TEAM CACHE MONEY: SOLAR INSOLATION FORECASTING PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW B. DiRenzo, L. Hager, A. Fruge, M. Dickerson, C. Duclos, N. Frank, T. Furlong OUTLINE Objectives Background System Overview Primary Use Case High Level Functional Decomposition Risks and Contingencies Division of Labor Budget Milestones B. DiRenzo OBJECTIVES Create an inexpensive, real-time, and accurate solar insolation forecasting map. Targeted for use by power companies to efficiently stabilize the power grid with solar generated energy. Make large scale use of PV arrays more feasible and reliable. B. DiRenzo BACKGROUND Up to 40% of power can be supplied by solar energy (eg Hawaii). Cloud cover creates major drop-off in energy production. Leads to grid being unstable. Similar methods exist for wind energy. Unreliability limits use of on-grid PV arrays. B. DiRenzo POWER OUTPUT (W) FROM A PV ARRAY ON A CLOUDY DAY VS. A SUNNY DAY 8000 7000 6000 5000 Cloudy Day 4000 Sunny Day 3000 2000 1000 0 6:00 8:24 10:48 13:12 15:36 18:00 *PV data provided by Professor Gasiewski L. Hager SYSTEM OVERVIEW Remote smart-phone sensors On-grid PV array power sensors Transmits photos of cloud coverage Transmits real-time power measurements Localized server Parses data and computes forecast using cloud motion vectors in real-time Generates insolation forecast map with error bars L. Hager PRIMARY USE CASE Power Engineer seeks to use the final GUI application to make smart decisions about how the power company will generate power in the near future. Engineer may also want to look back on past predictions to compare with actual solar statistics. T. Furlong HIGH LEVEL DESIGN T. Furlong FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION LEVEL 0 T. Furlong FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION: LEVEL 1 T. Furlong LEVEL 2 SUB-SYSTEM: REMOTE SENSOR Camera Charge Controller Battery Bank Android Timing Application To Server via 3G A. Fruge LEVEL 2 SUB-SYSTEM: ON-GRID PV SENSOR A. Fruge LEVEL 2 SUB-SYSTEM: SERVER Inputs cloud images Receives Data Cloud images Residential power measurement s Network: Receives data from sensors and inputs to appropriate location Inputs power measurements User inputs, then GUI displays to user Image Processor: GUI: Receives user input and displays appropriate forecast map Determines cloud motion vectors and sends to forecaster Inputs motion vectors Inputs forecasting map Forecaster: Creates forecast map every minute, using data received and updates database Map Creator: Inputs forecast data Receives forecasting data and outputs forecasting map to GUI Database: Saves forecast map and inputs appropriate forecast data to map creator C. Duclos Inputs forecast data Inputs requested map data C. Duclos RISKS AND CONTINGENCIES • Due to lack of sunlight, Remote Sensor may lose power. – Battery is chosen to be large enough to power the sensor for up to 4 days with no sunlight. • Due to lack of network coverage, data from Remote Sensor may not be transmitted in real time or at all. – Program will be able to compensate for an incomplete data set through the error calculations. M. Dickerson RISKS AND CONTINGENCIES CONTINUED • Camera lens may have obstructions preventing pictures from obtaining accurate cloud data. – Software will be able to tell the difference between obstructions and clouds. – Protective casing will mitigate the amount of debris that will be able to cover the lens. • Direct sunlight may cause CCD array to be burned, and therefore lose image quality or create “blind spots” on images. – Protective lens filter will ensure minimal damage to the CCD array. M. Dickerson DIVISION OF LABOR Job Owner(s) Remote smartphone sensor B. DiRenzo, A. Fruge On-Grid PV Array L. Hager, N. Frank Localized Server C.Duclos, T. Furlong Power Systems M. Dickerson Chief Financial Officer L. Hager N. Frank BUDGET N. Frank Subtotal 4900 N. Frank FIRST SEMESTER MILESTONES N. Frank SECOND SEMESTER MILESTONES N. Frank THE END