Document 14985587

Campus Affairs Committee
Charges for 2006-2007
The Faculty Senate Bylaws require an apportionment be conducted every
three years. As the appointment is due for recommendation this year, the
Campus Affairs Committee is charged with conducting and apportionment
study both based on an FTE basis and a headcount basis. Refer to the
Faculty Senate Bylaws, article 12 for the current apportionment policy.
Where applicable, make recommendations.
The Faculty Senate has received questions from Emeritus Faculty interested
in maintaining the connection to the university through service activities.
Review the current policies addressing rights and responsibilities for Emeritus
Faculty (University Administrative Manual section 2,580) and make
recommendations about the rights and responsibilities extended to emeritus
faculty. Chuck Price in Student Services should be consulted as he was
working with another committee to identify benefits extended to Emeritus
Review the Morale Task Force Report and identify recommended items for
action which may yet need to be addressed. Take action where appropriate
and make recommendations for additional actions necessary.
Final report and recommendations are due in March, 2007.
Standing Charges
1. Appoint one each liaison to the following committees: Status of Women; Work
and Family Task Force; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Advocacy
Committee; Multiethnic Coalition; Intercultural Collaborative; University
Disabilities Resource Coalition. Contact Michael Coray to let him know the names
of the liaisons.