Pokémon Genetics Project: Punnett Squares & Traits

Pokémon Genetics Project
Due Date: __________________
We’ve already learned a lot about genetics and now it’s time to put all of that knowledge to work…with
Objectives of project:
- review genotypes, phenotypes, Punnett squares, probability
- understand sex chromosomes, X & Y; what determines whether an organism is a boy or girl
- practice presentation skills
Scope of Work:
Every team of two (2) students is responsible for choosing a Pokémon species. With this Pokémon species, you
must create two individual Pokémon parents (of the same species) with different traits (i.e., different color skin,
eyes, and other physical features). You will then mate these Pokémon using Punnett squares to create an
offspring. You must determine the sex of your Pokémon and each of their traits. Then, create a picture of your
Pokémon offspring.
All of this will be presented on a posterboard and shown in front of the class in a small 1- minute presentation.
You will be responsible for providing the posterboard.
Elements of the project:
Each poster must contain. . .
Parents & Offspring: Draw two Pokémon of your chosen species with 4 different traits. You will either
need to draw the Pokémon by hand or use Photoshop or another program to change the traits of the
o Be sure to create 4 traits that can be changed through the genes of the Pokémon. You will
determine which alleles are dominant and recessive (ex. pink skin=dominant, blue skin=recessive).
o You must include a chart that defines what phenotype each genotype codes for (ex., PP
= pink skin, Pp = pink skin, pp = blue skin).
Punnett squares: Punnett squares must be created for all 4 traits and the sex of your Pokémon
offspring, and you must choose the genes the offspring will receive. You decide whether the parents are
homozygous or heterozygous for those traits. You will circle the genes that the offspring will receive in
each Punnett square.
Posterboard: You must include pictures of the parents, offspring, 5 Punnett squares (4 traits and XY
Punnett square), and a genotype/phenotype chart. Be sure your work is neat and colorful!
The project will be worth 100 points which will be broken down thusly:
 Two parent Pokémon shown clearly with different traits. (20 points)
 Genotype/Phenotype Chart (20 points)
 5 Punnett squares for offspring including XY square, genotypes of offspring circled (25 points)
 Drawing of offspring with correct traits determined by genes. (10 points)
 Presentation (neatness, colorful, creativity, 1 minute presentation, everyone presents) (15 points)
 Group Participation – be sure to put in a fair amount of effort/dedication (10 points)
Sample Poster Layout:
of both
Punnett Squares (5)