2nd sem 2016

Emil Agustin
TH Rogers
2nd Semester Planning (2015-16)
7th Grade (Tech Apps), 7th/8th (Media)
Weekly Schedule (note schedules are subject to modification as needed)
1st Half
Jan 5 – Jan8
Intro to Applied tech Apps, requirements, expectations, grading policy, curriculum/syllabus,
Lab procedures, Tech(HISD) user policies, Setting up 1st Lessons for next week
Warm up tech lesson “Draw my face”, Warm up Media lesson “Impromptu”, Planning for THGC
video contest
Jan 11 – Jan 15
“Objects” Review from 6th grade. Why “objects” is central to learning a software program/app
“Layers” Review from 6th grade.
Photoshop Intro – “How do you teach yourself to learn a program?”
The photoshop “animation” exercise – using F1, classmates, teacher, online sources (in that
order) for help
Video Contest planning
Media lesson 1 – What is Broadcast Media?
Jan 18– Jan 22
Photoshop “Green Screen” Project – learning to integrate individual work with groups
“Collaboration” – students integrate individual work using photoshop into a video editing
program and showcase everything as a trailer.
Discipline, Timing, being helpful to group members (needs to be discussed else the students
are typically selfish)
Video Contest filming
Media Lesson 2 – Writing, Reporting, Producing
Jan 25 – Jan 29
“Exporting” formatting – converting a file format to different ones, why it is important to learn
procedures when creating products (i.e. video codecs)
Group presentations – “The trailer” (note to me - tie this up with powerpoint presentation
skills from 6th grade)
Video Contest editing
Media Lesson 3 – “A sample broadcast scenario”
Feb 1 – Feb 5
“The Business” project – explain why this is a major undertaking that will require a really good
partner. “Trust” “Respect” – explain why they need to understand this.
Applied MS Office basics
o What is “applied?” – explain why the students are doing this project as if it’s for real
Publisher/MS Access/Prezi/Dreamweaver/Magix .. – these are some of the possible software
for students to use.
Video contest presentations
Media lesson 4 – Public Speaking, Reporting
Feb 8 – Feb 12
“The Business” Part 1
o Creating a logo (usually photoshop/paint)
o Creating a business proposition (note to me – students need to understand that
proper Word formatting is necessary, review MSWord)
o Creating a timeline (for organizational purposes)
Choosing appropriate software to solve a real time problem (students are generally allowed to
use a software of their choice – as long as they can teach themselves to learn it (!))
Video contest submissions (due)
Media lesson 5 – Writing – Words, Meaning, Sentences, Stories
Feb 15 – Feb 19
“The Business” Part 2
Creating supporting products (planning for multiple audiences)
Creating a financial model (also using excel to do a sample business model)
What’s in a business? Creating a sample “employee training” video
Official business forms
What’s a transaction?
Media lesson 6 – Reporting – Sources, Gathering, Writing to Audio, Coverage
Feb 22-26
“The business” Part 3
Creating a business website (Dreamweaver)
o (for me – don’t forget to review HTML, some students are new to school)
o Do a sample exercise on dreamweaver to model to students
Creating an “Environment” – how your business will “look” like to others
Programming in CS Algebra preparations
Media Lesson 7 – Producing – Newscasts, Public Affairs
Feb 29 – Mar 4
Showtime – presenting your business to the class
Summarize the blending of multiple programs to come up with a unified whole
Summarize learning (i.e. lessons tend to blend together and work differently but correctly
when using different software/apps)
Programming Lessons 1-2
Media Lesson 8 – Editing – Using a video editor, Sound
2nd Half
Mar 21 – Mar 25
1st Half summary on class goals. “Collaboration” should be clear by now. A big change on how I
do classes – we are back to traditional classroom settings (i.e. more direct teacher-student
I usually explain to students how I do “Differentiation”. (check if they recognized it during the
1st half)
Introduction to unit 6 of “Internet Safety” (found in my webpage) and an introduction to
Will most likely have the spot check on keyboarding here
Programming Lessons 3-5
Media – The newscast (Ram News 1)
Mar 28- Apr 1
Programming presentations
Media presentations
Apr 4 - April 8
The first week of testing (STAAR) lots of disruption in schedules
“Planning to Assemble your PC”
Hardware basics
“Planning a solution by using technology” – A short exercise on problem solving using
hardware/software (i.e. what is MS office good for?)
April 11- April 15
Spreadsheet Review
Unit 7 (Intro to malware : What are Viruses, Trojans, spyware ..)
45 min session on individual projects
Using a site configurator to buy a computer exercise
Make sure the students are dialed in with their last big project
April 18- April 22
HTML Review
Intro to Dreamweaver
45 min session on individual projects
Intro to Animation “Blender”
Media Broadcast 2 “Ram News”
April 25 – April 29
Sound files (Continuation from 6th grade – make sure students are seriously making something
Combining elements of sound editing (Intro to Sound editing)
Sound objects and programs
Media grp Projects, Indv projects
May 2 – May 6
Disruption from school wide testing
45 min session for individual projects
Media Lesson 9 – Documentaries, Research Based Reporting
May 9 – May 13
Last check for individual projects (editing should be in its final stages), re-film when necessary
Prospectus due (till next week)
Media Documentaries project due
May 16-May 20
Everything due
Presentations due
Media final Broadcasts due
EA 1/7/16