Welcome Phenomenal Fifth Graders 5th Grade Science & Social Studies Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science. -Edwin Powell Hubble People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them. -James A. Baldwin Ms. Breanna Mason E-Mail:BMason1@HoustonISD.org Planning Time: 2:15 – 2:50 (M – F) SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE DESCRIPTION In Fifth grade, students will be working throughout the year in engaging and hands on activities that will enrich previously learned and new material. Students will survey the history of the United States from 1565 to the present. Historical content includes the colonial period, the American Revolution, the establishment of the U.S. Constitution and American identity, westward expansion, the Civil War and Reconstruction, immigration and industrialization, and the 20th and 21st centuries. To support the teaching of the essential knowledge and skills, the use of a variety of rich primary and secondary source material such as documents, biographies, speeches, letters, poetry, songs, and artwork is utilized. Students study a variety of regions in the United States that result from physical features and human activity and identify how people adapt to and modify the environment. Students will use critical-thinking skills to sequence, categorize, and summarize information and to draw inferences and conclusions about U.S. History, Culture, and Geography. 5th grade students study the following: Geography of the U.S. British Colonial Life American Revolution U.S. Government Civil War 20th Century America SCIENCE COURSE DESCRIPTION In Fifth grade, students will be examining physical, earth, and life science topics throughout the year. We will be doing many exploration activities and lab activities in the classroom. As the year progresses, students will work on developing their own scientific experiments and participating in the Science Fair. We will be using lots of hands-on activities and technology to enrich the curriculum. Students will maintain a working notebook and a lab journal rich with literary opportunities and reflections. Our student scientists will be developing a more clear understanding of the world around them including systems, cycles and forces while monitoring their growth. 5th grade students study the following: The art of Science and Design Matter and Change Energy and its forms Earth and its Resources The Solar System Ecosystems and their Inhabitants Assessment: All teachers use a district weighting system. All grades will be recorded in GradeSpeed. Grades will be weighted based on categories of: Class work (30%) Homework (10%) Quizzes (20%) Tests/Major Projects (40%) 90-100 80-89 75-79 70-74 69 or below A Excellent B Above Average C Average D Below Average F Unsatisfactory *No “extra credit”: To earn the best grade, complete work on time Course Resources: Studies Weekly Moby Max Online Assessment Science Fusion Study Island CNN Student News National Geographic Text Additional teacher created resource A variety of magazines (Student Editions) Welcome Phenomenal Fifth Graders 5th Grade Science & Social Studies Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science. -Edwin Powell Hubble People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them. -James A. Baldwin Expectations of Student Behavior: Please refer to the student/parent handbook in the daily planner for school wide rules. Students are expected to follow the expectations posted in the classroom. The Houston Independent School District Code of Student Conduct will also be enforced. Presentation of Rules and Procedures: During the first week of school, all rules and positive and negative consequences are reviewed with the students in each class. These will be reviewed throughout the year, when needed. Rules and procedures are posted in the classroom. E = 0-1 mark S = 2-3 marks *Students will receive a verbal reminder of expected behavior. N = 4 marks *Students will write a letter to parents explaining their behavior, needs to be signed by a parent. U = +5 marks *Student will have 2 silent lunches. *Serious offenses will go directly to the principal's office. Students will be receiving separate conduct marks from each teacher. We will send home a conduct chart to convey positive behaviors and areas that can be improved upon. These will be sent home on Friday and will need to be signed by a parent and returned the following school day. The students overall conduct for the 9 weeks period will be determined by an average of their weekly scores. Classwork and Homework Policy: We encourage students to take pride in their work, therefore all work should be neat, complete, on time, and represent the child’s best effort. Due to individual differences in learning styles and work habits, time spent on homework each night will vary from child to child. Your child should write down all homework assignments in his/her agenda daily. If your child checks into school for a day (even if he/she checks in late or checks out early), he/she is responsible for completing that day’s homework for all classes he/she attended prior to leaving school by the next day. Daily Planners: Plan books are given to students on the first day of school. It is required that students bring their planners to school and home daily, as well as to each classroom. Ample time will be given for students to record their daily homework assignments and other school related information. Students are expected to copy the exact wording of homework assignments in a legible handwriting. If a plan book is forgotten, misplaced, or lost, students can write homework assignments on a sheet of notebook paper. Students will be required to replace their planner if it is missing longer than one week. Plan books are also used as a communication tool from home to school. If a parent writes a note, please instruct your child to bring the note up to the teacher at the start of class, rather than at the end. Late Work: All homework, and unfinished classwork is due the following day, unless indicated otherwise by the teacher. Late work will be accepted one day beyond the original due date, with a deduction of 20% as a penalty. Two days late will receive a deduction of 30%. Homework will not be accepted if three days late. Projects and Test corrections will NOT be accepted late. Advanced notice and ample preparation time is given to students. Absence Procedure: We must have a parent note, e-mail, or phone call explaining an absence when a student returns to school. All communications must be sent to the attendance office when the child returns to school. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence. Work following an excused absence must be made up within two school days. Communication with Parents: Daily communication will take place in the student’s planner and via Schoolwires. Thursday Communication folders will be sent home weekly and will include school news. We are happy to meet for a parent-teacher conference throughout the week. Unannounced or unplanned visits are discouraged, as we are to meet as a team to be able to fully answer any questions and address any issues necessary. Please email us to set up a convenient conference time.