PRE-APPEAL FORM FOR TAUGHT COURSES 2015-16 PLEASE NOTE: Before completing this form, you should read the guidance at 1. STUDENT DETAILS SURNAME FIRST NAME(S) CANDIDATE NUMBER SCHOOL OF STUDY (e.g. Law, Politics and Sociology) COURSE (e.g. BA Politics) TEL NO. 2. EMAIL GROUNDS OF APPEAL The three categories listed below are the definitions of admissible appeals contained within the University’s regulations for taught courses. Please indicate below by marking with an X under which category/s you intend to submit an appeal. Please note that it is not possible to appeal in relation to a matter of academic judgment. Please see via the following link the University’s definition of areas that are considered to fall within the scope of academic judgment: a) that there existed circumstances affecting the student’s performance of which the examiners were not aware when their decision was taken, and which could not reasonably have been presented to the examiners; b) that there was a procedural irregularity (including administrative error) or other inadequacy in the conduct of the examinations, or processing of marks or grades, or the categorisation of an award of such a nature as to cause doubt as to whether the result might have been different had there not been such an irregularity; that there exists evidence of prejudice or of bias on the part of an examiner c) 3. BRIEF SUMMARY OF BASIS FOR APPEAL Please provide below a brief summary of your intended basis for appeal (maximum 200 words). If your basis for appeal is in relation to specific modules (or specific assessment/s for a module) please identify the specific modules/assessments involved. 4. APPEAL OUTCOME Please state what you would like to see as the outcome of any appeal: Please note that it is not possible to appeal in relation to a matter of academic judgment. Please note therefore that you cannot request that a mark be changed, or that your classification be reviewed, on the basis of a matter of academic judgment. Nor can you request that a mark be changed on the basis of exceptional (or mitigating) circumstances, or that your classification be reviewed, as this is not considered by the University to be academically sound and these remedies are not therefore permissible under the University’s regulations. The remedies available via the appeals process are that you be offered a further attempt at the assessment (via a repeat, Sits or Resits), that Resits already offered to you be converted to Sits for uncapped marks, or that a late submission penalty be set aside. Once completed, please submit this form by email to Following receipt, you will receive guidance from the relevant officer on whether: an appeal is the appropriate route and if the outcome requested is available under the University’s examination and assessment regulations; if an appeal is the appropriate route, the process for submitting an appeal and any other factors relevant to your case that may assist you in submitting an appeal; if an appeal is the appropriate route, whether your case is among those identified by the Chair of the Appeals Board that can be fast-tracked in your favour without any need for you to submit a formal appeal.