CS 790 (X) Seminar: Robotics Spring 2015 Instructor: Monica Nicolescu E-mail: monica@cs.unr.edu Office: SEM 239 Phone: (775) 784-1687 Office hours: Wednesday 10am-noon, 1-2pm Class webpage: http://www.cse.unr.edu/~monica/Courses/CS790X/index.html Meeting time and place Tuesday & Thursday: 1:00pm-2:30pm; SEM 201 Recommended Textbooks The Robotics Primer, 2001. Author: Maja Matarić. Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2008. Editors: Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib. Behavior-Based Robotics, 2001. Author: Ron Arkin Course description This is an advanced level, seminar-style course, which will examine representative approaches to robot control, learning, coordination and cooperation between multiple robots and human-robot interaction. Students will learn about the development of the robotics field and the main directions of research in this area. Each week all the students will read all of the assigned readings. Each of the assigned readings will be presented by a student, and discussed and critiqued by all others. Prerequisites CS 491/691 (X) - Robotics or CS 476/676 (Artificial Intelligence). Good programming skills are essential. If you have not taken any of these classes you should purchase "The Robotics Primer" book for background reading. Syllabus Following are the topics that will be discussed, listed in the approximate order in which they will be covered. Introduction, development of the robotics field Reactive systems Hybrid systems Behavior-based systems Navigation and mapping Learning: supervised learning, reinforcement learning, genetic/evolutionary approaches, imitation and learning from demonstration Multi-agent control Multi-robot control Multi-robot learning Emergent behavior Biologically inspired robotics Human-robot interaction Project Each student will complete an individual research project, on a topic covered in class. Teams up to two students are possible, however the complexity of the selected topic must justify it. Project topics: The projects should be an implementation of either: a single robot system (involving complex behavior and demonstrated on a physical robot) or a multi-robot system (involving cooperation/communication/coordination between robots and demonstrated in simulation). Test-beds: The following simulation environments and physical robots will be available for the project: The Player-Stage-Gazebo simulator (playerstage.sourceforge.net). Player is a general purpose language-indepedent network server for robot control. Stage is a Player-compatible high-fidelity indoor multi-robot simulation testbed. Gazebo is a Player-compatible high-fidelity 3D outdoor simulation testbed with dynamics. Using Player/Stage/Gazebo allows for direct porting to Playercompatible physical robots. One Player-compatible ActivMedia Pioneer 1 AT (all terrain) robot. The robot is equipped with 7 sonar sensors and requires the use of a laptop (not provided). 10 Player-compatible ActivMedia Pioneer 3 DX robot. The robot is equipped with laser and sonar sensors, and a PTZ camera. 1 Player-compatible ActivMedia Pioneer 1 AT robot. The robot has 7 sonar sensors and requires the use of a laptop (not provided) 10 Robosapien robots (on-board CPU) 10 Create robots (separate computer boxes - provided) Project report: For each project students should prepare a final project report, which should include the following: Title, author Abstract Introduction and motivation Problem definition, including project goals, assumptions, constraints, and evaluation criteria Details of proposed approach Results and objective experimental evaluation and/or sound theoretical proof of the proposed approach Strengths and weaknesses Review of relevant literature and previous research and how it relates to the project Discussion and conclusion References Appendix (relevant code or algorithms) Timeline: The project development should adhere to the following timeline: Project proposal - outlines the specific goals, implementation platform and the proposed approach - due on February 17 (see the syllabus). Project status report - describes the current status of the project and constitutes a partial report of the final version. The partial report needs to contain Abstract, introduction and motivation, review of relevant literature, problem definition (goals, constraints, etc.), what has been done, what is still to be done - due on April 14 (see the syllabus). Project presentation (live demos are highly encouraged) - during the final exam. Project report - due on May 12. Class schedule Paper reports: During each lecture we will discuss specific research topic. Students must read the papers each of the papers presented that day, a brief report should be submitted at the beginning of the class when contain: a numbers of papers on a before class and submit, for for each paper. The reports they are discussed and must Student's name Title and authors of the paper A short paragraph summarizing the contributions of the paper A critique of the paper that addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the paper All reports should be typed - no hand-written reports will be accepted. Paper presentations: During the semester, each student is required to present several papers to the rest of the class. Each presentation should take about 25-30 minutes and must be prepared as if presented in a formal conference (i.e., slides, projector). This presentation should assume that the audience has read the paper, and not spend more than about 15 minutes summarizing it. The rest of the presentation should be spent on discussing the paper, its strengths, weaknesses, any points needing clarification. The presentation will be followed by class discussions in which all students will express their point of view and general comments on the paper. Assignments and grading Evaluation for this class will be based on your paper presentations, participation in class discussions, summary reports for each of the papers and a final project. Regular class participation is required. Grading policy (tentative, subject to change): Paper reports: Participation in class discussions: Paper presentations: Lab assignments Final project 15% 15% 20% 15% 35% Grading scheme (tentative, subject to change): A: 90 and above B: 80-89 C: 65-79 D: 55-64 F: <55 Late policy: No late submissions will be accepted. Academic integrity: Students are encouraged to study together, however each student must individually prepare his/her solutions. Cheating or plagiarism are not permitted and will be sanctioned according with the UNR policy on Academic Standards. You should carefully read the section on Academic Dishonesty found in the UNR Student Handbook (copies of this section are on-line). Your continued enrollment in this course implies that you have read it, and that you subscribe to the principles stated therein. Student Outcomes (a) An ability to apply engineering or computer science research and theory to advance the art, science and practice of the discipline (b) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze, interpret, apply and disseminate the data (c) An understanding of research methodology