APPLICATION FORM Your name Your job title 1. PLEASE SELECT THE PATHWAY & LEVEL YOU ARE APPLYING FOR (please circle) – for more information on pathways, see: Leadership, Management and Supervision in Postgraduate Certificate / Postgraduate Children’s Services Diploma / MA OR CPD Stand-alone module Effective Practice in Integrated Children’s Postgraduate Certificate / Postgraduate Services Diploma / MA OR CPD Stand-alone module Practice Education Postgraduate Certificate / Postgraduate Diploma / MA OR CPD Stand-alone module 2. PLEASE STATE MODULE/S FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING (for this academic year only) 3. PLEASE GIVE DETAILS HERE OF ANY PRIOR STUDY/CPD MODULES TAKEN AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX IN THE LAST 5 YEARS (THIS WILL HELP US TO ADVISE ON ANY PRIOR LEARNING THAT COULD BE BROUGHT TO THE NEW AWARD – PG CERT, PG DIP OR MA) 4. IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR PRACTICE EDUCATION STAGE 1 OR 2, PLEASE ENTER YOUR HCPC NUMBER IN THE BOX BELOW (PLEASE ALSO COMPLETE APPENDIX 4 IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR PRACTICE EDUCATION STAGE 1 OR 2) 1 5. ELIGIBILITY FOR APPLICATION TO PROGRAMME. PLEASE GIVE DETAILS I hold a professional or vocational qualification (NVQ level 5 or above) and work in Children’s or Adults’ Services, health, education or social care. I am employed or am undertaking voluntary work within Children’s or Adult Services, health, education or social care for at least 15 hours a week. 6. PERSONAL DETAILS Surname: Title: Date of Birth: First Names: Previous Surname(s) (if applicable): Work Address: Home Address: Post Code: Post Code: Mobile No: (optional) Daytime Telephone No: Personal email address (optional) Work E-mail Address: Nationality (as on passport) Country of Birth: 7. WORK HISTORY: Please detail your current and past job roles starting with the most recent. Date From MM/YY – MM/YY Job role and key tasks 2 WORK HISTORY CONTINUED: 8. PROFESSIONAL OR VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS – PLEASE LIST HIGHEST QUALIFICATION FIRST Title Awarding Body Where gained Year gained 9. OTHER ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Title Awarding Body Award level Where gained Year gained 3 10. DISABILITY/SPECIFIC LEARNING NEEDS We encourage you to disclose any disability or medical condition which may affect your future studies. All offers are made on academic grounds and the information given here will be used to help provide services which meet your needs. A. No disability B. Social/communication impairment/Aspergers C. Blind/serious visual impairment D. Deaf/Serious hearing impairment E. Long standing illness/condition F. Mental health condition G. Learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia H. Physical impairment/mobility issue I. Disability not listed J. Two or more impairments or disabling conditions Other (please specify): Please tick here to confirm this information can be shared with our Student Support Unit 11. ETHNICITY To assist us with our confidential monitoring please choose one selection from A-E to indicate your ethnic group. A. White: British Irish Any other white background B. Mixed: White and Black Caribbean White and Black African Any other Mixed background C. Asian or Asian British: Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other Asian background D. Black or Black British: Caribbean African Any other Black background E. Chinese or other ethnic Group: Chinese Any other 12. MODULES ON THIS COURSE REQUIRE YOU TO HAVE ACCESS TO A WORK ENVIRONEMNT (VOLUNTARY OR PAID EMPLOYMENT). PLEASE GIVE DETAILS: Name: Address: Telephone Number: Job Title: E-mail Address: Please can you supply a reference from an employer (or if you are engaged in voluntary work, your manager). This should act both as a reference and formal agreement that you have been given permission to undertake any assessment work associated with your studies. 4 13. CANDIDATE’S AGREEMENT I declare that the information I have provided is true. I acknowledge that my acceptance of a place at Sussex University is subject to the University’s terms and conditions and agree to abide by any University laws that are in place during my period of study. Data Protection Declaration I give my consent for Sussex University to process information related to myself, in accordance with Data Protection Requirements. Applicant’s signature: Date: 14. FUNDING please tick either a) or b) a) My attendance on this course is nominated and funded by my employing agency (please complete appendix 1) B) I am self-funded (please complete appendix 2) C) I have been accepted for a Bursary – see for details. (please complete appendix 3) If self funding Submit completed forms to: PQ Programme Co-ordinator, School of Education and Social Work, Room 1-2 Essex House, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QQ. If from East Sussex County Council Submit completed forms to Jo Stanley, Social Work Education, Fourth Floor, St Marks House, 14 Upperton Road, Eastbourne, BN21 1EP. If from Brighton and Hove City Council Submit completed forms to Lindsey Cockram, Workforce Development Team, Brighton & Hove City Council, 4th Floor, Kings House, Grand Avenue, Hove, BN3 2LS If from West Sussex County Council Submit completed forms to Madaleine Owens, Professional Practice Team, Centenary House, Durrington Lane, Worthing, BN13 2QB If from any other agency Please send to your completed form to your Training Manager to be checked and sent on to the University. PQ Coordinator Room1/2, Essex House, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QQ. For all enquiries on admissions contact the PQ Coordinator: Tel 01273 872733. 5 Appendix 1 AGENCY AGREEMENT IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX (to be completed by candidate’s Designated Training Manager within the employing agency) We, the employing agency (name)____________________________________ hereby nominate (candidate’s name) _________________________________ to attend the following course _______________________________________ We agree to the payment of course fees. We agree that the agency will provide appropriate professional opportunities to assist the candidate in assignment work. We agree that the required time will be made available for the candidate to attend the course and to undertake study and assignment work, as specified in the course handbook and timetable It is our considered view that the candidate meets the entry requirements for this course. It is our considered view that the candidate has the ability and commitment to complete the required course work. Designated Training Manager in the employing agency/authorised person: Name: Post: Signature: Date: INVOICING DETAILS Contact details for person to receive invoice: (For students from Brighton and Hove City Council, East Sussex County Council and West Sussex County Council this can be left blank.) Name_____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone number______________________________ Appendix 2 SELF FUNDING AGREEMENT IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX (to be completed by candidate) Course applied for_________________________________________________ I, (students name)____________________________________ Agree to the payment of course fees in full on registration to the module. Agree that my agency/employer will provide appropriate professional opportunities to assist in my assignment work. Agree that I have arranged for the required time will be made available for me to attend the course and to undertake study and assignment work, as specified in the course handbook and timetable Have read and understood the course requirements and consider myself eligible to take park in the course/s I have specified. Am aware of the time and commitment this course requires and agree I have set aside both to complete the module to the best of my ability. Name: Signature: Date: Appendix 3 BURSARY APPLICATION IN SUPPORT OF POSTGRADUATE STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX (to be completed by candidate) Course applied for_________________________________________________ I, (students name)____________________________________ Agree that I have been accepted for bursary funding to cover the cost of the above course. Agree that I have sent my acceptance letter to The University of Sussex Finance Office. Agree that I have arranged for the required time will be made available for me to attend the course and to undertake study and assignment work, as specified in the course handbook and timetable Have read and understood the course requirements and consider myself eligible to take part in the course/s I have specified. Am aware of the time and commitment this course requires and agree I have set aside both to complete the module to the best of my ability. Name: Signature: Date: Appendix 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED IF APPLYING FOR PRACTICE EDUCATION STAGE 1 OR 2 (to be completed by candidate) STAGE 1 Applicants must: - have some responsibility for the teaching and assessment of a trainee social worker or other learner at the time of study STAGE 2 Applicants must: - be a registered social worker - have a minimum of two years' post qualifying social work experience - be involved in the teaching and assessing of a trainee social worker or some other staff engaged in social care and/or social work at the time of study - have achieved Practice Education Stage 1 or the equivalent (this could be the Practice Teacher Award plus evidence of currency, Enabling Work Based Learning modules) Stage 1 & 2) I confirm that at the time of study I will have some responsibility for the teaching and assessment of a trainee social worker or other learner at the time of study. Stage 2) I confirm that I am a registered social worker and have included my HCPC number in this application Stage 2) I confirm that I have a minimum of two years' post qualifying social work experience and have included details in this application Stage 2) I confirm that I have achieved Practice Education Stage 1 or equivalent (please give details) Stage 2) Please give details of prior experience of supervising students Applicant’s signature: Date: