Goal-line technology Team INTERNATIONAL Marko Bundalo Ponphet Homchanh David Wu Ideen Taeb Jason Mucilli Why Goal-line technology ? Improve officiating Various sports Increase sport fans interest Top Level Overview Remote controller Launcher Goal Wire Wrapped board Camera PC Desktop Speaker Division of Labor Marko & David •Ping Pong gun •Controller •Hardware •Goal Pohphet, Marko, Ideen Ideen & Jason •Schematics •CPLD •Microcontroller •Board Design •Software •Digital Image Processing •Camera Functional Block Diagram Camera Computer Image Processing Trigger RAM Driver Stepper Motor 1 Stepper Driver Stepper Motor 2 Stepper Driver Stepper Motor 3 Stepper Micro ROM controller CPLD Controller Microcontroller Motorola HC11K1 16 bit address 8 bit data Four 8-bit PWM outputs Memory map on the left R/W both data and address on falling edge of E clock (2 MHz) Microcontroller Schematic Wire Wrapped HC11K1 and Memory CPLD Schematic Motor control Optocoupler to isolate high current from microcontroller Bipolar micro stepping motor driver (+/- 2.5A) Power Transistor & heat sink Bipolar stepper motor (2A) Motor Drivers 2.5 A, 35V Output Rating 3.0 ~ 5.5V Logic Supply Voltage Range Thermal Shutdown Circuitry Crossover Current Protection 44 pin PLCC Power Source ATX Power Supply (300W) Output: 12V @ 18A 5V @ 26A 3.3V@ 30A 12V will be used to power Stepper motors each rate at 2A (Total of 6A) 5V will be used to power Controller boards Controller Control multiple functions of the paintball gun: - horizontal/vertical movement of barrel - launching the ball - moving along straight/semicircle path around the goal Launcher Assembly SPECIFICATIONS Velocity: 10~70 miles/hr 86 balls capacity Weight: Launcher – 5 lbs Turret Mount ~ 5 lbs Max/Min => 63/13 balls/min Material: Acrylic, Bolts, Bearing Rotating Wheels Control Speed, Frequency, Power Motors: 3x DC stepper motor Width/Height/Depth => 16’/25’/12’ Camera VGA Stealth Wire camera (30 fps) 320*240 resolution - 640*480 Firewire-IIDC Compatible-no drivers needed Image Processing Magic Capture the frames Turn them to black and white Edge Filtering Find the center Compare the centers to find out if it is the goal or not Capturing Frames Turn to B&W Image subtract and edge Dilate Filtering Filling and finding the center Timeline Status Milestone 1 The microcontroller with Flash and ROM CPLD Read frames from camera and do some basic processing Two Stepper motors that will horizontally and vertically point launcher to specific target Timeline Status Milestone 2 Third stepper motor that will move the launcher on semicircle path around the goal Complete integration with launcher and microcontroller Goal line detection completely working Testing all modules Manual controller to be able to shoot Timeline Status EXPO Fully functional launcher which can be controlled manually or automated Goal line detection completed with user interface with display Gantt Chart ID Task Name January 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 2 5 Ideen/Jason 1 Image Processing Toolset Research 2 Camera Researching Ideen/Jason 3 Shooter Researching David/Marko 4 UROP Writing 5 EEF Writing and Presentation 6 PDR Writing and Presentaton 7 More Research/Image Processing&Shooter 8 Labview install & VI's examples 9 Goal Construction 10 Schematics: Microcontroller 11 Microcontroller Wire Wrapping 12 Microcontroller: Test and Integration 13 Schematics: Motor Controller 14 Motor Controller Work 15 CDR w riting and presentation 16 Shooter: 2 axis of control (step motor) 17 Launcher: Rail Work 18 Launcher: Micro controller Work 19 Test and Integration of Launcher 20 Detector: Image processing programming 21 Detector: Integrating w ith micro processor 22 Detector: GUI 23 Milestone 1: Goal or No Goal Detection complete 24 Addition: Detector - Coordinate 25 Addition: Detector - Speed, Launcher integration 26 Addition: Shooter - Automatic 27 Test and Integration 28 Milestone 2: Microcontroller & Launcher Fully integrated 29 PCB & Installing components 30 PCB Test and Integration 31 Documenations 32 Capstone Expo February 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 1 4 March 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 3 6 April 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 3 6 9 Ideen/All All All All Ideen/Jason Marko Pon Pon/All Marko/Pon David/Pon/Marko All David/Marko David/Marko Pon Ideen/Jason Ideen/Jason/Pon Ideen/Jason/Pon Ideen/Jason Ideen/Jason/Pon Ideen/Jason/Pon David/Marko All Pon/Marko/David Ideen/Pon Ideen/Pon/Marko All All Possible Risks & Problems PRECISION whether the ball passed the goal line or not Speed of ball versus frame rate Real time response/Fast processing Multi-camera processing capability Smooth changing directions of the gun shot Ball speed control Estimated Part Costs Component Image Proces s ing Intelligence and control Labview/ Matlab Memory s ys tem Manual control Goal and net Ball launching s ys tem Printed circuit board Power Sys tem & communication s ys tem Unit cos t Unit Item Qty StealthFire Firewire $250 Camera 8 Bit $20 microcontroller MC68HC11 A3977-SED-T Sampled* Motor Control IC Toolkit (s oftware) $50 -CPLD XC9572 $150 RAM for data $50 CY62256LL Flas h for $50 ins tructionAT29C5 12 Joys tick controller $30 PVC pipe for goal $50 frame Bas ic ball $250 launching unit Stepper motors for $70 movement Plexiglas s (for bas e $50 unit) Steel track/rail $20 (lateral movement) 2 revis ion of $75 printed circuit board expected Battery, $140 trans is tors , Op amps , heat s ink, diodes , A/D chip, RS232, optocouplers Total cos t 2 $500 1 $20 6 4 1 1 200 $150 $50 1 $50 1 1 $30 $50 1 $250 3 $210 1 $50 2 $40 2 $150 1 $140 $1,980 Questions / Comments