How to Succeed at the Pair Presentation – Do and Don’ts…. Stay in touch with your partner: DO *contact your partner early and plan to meet after both of you have read the article you’ve been assigned. Be sure to exchange contact information right away. DON’T *wait until the day before to contact your partner…. This is a formula for failure. Before your first meeting: DO *read the article thoroughly. If you don’t understand it, ask questions about it. Highlight or copy the parts that stood out most to you. Take notes! *write a few questions about what interests or intrigues you in the article. *find information about the author, so you can put the article in perspective based on who she/he is, and the circumstances around writing it. *conduct additional research on the topic you’ve been assigned. *find a photograph or video that has something to do with the topic you’ll be discussing and send the link to your partner DON’T *skim over the article thinking that will be sufficient. It won’t. *write questions that can be answered with one or two words. *ignore the author. Articles don’t write themselves. * believe you can get away with a simple summary of the article… you can’t. * wait till you get to the first meeting to do the prep work. If both of you come with something you’ll have more to choose from. At your first meeting: DO *plan to spend at least an hour talking and planning *compare notes and thoughts about the article. Decide what two or three main points you want to discuss when you present the article to the class. *plan a brief presentation – Will you create a PowerPoint? (If so, be sure to note the limitation on text and number of slides in the syllabus) Will you use handouts? Will you have a discussion? How will you organize the presentation? *plan to meet or talk online/text/video chat, etc. again in the next few days DON’T *rush! Or think that 10 minutes will do. Use all of your time and use it wisely. *think you have to cover everything. We do NOT want a summary of the article! We want your ideas about it and additional information that you researched. You should assume all students have read the article. *save the presentation organizing till the last minute. *forget to follow up! For the presentation: DO *check with your partner to make sure all is well the day of the presentation *have a “Plan B” – What will you do if you have computer/video problems? *keep an eye on the clock – you have only 15 minutes including your set up time and any discussion with the class *talk to the whole class – they are your audience DON’T *assume your partner will just show up. *wait till the day of your presentation to figure out how the classroom computer works. *forget to check the clock while you’re presenting *give your talk by looking only at the instructor! I am not your only audience. After the presentation: DO *ask for feedback from your familia members and celebrate! * remember to post your reflection before 11:00 p.m. Friday night following your presentation. Your score will be zero if you don’t do this. DON’T *assume you did everything terribly. You probably did just fine. *forget to thank your partner