20 years after Cecchini: What have policy makers business learned about European Integration from Economic Analysis [PPT 580.00KB]

20 years after Cecchini
What have policy makers & business learned about
European Integration from Economic Analysis
Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Several Questions
What have policy makers learnt about European integration from Econ
What have business learnt about European integration from Econ
What have they learnt from other sources ?
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Reminder What Cecchini said
Uncontroversial Removal of border barriers
Scale economies
Frontier delays
Public procurement
Supply side effects ,changes to corporate behaviour in more competitive
Liberalise & integrate financial mkts
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Underlying economics is simple, assessing the
prize isnt
Fundamental economic concept behind Single market always well known
Size of barriers and therefore benefits of getting rid of them was not in some cases still
Assumptions that lie behind benefit calculations
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Whats it worth ?
4.25-6.5% of EU GDP a massive prize
Was that right or not?
How much actually captured
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Large potential gains from EU reform…
Long run effects of more competition-friendly policies in the
Euro area (percentage deviations from baseline)
[source: IMF]
Labour market Product
=> -3.5
=> -3.0
=> -6.5
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Microeconomic indicators: Entrepreneurial culture
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Extent of intervention in product and labour markets, 1985
and 2003 (synthetic indicators).
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
The EU Directive on Services in the
Internal Market
Response to 2002 report “The State of the Internal Market for Services”
Aims to increase trade by reducing the regulatory burden on service
Copenhagen Economics (2005) suggests significant economic benefits
to be made
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
the 2005 study
Impact of EU15 market opening 1990-2000:
Welfare: +1.9%, +€98bn; jobs: +500,000
Main gains in: telecoms and electricity
Quantified measure of market opening
Model to link MO, productivity and prices
CGE simulation for sector impacts
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Further market opening potential
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
the Market Opening Index
5 - 12 Market Opening Milestones per sector
Score & weight for Index: sector/year/country
2003: telecom 0.7, postal 0.35 (scale: 0 – 1)
OECD’s REGREF: fewer inds, similar results
New research updated MOI to 2006, and modelled the benefits of
EU15 full opening (i.e. scores of 1)
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
methodology: CGE model etc
parameters from 2005 study to see how full market opening affects
sector productivity and price for 2 scenarios
apply price and productivity scenarios to CGE model for give economy
wide impacts
multi-regional CGE model representing EU-25
>275,000 firms in 19 Member States from Amadeus database
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Linear vs pessimistic assumptions
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
What govts have learnt (1of 2)
Big benefits
Hard to remove barriers
Consumers don’t value benefits as much as firms value losses
Legislation is not enough
Need to battle using regulators
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
What governments have learnt (2 of 2).
Removing tariffs is a tiny part of the reform process
Lisbon Agenda
Services Directive
EU Energy policy
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
UK view
– continue leading role for competition
– outward facing to maximise benefits
– future EU action based on specific policy points, not Directives
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
What Cecchini didn’t cover
Dis-aggregation of production
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
What business has learnt
Single market links to other issues
Disaggregation of production
University of Sussex
17th July 2007
Why most business & consumers aren’t
engaged enough
Cumbersome and legalistic
Don’t need to be
Fixes continue