High current (100mA) InP/InGaAs/InP DHBTs with 330 GHz fmax Yun Wei, Sangmin Lee, Sundararajan Krishnan, Mattias Dahlström, Miguel Urteaga, Mark Rodwell Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California yunwei@ece.ucsb.edu tel: 805-893-8044, fax 805-893-3262 High-Breakdown vs. High-Power HBTs Wideband HBTs: high frequency amplification millimeter-wave power amplifiers (60, 94 GHz, …) modulator driver amplifiers for fiber optics need high breakdown voltages DHBTs DHBTs will operate at high power density logic: > 200 kA/cm2 , 1.4 Volts 280 kW/cm2 mm-wave power: 100 kA/cm2 , 3 Volts 300 kW/cm2 self-heating, thermal failure, thermal runaway In high current devices, thermal runaway limits usable breakdown to well below BVCEO Ultra-high fmax Transferred-Substrate HBTs Miguel Urteaga • Substrate transfer provides access to both sides of device epitaxy • Permits simultaneous scaling of emitter and collector widths • Maximum frequency of oscillation f / 8RbbCcb • Sub-micron scaling of emitter and collector widths has resulted in record values of mm-wave power gain 40 Transistor Gains, dB f max Collector: 3000 A thickness , 30 unbounded U U 16 3 10 /cm doping Collector pulse doping: 50 A thickness 20 MSG/MAG U 1017/cm3 doping, 250 A from base 10 H Vce = 1.1 V, Ic=5 mA 0 21 0.3 m x 18 m emitter, 0.7 m x 18.6 m collector, 10 100 Frequency, GHz 1000 Components of Rbb and Ccb Pulfrey / Vaidyanathan Rhoriz sWbc / 2 LE Ccb ,e LeWe / Tc Rx Rhoriz Rvert Rcont Rcont! MBE DHBT layer structure InGaAs 1E19 Si 500 Å collector substrate Grade 1E16 Si 480 Å InP 2E18 Si 20 Å InP 1E16 Si 2500 Å Multiple stop etch layers Buffer layer 2500 Å base Grade 2E18 Be 67 Å InGaAs 4E19 Be 400 Å emitter Grade 1E19 Si 200 Å InP 1E19 Si 900 Å InP 8E17 Si 300 Å Grade 8E17 Si 233 Å Band profile Bias at Vbe=0.7 V, Vce=1.5 V Transferred-Substrate HBT Process Flow • emitter metal • emitter etch • self-aligned base • mesa isolation • polyimide planarization • interconnect metal • silicon nitride insulation • spin Benzocyclobutene, etch vias • electroplate gold • bond to carrier wafer with solder • remove InP substrate • collector metal • collector recess etch 0.4 m T.S. DHBT UCSB Sangmin Lee 35 fmax = 425 GHz, ft = 139 GHz 30 20 15 10 5 0 1.E+09 1.E+10 1.E+11 1.E+12 Frequency (Hz) 6.0 Vce(sat) ~1 V at 1.8 mA/m2 2 33.0 at 66.0 GHz input BVGHz static = 8 divider V at Joutput =0.4 mA/m 3.0 CEO E Ic(mA) 5.0 4.0 Ic(mA) h21, U (dB) 25 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Vce(V) 2 2.5 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Vce(V) Unlike power HEMTs, breakdown is high even at high current 8 9 ARO MURI Restrictions on DHBT sizing: distributed base feed resistance UCSB Yun Wei emitter base contact base base feed-in contact Self-aligned base contact thickness=0.08 m base feed sheet resistance: s=0.3 /• significant for > 8 um emitter finger length Large Area HBTs: big Ccb, small Rbb, even small excess Rbb substantially reduces fmax ARO MURI Thermal runaway within a finger UCSB Yun Wei emitter With long emitter finger, current-crowding can occur within finger • Long finger: temperature can vary along length of emitter finger loss of strong thermal coupling •Temperature gradients along finger results in nonuniform current distribution center of stripe gets hotter carries more current gets hotter … Premature Kirk-effect-induced collapse in ft. • contact variation along emitter finger ARO MURI Multi-finger DHBT thermal coupling: thermal instability between fingers UCSB Yun Wei Collector contact Collector (InP) Base (InGaAs) Emitter (InP) SiN Au via Heat flow Carrier wafer Ic Ic T T Steady state current and temperature distribution when thermally stable thermal instability further increases current non-uniformity ARO MURI Current hogging observation: multi-finger DHBT UCSB Yun Wei 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 W. Liu, H-F Chau, E. Beam III, "Thermal properties and thermal instabilities of InP-based heterojunction bipolar transistors", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.43, (no.3), IEEE, March 1996. p.388-95. 2 ARO MURI Multi-finger DHBTs: poor performance due to current instabilities UCSB Yun Wei thermally driven current instability collapse 120 25 I , mA 100 c 80 b 15 10 60 5 40 0 c I , mA I step = 300 A 20 0 I step = 380 A 20 1 2 3 4 V , Volts 5 6 ce b 0 0 1 2 3 V , Volts 4 5 ce 25 low fmax due to premature Kirk effect (current hogging) excess base feed resistance Jc=5e4 A/cm2 Vce=1.5 V 20 Gains, dB 8 finger common emitter DHBT Emitter size: 16 um x 1 um Ballast resistor (design):9 Ohm/finger U 15 H 21 10 f =120 GHz max 5 f =91 GHz 0 10 10 Frequency, Hz 10 11 ARO MURI DHBT thermal stability: multiple emitter fingers UCSB Yun Wei Assume initial temperatu re difference T between 2 fingers dVbe 1.1 mV/K at constant I c dT dVbe 1 T Vbe T I C Vbe dT Rex Rballast kT / qI E P VCE I C T JAP Unstable unless dVbe VCE JA K thermal stability 1 dT Rex Rballast kT / qI E ARO MURI Multi-finger DHBT thermal resistance Vbe fixed I JA c UCSB dVbe dT dP VCE 1.1 mV/K JA I CVCE dT dP dVCE dVbe dVCE fixed I c 1 I C 1.1 mV/K Ic Ib Vbe Vce Yun Wei ARO MURI Multi-finger DHBT mutual thermal resistance UCSB Yun Wei mutual-heating thermal resistance ( thermal coupling between finger i and k): th _ jk V (dV / dT )I V bei be cek 0.01 Vce_j=3V finger i Icj, A finger k ck Ib_k Ib_j Vce_k V ce_j 0.001 0.0001 0.62 Vce_j=1V Vce_k=1V Vce_k=2V Vce_k=3V Vce_j measure variation of Vbe on one finger while varying Vce on a different finger =2V 0.63 0.64 0.65 V ,V bej 0.66 0.67 0.68 ARO MURI UCSB Multi-finger DHBT design 7 m 5 m Yun Wei 1 m 16 m 18 m 24 m 20 m •4 finger structure 2 m •Reduced base series resistance •No current crowding observed •Self-heating thermal resistance: th=3OC/mW •Mutual thermal coupling resistance: th=0.03OC/mW •AlN as carrier wafer to improve the thermal conductivity •Rballast=8 gives KT=0.8 at Jc=1mA/m2 and Vce=3.5V ARO MURI Large current high breakdown voltage broadband InP DHBT UCSB Yun Wei 4-finger device 4 x ( 1 m x 16 m emitter ) 4 x ( 2 m x 20 m collector ) ~4 Ohm ballast per emitter finger fmax>330 GHz, Vbrceo>7 V, Jmax>1x105 A/cm2 64 m2 common emitter DHBT 70 30 Ibstep=300uA A =64 um 2 U, MAG/M SG, h21, dB 60 E 10 Ib step=59 uA 8 40 Ic, mA Ic, m A 50 6 30 4 20 2 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 Vce, V 5 I =57m A U C 20 V =2.5V ce M SG /MAG 15 10 h21 5 f =107 GHz f T max =371 GHz 0 0 1 2 E 25 7 Vce, V 0 A =64um 6 7 10 0 10 1 10 2 Frequency, G Hz 10 3 Large current high breakdown voltage broadband InP DHBT ARO MURI UCSB Yun Wei 4-finger device 4 x ( 1 m x 16 m emitter ) 4 x ( 2 m x 20 m collector ) ~8 Ohm ballast per emitter finger fmax>330 GHz, Vbrceo>7 V, Jmax>1x105 A/cm2 64 m2 common base DHBT 70 AE=64 um2 AE=64 um2 60 7 Ic=60 mA 6 5 40 Ic, mA Ic, mA 50 30 MSG/MAG U 4 3 2 20 1 0 10 0 2 4 6 Vcb, V 8 0 0 2 Vc, Vcb,VV 4 6 8 Vcb=2.5 V ARO MURI Large current high breakdown voltage broadband InP DHBT UCSB Yun Wei 8-finger device 8 x ( 1 m x 16 m emitter ) 8 x ( 2 m x 20 m collector ) ~8 Ohm ballast per emitter finger fmax>330 GHz, Vbrceo>7 V, Jmax>1x105 A/cm2 128 m2 common base DHBT 30 140 A =128 um 120 25 U, MSG/MAG, dB 14 12 10 80 Ic, m A Ic, mA 100 60 8 6 4 40 2 0 -1 20 AE=128um2 2 E IC=100mA 20 15 Vcb=2.9V MSG/MAG U 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 fmax=330 GHz 7 Vcb, V 0 0 2 4 Vcb, V 6 8 10 0 0 10 10 1 10 2 Frequency, GHz 10 3 Hybrid- model extraction: as expected, very low Rbb , very high Ccb ARO MURI UCSB Yun Wei AE=4 fingers x 16um2/finger Ic=57mA, Vce=2.2 V 30 S21 U 20 hbt_tb..S(2,1) hbt_tb_w..S(2,1) S(2,1) dB(baseline..S(1,1)) hbt_tb..U dB(hbt_tb..h21) hbt_tb_w..U dB(hbt_tb_w..h21) U dB(h21) 25 15 h21 10 m2 freq=109.0GHz dB(baseline..S(1,1))=<invalid> 5 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 m1 freq=342.0GHz dB(baseline..S(1,1))=<invalid> m2 m1 Ccbi=23.7 fF Rbb=1.6 Ohm Rex=1.2 Ohm fmax=342 GHz fT=109 GHz 0 1E9 1E10 1E11 1E12 freq (1.000GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (75.00GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (1.000GHz to 30.00GHz) S12 S22 hbt_tb..S(1,2) hbt_tb_w..S(1,2) S(1,2) S11 freq (1.000GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (75.00GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (1.000GHz to 30.00GHz) hbt_tb..S(2,2) hbt_tb_w..S(2,2) S(2,2) hbt_tb..S(1,1) hbt_tb_w..S(1,1) S(1,1) freq, Hz freq (1.000GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (75.00GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (1.000GHz to 30.00GHz) -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 freq (1.000GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (75.00GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (1.000GHz to 30.00GHz) 0.15 Large signal DHBT model with self-heating consideration -Spice model frame + small signal extraction Spice parameters are extracted from DC Measurement AE=1x16 m2 Common emitter Distributed parasitic elements are obtained from Small signal Modeling Thermal effect is emulated with powercontrolled-shunt-feed back, given the measured thermal resistance. Vbe regression current gain collapse Large signal DHBT model with self-heating consideration -Comparison of DC and RF simulation and measurement 70 measured 30 60 simulation 50 U 20 Ic, m A dB(hbt_tb_w..h21) dB(hbt_tb..h21) dB(h21) U hbt_tb..U hbt_tb_w..U 25 15 h21 10 40 30 20 5 10 1E10 1E11 1E12 0 0 freq, Hz -0.05 0.00 3 4 5 6 7 S21 0.05 freq (1.000GHz to 30.00GHz) freq (75.00GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (1.000GHz to 110.0GHz) 0.10 hbt_tb_w..S(2,1) hbt_tb..S(2,1) S(2,1) S(1,2) hbt_tb_w..S(1,2) hbt_tb..S(1,2) -0.10 2 Vce,V S12 -0.15 1 0.15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 freq (1.000GHz to 110.0GHz) freq (1.000GHz to 30.00GHz) freq (75.00GHz to 110.0GHz) 15 20 S(2,2) hbt_tb_w..S(2,2) hbt_tb..S(2,2) hbt_tb..S(1,1) hbt_tb_w..S(1,1) S(1,1) 0 1E9 S11 S22 freq (1.000GHz to freq (75.00GHz to freq (1.000GHz to freq (1.000GHz to freq (75.00GHz to freq (1.000GHz to 110.0GHz) 110.0GHz) 30.00GHz) 30.00GHz) 110.0GHz) 110.0GHz) Further power improvement of multi-finger DHBT -multi-finger structure with partitioned emitter fingers How to further improve the power? • Lumped 4-finger units using transmission line good, but area consuming • More parallel fingers on single mesa layout difficulties with putting ballast resistor temperature variation between fingers increases • How about increase emitter length? • Excess base feed resistance additional base metal evaporation, solved! • Current crowding within finger and current hogging between fingers big problem but can be solved now. Partitioned emitter fingers •Long emitter finger is formed by several interconnected emitter islands in 1.5 um Contact metal spacing in longitude direction. •Emitter stripe length L0 is chosen that no current crowding happens within the emitter stripe. •Common collector and collector contact. Advantage: very thermal stable Disadvantage: a little increase of Ccbx collector base emitter emitter Interconnection metal -can also be applied for power mesa HBTs where parallel emitter fingers will substantially increase Ccb. Thermal via L0 1.5um L0 Some recent results with multi-finger structure with partitioned emitter fingers Current collapse experiments with 4finger x (1umx32um)/finger DHBT Different emitter structure: •unit 1um x 32 um current collapse observed •partitioned in 4, 1um x 8 um each stripe no current collapse •same measured thermal resistance burned partitioned emitter, 4 stripes, 1umx8um/stripe 0.05 0.04 0.015 unstable no partitioned emitter 0.014 3 finger Ic(A) 0.03 0.02 0.005 0.012 0.03 0.01 0.025 0.008 0.02 0.006 0.015 0.004 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.005 0 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Vce(V) 2 2.4 2.8 0 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Vce(V) 1.6 2 2.4 edge finger Ic(A) 0.01 edge finger Ic(A) 0.04 3 fingers Ic(A) 0.035 Some recent results with multi-finger structure with partitioned emitter fingers dB(baseline..S(1,1)) our_maxg U dB(h21) 25 New High current DHBT(common base)* 20 15 10 5 m1 0 1E9 1E10 1E11 1E12 freq, Hz Single finger DHBT-16m1 um emitter -no partitioned freq=359.0GHz dB(baseline..S(1,1))=<invalid> fmax =359 GHz 25 dB(h21) dB(baseline..S(1,1)) our_maxg U 20 15 10 5 m1 0 1E9 1E10 m1 1E11 1E12 freq, Hz freq=327.0GHz Single finger DHBT-16 um emitter-partitioned in 4 dB(baseline..S(1,1))=<invalid> fmax =327 GHz fmax dose not changed much with small excess Ccbx 8 fingers Single finger: WE=1 um, LE =4x8 um Maximum measured: Ic_max=250 mA Vce=2.3 V *no RF measurable device for this processing Conclusions Wideband Power DHBT: power density: 100 kA/cm2 , 3 Volts 300 kW/cm2 bandwidth: >330 GHz size: 128 um2 emitter area Wideband Power applications: (60, 94 GHz, 200 GHz…) millimeter-wave amplifiers modulator driver amplifiers for fiber optics