RED ROVER Team CPNE Crossen Davis Peter Ramer Nancy Robinson Eric Rodriguez Red Rover System Temperature sensor Accelerometer LCD Camera w/ audio Ultrasonic Transducer (2) Base Station System Power distributed to all chips Data Bus Driver CLOCK Serial Data From Computer Vdd Vss 8 Data EPROM CLK MC68HC11 1 2 1 2 Reset 8-14 Address Address Bus Driver Reset Circuit RAM Address Bus Driver Receiver from vehicle Transmitter to Vehicle Vehicle Processor System Power distributed to all chips / Separate Power for motors Data Bus Driver CLOCK Serial Data From Computer Vdd Vss 8 Data EPROM Temperature sensor CLK MC68HC11 1 2 1 2 Reset 8-14 Address Address Bus Driver Reset Circuit RAM Accelerometer 4 motors decoder H-bridge Address Bus Driver PWM Camera w/ audio Ultrasonic Transducer transmitter LCD Ultrasonic Transducer receiver Receiver from Base station Transmitter to Base station M68HC11 Processor 8 bit data and 16 bit address 16 bit timer system 8 bit pulse accumulator Real time interrupt 7 8 bit registers Interfaces to both local and remote peripherals Processor circuit diagram Reset & Voltage Regulator Lynxmotion Robot Chassis 4 7.2V motor chassis Room inside for additional electronics Can carry 5lb load Able to stack decks on top Low or high clearance Decoder Micro-Motor Controller 1 for each motor Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller m0po m0no m1no m1po Reset SCI Vcc Input is made with 4 bytes of info Start byte is most significant bit 2 + 4.7k Motor Battery Gnd 2 parallel Hbridges They allow for bidirectional control of 2 motors 127 different speeds Maximum current 2A PWM frequency of 750Hz Vdc Contains 1 FPGA 4 bytes input to SCI Motor start byte 0x80 device type=0x00 motor#, direction motor speed …Input to Serial Control Input oInput of 4 bytes o non-inverted logic o 8 bits at a time, no start bit, 1 stop bit o MSB read first and last bit must be clear o To configure: need to send 3 byte packet start byte = 0x80 change configuration = 0x02 new settings, 0x00-0x7F bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 bit 0 0x x x x x x x Bit 6: = # of motors, so in our case, =1 Bits 0-5: motor #, in our case, 1-4 After configurations set: programming protocol: 4 bytes start byte = 0x80 device type = 0x00 motor # and direction motor speed Bit 0: direction (1 forward, 0 backward) Bits 1-6: motor number Bit 7: always 0 Bit 7: always 0 Remaining: 0x00 turns off motor 0x7F turns fully on f0 in reverse brakes Transceiver •433Mhz Multi-Channel RS-232 Serial RF Transceiver •10 selectable channels •Three baud rates: 9600, 19200, and 38400 bps •-104dBm sensitivity Camera and Audio Miniature and Lightweight 1.2 GHz Needs 8-9V power supply RC connection for receiver Resolution 380 lines Rotates w/ horizontal motor Motor movement controlled by PWM for slow movement and limited angle Connected directly to monitor Digital Temperature Sensor DS18S20 Gives 9 bit centigrade temperature Upper and lower programmable trigger points 1-wire bus/ LSB first -55°C to 125°C Accuracy within .5C Can power from data line or Vcc Data stored in 16-bit sign-extended two’s complement number in its own temperature register DS18S20 Vpu Gnd Vehicle Microprocessor 4.7k 1-wire bus DQ Vdd Ultrasonic 25kHz Transducers Excited by 25kHz square wave Filters out signals outside 24-26kHz band Transmitter transducer driven by 10 cycle square waves and receiver transducer receives echo Timer on HC11 counts time for the return echo Speed of sound 1100ft/s So object (1100 x t)ft away Burst of sound waves to object Vehicle Microprocessor Transmitter Corresponding echo start Timer Amplifier stop Receiver Accelerometer Breakout Board - ADXL E8 Series 2 axis acceleration and tilt sensor Low power <.6mA Direct interface to microcontrollers via duty cycle modulation (DCM) Duty cycle=pulse width/period DCM measured by counter/timer to determine acceleration Acceleration = (T1/T2-.5)12.5% Vdd T2=Rset/125Mohms T2 LP Filters HC11 Counter/timer XA YA XP T1 VDD ADXL202E YP Vdd GND LCD 16x4 character display HD44780 parallel interface Uses HD44780U LCD Driver LCD Vss Vcc Vee Rs Vcc Vehicle Microprocessor R/W E DB0-7 Software Using Tera Term for monitor program User interface programming in C++ Microprocessor data manipulation and peripheral interface in assembly and C++ Considering FPGA programmed using Verilog Done so far… Most of the processor done and awaiting testing. Will be done with both processor boards with testing by Monday Started ordering parts Parts list •Base Station Processor Board, w/ M68HC11, EPROM, RAM,,… •Vehicle Processor Board, w/ same components Pololu Robot Chassis •Digital Temperature Sensor •Accelerometer •2 Transceivers •Graphic LCD •Camera w/ audio •2 Ultrasonic Transducers Schedule Division of labor and responsibilities Crossen: Vehicle processor, Code, Chassis & Motors, Temp Sensors Peter: Vehicle processor, Code, LCD, Accelerometer Nancy: Base station, Code, Transducers, User’s Manual Eric: Base station, Code, Transceiver, Video Questions/Comments