97 學年度第 2 學期日間部通識課程授課計畫表 授課教師 Ying Ying Cheng 教師研究室/分機 1306A/5261 科目代碼 科目名稱 科目歸屬 請 選 專任 □兼任 所屬系所名稱:通識教育中心 電子信箱: tyycheng@gmail.com 學分數 90202 2 中文 新聞英文 英文 Journalistic English □社會科學學門 :□1. 人文與藝術學門:□1. □自然與科技學門:□1. □生命科學學門 :□1. 法律與政治 華語文 發展史及概論 基因與細胞 :導論型 □2. 社會與心理 □3. □3. □2. 當代議題 □3. □2. 生物個體 □3. 2. 外語文 經濟與管理 歷史 □4. 藝術 未知世界 人體 □:深化型(修課者,需具備基本專業背景知識) 本課程與通識 1. 厚實語文運用能力 □2. 深化世界公民素養 教育目標關聯 性: □4. 提升人文藝術涵養 □5. 孕育終身學習的人生觀 請 選 □3. 拓展知識領域,強化競爭力 □6. 擴展宏觀視野,落實關懷情操 授課目標 There will be a focus on developing the skills and strategies needed to become proficient readers of English newspapers and other periodicals. Specially students will be able to 1) Read and understand passage; 2) Identify and restate the main idea of a passage; 3) Paraphrase key ideas from a passage. 4) Make inferences about information in a passage. 授課進度與大綱 [subject to change at instructor discretion]: 週次 進度與大綱 第一週 Overview 第二週 News Leads and News 第三週 General News--Great white shark rips into fisherman’s kayak 第四週 General News--Great white shark rips into fisherman’s kayak 第五週 General News--California: Big tuition increase proposed 第六週 General News--California: Big tuition increase proposed 第七週 Science& technology--Big effort to save little butterfly 第八週 Science& technology--Big effort to save little butterfly 第九週 Midterm Examination [including Business--Ridding the world of plastic forks] 第十週 Travel--Paris: Church’s famous pipe organ produces celestial music 第十一週 Travel--Paris: Church’s famous pipe organ produces celestial music 第十二週 Sports--Saints’ Payton: Coach of the year 第十三週 Sports--Saints’ Payton: Coach of the year 第十四週 Entertainment--Movie Review: Perry tackles melodrama with a single dad 第十五週 Entertainment--Movie Review: Perry tackles melodrama with a single dad 第十六週 Entertainment--Movie Review: Perry tackles melodrama with a single dad 第十七週 Review 第十八週 Final Examination [including Food--Palate purgatory] 學生可獲得之知識、技能或進階學習之基礎 Develop the ability to read English newspaper and other periodicals. 教材(作者,書名,出版社,出版地,年份) Textbooks: Reading the News, Guligroup, USA, 2008 References: 1. English dictionary 2. Chinese-English dictionary. 課程要求(學生於學期間應達成之學習成就、作業、考試等) The intermediate level of English is required as the text are in English. Students are expected to participate in class and make a meaningful contribution to the dialogue on culture. There will be in-class activity-- Please note that you must be present to participate. There written activities, based on class objectives and reading assignments, will be collected in class and returned the following week and portfolio as well as a midterm and a final. 成績評量方式 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F In-class activity: 100 points 20%, Portfolio: 100 points 20%; Midterm: 150 points 30%, Final: 150 points 30 [Pls see rubrics] 備註 填表日期: 97 年 10 月23 日