97 學年度第 1 學期日間部通識課程授課計畫表 授課教師 林幸宜 教師研究室/分機 E1415/ ext.5249 科目代碼 科目名稱 所屬系所名稱:通識教育中心 專任 □兼任 電子信箱:bettylin@isu.edu.tw 學分數 90222 中文 閱讀與寫作技巧 英文 Reading and Writing skills 2 □社會科學學門 :□1. 法律與政治 □2. 社會與心理 □3. 經濟與管理 人文與藝術學門:□1. 華語文 2. 外語文 □3. 歷史 □4. 藝術 □自然與科技學門:□1. 發展史及概論 □2. 當代議題 □3. 未知世界 □生命科學學門 :□1. 基因與細胞 □2. 生物個體 □3. 人體 本課程與通識教育目標關聯性: 本課程契合通識教育目標第 1,2,4,5,6 項,即自律的道德情操、適應性的認知及行 為能力、均衡的價值體系、統整的自我規約系統及豁達的人生觀。 科目歸屬 請選 授課目標 This course aims to upgrade students’ reading and writing ability through learning the basic structure of five different kinds of common paragraphs, including definition, descriptive, process analysis, opinion, and narrative paragraphs, and basic reading skills, which include scanning, skimming, and thorough reading,. Ultimately, this course is to enhance students’ organization skills in “information processing.”, 授課進度與大綱 週次 進度或大綱 第一週 Introduction of reading and writing processes. 第二週 Reading: a) check students’ reading rate; b) journal log; c) scanning 第三週 Writing: a) basic structure of a paragraph; b) four kind of sentences (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences) 第四週 Reading: skimming—learning not to read every word; building vocabulary 第五週 Writing: sentence combination; more reviews on the structure of a paragraph 第六週 Reading: learning to look for the topic: topics and main ideas 第七週 Writing: definition paragraph 第八週 Reading: understanding paragraphs; finding patterns of organization 第九週 Writing: definition paragraphs 第十週 Writing: process analysis paragraphs 第十一週 Reading: making inferences; skimming 第十二週 Writing: descriptive paragraphs 第十三週 Reading: thinking skills 第十四週 Writing: opinion paragraphs 第十五週 Reading: summarizing 第十六週 Writing: narrative paragraphs 第十七週 Writing: paragraphs in an essay 第十八週 Review 學生可獲得之知識、技能或進階學習之基礎 To learn to express their opinions clearly, students from this class will practice writing narrative, definition, description, opinion, and process analysis paragraphs. To accomplish these tasks, students need to work on sentence combination to brush up their grammar. As for reading, students are expected to utilize four scanning, previewing, skimming, and identifying organization patterns to comprehend their reading in English. 教材(作者,書名,出版社,出版地,年份) 1. Folse, K. S., Muchmore-Vokoun, A & Solomon, E. V. Great Paragraphs. Houghton Mifflin Company,(2002). 2. Mikulecky, B. S. & Jeffries, L. Reading Power. NY: Longman.,(2007)。 課程要求(學生於學期間應達成之學習成就、作業、考試等) 1. 能寫作五種英文段落 (definition, descriptive, process analysis, opinion, and narrative paragraphs) 。 2. 能適時運用四種閱讀技巧 (scanning, skimming, thorough reading, and critical reading)以達成不 同的閱讀目的。 成績計算(評分標準與方式) 1. attendance and participation 10% 2. reading and writing assignments 60% (including assigned reading and writing practice, options of sentence combination, journal or email writing, extensive reading, analytical reading) 3. final exam (portfolio) 30% 備註 選課條件: 有興趣提昇閱讀與寫作能力者, 最好有相當於全民英檢初級之閱讀與寫作能力. 填表日期: 97 年 04 月 08 日 2