Routine Name: genesis Description: command) Starts up the GENESIS program. Usage: nosig] genesis [-usage][-nosimrc][-altsimrc filename][-notty][- (operating system [-execdir dirname][-nice nice-level][-nox] [-defaultcolor][-batch][-status][script arg1 ...] -usage print the usage message, listing options. -nosimrc ignore the .simrc file -altsimrc use 'filename' instead of the .simrc file -notty do not accept terminal input -execdir change to 'dirname' after starting genesis -nice give genesis 'nice-level' priority -nox start GENESIS without initializing XODUS -defaultcolor use the display's default colormap -batch run genesis in the background -status create a status line showing time, step, etc. script Example: % name of a GENESIS script to run genesis -altsimrc ~/.backup_simrc Starting Genesis ========================================================================= = G E N E S I S Release Version: 2.0 Copyright 1988 - 1995, California Institute of Technology Some components are copyright by the originating institution and are used with the permission of the authors. ========================================================================= = Executable: /usr/genesis/genesis ----------------------- Starting XODUS 2.0 ----------------------Startup script: ~/.backup_simrc SIMPATH=. /usr/home/jouser/mystartup SIMNOTES=/usr/home/jouser/.notes GENESIS_HELP=/usr/genesis/Doc genesis #0 > Notes: .simrc, When starting, GENESIS looks for an initialization file, first in the current working directory, and then in your home directory. After installing genesis, this file is created in the GENESIS installation directory. After making any appropriate edits, you should copy it to your home directory and insure that the genesis executable is in your path. A new GENESIS command line option -defaultcolor will cause GENESIS to use the display's default colormap, even if the default visual is readonly. The net result is that colorscale colors will be shared among multiple GENESIS processes, but GENESIS will fail to allocate a colorscale if the default colortable is full. This option may be used to avoid X protocol errors on some SGI systems where the X11 server defaults to a TrueColor (24 bit) visual. See also: src/README