed in the event of extenuating circumstances.” “Students submitting assignments through the mail are advised to make copies for their own protection.” “If you move during the semester, please file a change of address form at any PCC campus registration office.” Many instructors include additional material in their syllabus that was not included in preceding categories. ABC 000 Syllabus - (Sample) Student Grade Sheet Name: _______________ ___________________ I Classroom Participation II Quizzes III Take Home Assignments IV Midterm Evaluation (Exam) V Project Report VI Final Evaluation (Exam) Total Points Course Grade Semester: Acknowledgment of Receipt of Syllabus Since students occasionally claim that they never received the syllabus for the class, many instructors include an acknowledgment form to be returned and kept on file. Some instructors combine this with a brief student information questionnaire that gives them information about the goals and expectations of their students. Please sign and return the following acknowledgment to me in class or at the following address: NAME Pima Community College East Campus 8181 E. Irvington Road Tucson AZ 85709-4000 ____I have received my ABC 000 syllabus (including course objectives, policies, requirements and schedule) and have read and understood all the enclosed materials. ____I have no objection to receiving an occasional call from the instructor at the number given with my registration materials. ____I prefer that the instructor not call or contact me by phone anytime during the semester. My reasons for taking this course: My background in this area includes: ____I would like to be contacted by the instructor regarding the following concerns: Name _______________________________________ Student ID #: ____________________