Routine Name: writefile Description: Writes out ASCII data to currently opened file. Usage: str] writefile filename [arguments ...] [-nonewline] [-format filename name of file to write to (must first be opened with openfile routine with w or a switch) -nonewline do not append carriage return at end of line (if omitted, carriage return is appended) -format str use specified format string str to format each argument (to construct mixed formats, use multiple writefile calls with -n option to place them on a single line) arguments Example: strings to be written out to file (default is nothing, which effectively means a blank line unless -n is selected to suppress carriage return; the arguments are written out with single spaces between each and are terminated with a carriage return) openfile test2 w // both of these write three entries per line, // each separated by a space writefile test2 1.0 2.0 3.0 writefile test2 "4.0 5.0 6.0" genesis > genesis > openfile test w writefile test Vm = 10 "string with space" {10+5} genesis > writefile test one -n genesis > writefile test line genesis > writefile test X Y -format "%5s" genesis > writefile test 5.3 6.5 -format "(%3s)" genesis > writefile test FIRST SECOND -n -format "%-10s" genesis > writefile test THIRD -format "%30s" genesis > writefile test done genesis > closefile test genesis > more test Vm = 10 string with space 15 oneline X Y (5.3)(6.5) FIRST SECOND THIRD done genesis > Notes: the The changes you make are made permanent when you close file (using closefile), or flush the buffer with flushfile. There is limited formatting of output. See also: openfile, closefile, listfiles, readfile, flushfile, floatformat