Object Type: enz Description: Enzyme activity for a pre-existing pool. An enz does two things: it handles the reactions in the Michaelis-Menten (MM) scheme below, and it also acts as a pool to represent the enzyme-substrate complex. It can only be created on a pool, it is not an independent object. The MM scheme is modeled as: k1 k3 Substrate + Enzyme <-----> EnzComplex ----> Enz + Prd k2 The enz is really a utility object, as it replaces two reacs and a pool, but does not add anything extra. Author: U. S. Bhalla, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India. (1993). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------ELEMENT PARAMETERS DataStructure: Size: enz_type [in src/kinetics/kin_struct.h] bytes Fields: CoComplex CoComplexInit nComplex nComplexInit vol sA pA eA B k1,k2,k3 Concentration of enz-substrate complex. CoComplex = nComplex/vol Initial concentration of enz-substrate complex. CoComplex gets set to this value on RESET. Number of molecules of complex. Initial number of molecules of complex. 'nComplex'gets set to this value on RESET. Volume occupied by enzyme. Often involves scale factor so as to have direct conversion from 'n' to some sensible units of Co, such as micromolar. A state variable to pass to substrate in messages. A state variable to pass to products in messages. A state variable to pass to parent enzyme pool in messages. B state variable to pass to substrate and parent enzyme pool in messages Michaelis-Menten parameters. keepconc usecomplex Flag determining whether to change concs or n when volume changes Flag. Determines whether the enzyme complex is used when the parent enzyme is involved in other reactions. Consider: E + A <----> E.A where E is a pool reacting with A. Suppose E has an enzyme site. Then, whenever some of the enzyme is complexed with a substrate, the conc of E decreases unless 'usecomplex' is true. Internal variable. ksum = k2 + k3. ksum ----------------------------------------------------------------------------SIMULATION PARAMETERS Function: EnzFunc Classes: segment Actions: PROCESS RESET SET Messages: ENZYME [in src/kinetics/enz.c] SUBSTRATE n [n is number of molecules of enzyme pool to which this site is attached] n [Number of molecules of substrate] VOL INTRAMOL vol [volume of enzyme pool] n [Total number of molecules in an intramolecular reaction] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes: See pool documentation for example of use. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------