
De Anza Music Club Constitution
Article 1: Mission Statement
We the members of the De Anza Music Club (thereafter “DAMC”), in order to promote
and share music,
a. provide an academic and social environment for musicians and fans of music,
b. provide opportunities for performance and concerts,
c. promote the theoretical and technical aspects of music,
d. support the De Anza Music Department,
e. and otherwise serve the interests of any and all fans, creators, and performers of
Article 2: Club Membership
1. Club members must meet the following requirements
a. be currently enrolled at De Anza,
b. have a DASB card,
c. not be on academic or social probation.
2. Membership will be achieved by having demonstrated meeting the above requirements
and being put on the membership list by the Secretary.
3. Members are provided with one vote in the election of Primary Officers.
4. Members are not required to attend all meetings, but after missing three consecutive
meetings without notice will be considered inactive and are not eligible to vote until they
attend another meeting prior to the vote.
5. Membership may be revoked by a majority of Primary Officers, with the ICC
Representative breaking any tie, for having caused significant disruption to the club
internally, for having damaged the reputation of the DAMC on campus or off campus, or
for no longer meeting the basic requirements for membership. Any member whose
membership is revoked for disruption or damage is no longer eligible to be a member of
the DAMC.
Article 3: Leadership Positions
1. Club officers must meet the following requirements:
a. be currently enrolled at De Anza,
b. be taking at least 4 units,
c. have a DASB card,
d. not be on academic or social probation,
e. have a minimum 2.0 grade point average,
f. and be capable of carrying out the requirements of the office or offices to
which they are elected or appointed.
2. Primary Officers are elected annually or as needed if Officers leave the club.
Secondary Officers are appointed by the President, however those appointments may be
blocked by any two other Primary Officers. Required positions are all Primary Officer
positions and the ICC Representative.
3. An individual cannot be in two or more Primary Officer positions, as they need to be
held by four different people. A Primary Officer, however, can also be in a Secondary
Officer position (ex: the Vice President can also be the ICC Representative, or the
Secretary can also be the Social Media Officer). Any two or more Secondary Officer
positions can be combined.
4. All Primary Officer positions as well as the ICC Representative position must be filled
or in lame duck at all times. The other positions—Outreach Officer, Social Media
Officer, Events Officer, and Tutor—may go inactive from time to time.
5. Primary Officers’ positions and corresponding responsibilities:
a. President
i. overseeing the planning of and presiding over club meetings,
ii. representing club interests at said meetings,
iii. enforcing the Constitution,
iv. appointing club members to secondary officer positions (the Tutor
must be agreed upon by the Faculty Advisor)
b. Vice President
i. assuming any presidential duties in the president’s absence,
ii. serving as primary advisor to the President,
iii. taking reports from officers and people in other special positions,
iv. quarterly officer evaluations.
c. Secretary
i. recording and maintaining minutes of meetings,
ii. printing and managing the agenda for meetings,
iii. record attendance for meetings,
iv. maintaining the Constitution,
v. creating election ballots,
vi. tallying election results.
d. Treasurer
i. organizing and keeping publicly available club finance information
ii. managing club finances.
iii. creating plans for generating club funds.
6. Secondary Officers’ positions and corresponding responsibilities:
a. ICC Representative
i. attending ICC meetings,
ii. representing DAMC interests at said meetings,
iii. reporting to the DAMC the results of and any pertinent information
from ICC meetings.
b. Outreach Officer
i. managing club advertising on and off campus
ii. making contact with outside individuals and organizations to work
with the DAMC.
c. Social Media Officer
i. managing and maintaining the DAMC’s Facebook page, YouTube
channel, and other DAMC internet activities, under the authority of the
Primary Officers.
d. Events Manager
i. making and maintaining contacts with local venues, performers, and
ii. managing group concert events, either as members of the audience or
e. Tutor
i. being a resource for information on the theoretical and technical
aspects of creating and/or analyzing music.
Article 4: Elections
1. Regular elections must meet the following requirements:
a. elections for officers shall be held no later than the sixth week of the Spring
b. Primary Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of active club
c. in the event there are three or more candidates, an instant-runoff voting
election system shall be used, by which members rank their choices,
d. and elections will happen by secret ballot, and only winners will be
e. in the event of a tie, the Primary Officers and all voting members will decide
whether to try another vote or to allow two people to fill the role;
f. after the winners are announced, there will be a two-week ‘lame duck’ period
in which outgoing officers will be expected to train their replacements.
2. Special elections for positions vacated outside of the normal election cycle shall
follow regular election rules b through f. and must be held at least two weeks prior to the
position being open in order to allow for the two-week training period.
3. Impeachment of Primary Officers must be accompanied by a petition with ten active
member signatures. The Primary Officer in question will be provided with an
opportunity to answer any charges of incompetence or corruption. After that, a twothirds majority is required to remove that individual from their position. Any person
impeached and removed from their position will be ineligible for future Primary or
Secondary Officer positions.
4. Primary Officers and Secondary Officers, excluding the Tutor, will have a term limit
of one year (3 quarters + summer), and after that term are no longer eligible for the
position they held. The Tutor position is not subject to term limits.
Article 5: Meetings
1. Meetings times and locations must be made available on the DAMC Facebook page at
least one week in advance. All official club meetings will take place on campus in the
appropriate venue. Any issue or topic to be raised at a meeting must be submitted to the
Secretary by a week prior to the meeting.
2. The DAMC will have at least one meeting per month, on campus, and financial
statements from the treasurer are due at the first meeting of each month, to be presented
to the DAMC.
Article 6: Faculty Advisor
1. The Faculty Advisor must meet the following requirements:
a. serve as the official staff representative of the the college,
b. work with the DAMC to ensure a cooperative relationship between the advisor
and the club membership,
c. be in an advisory position for Primary Officers,
d. give particular attention to the financial activities of the group in order to
prevent the incurring of organizational debts for succeeding members to pay,
e. assist students to understand and apply democratic principles within their own
organizations, and in working with others,
f. be familiar with the ICC Code, ICC Financial Code, ICC Concessions Code,
and club financial process,
g. ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the safety, and welfare of
club members,
h. ensure that appropriate college policies are upheld,
i. sign all club/organization requisitions for the club/organizations,
j. and to make sure that their student treasurer or president or vice president signs
it and that the expenditure is correct within all existing policies.
Article 7: Amendment Process
1. Any amendment to this document requires:
a. a two-thirds vote at a general club meeting,
b. the majority vote of Primary Officers,
c. and must by approved at the ICC Agenda Meeting.
Article 8: Financial Responsibilities
1. This club accepts full financial responsibility for all activities that bear its name as
official sponsor, and will adhere to college regulations. All publicity for an event must
bear the name of the sponsoring club.
2. Any club officer, club member does not have the right to incur any debt or become
involved in any business under the title or by implying the title of a club in any way
unless given full authority to do so by the club.
Article 9: Intellectual Property Rights
1. The DAMC and its members will respect creators rights, and any original musical
work done within or in association with the club remains the intellectual property of the
composer and/or performer.
2. The DAMC is not a commercial organization, and any selling of original works may
not benefit the club financially.
3. Original music and/or performances can only be hosted or played with explicit
permission of the composer and/or performer.