Minutes, Staff Employees Council Wednesday, November 18, 1998

Minutes, Staff Employees Council
Wednesday, November 18, 1998
Melton Media Center - Journalism Building
Representatives present: Ginger Miller (proxy for Nicole Aguilera), Robert
Boyd, Robin Collins, Neileen Dashiell, Debi Dearman, Dave Delporto, Joyce
Duncan, Ann Ettinger, Kristi Forbes, Billye French, Elizabeth Gadsden, Lorrie
Gaffney, Leon Garrett, Terri Garside, Gary Grant, Jim Henley, Larry Hillerman,
Samantha Hoole, Gary Kramer, Tom Lean, Bob Martin, Evelyn Martin, Betty
Osborne, Jewell Radcliffe, Sharon Smith, Teena Tuttle, Diane Wagar
Representatives absent: Nicole Aguilera (excused with a proxy), Shirley Boyd
(excused), Stephanie Flatt, Barbara Trainor,
Visitors: None
Call to Order:
Chair Neileen Dashiell called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM
Approval of October 21, 1998 Council Minutes:
The minutes were approved with one correction, add update on Education
Leave Stipend Committee.
Certificate of Appreciation: Chair Dashiell presented Tom Lean and
Kay Stone with a Certificate of Appreciation for all the time, dedication, and
commitment they put forth the past year for the Staff Employees Council.
Guest Speakers:
Joan Zenan, Chair of the Faculty Senate Technology spoke on the
proposal to put the staff/faculty directory on the web. The present scenario is the
faculty/staff directory is accessible through the UNR homepage and can be
accessed on campus but other colleges and/or public cannot access it nor can
they obtain information about UNR’s faculty/staff. People would have the option
to not have their name listed and not be available to everyone. If the information
was made available to the public it is said to help make it easier for people to
communicate. There was a concern about making sure security issues are
covered, i.e. viruses. Joan insisted that looking/inquiring does not affect the
server therefore no problems with viruses, etc. Melodie Harney from
Administrative Services is able to remove data if necessary to keep accurate
records. The council did a motion for support and were all in favor. Joan will
provide the council with a report as to the outcome.
Bob Gagner, Executive Director, SNEA spoke on two issues: Hiring freeze
and collective bargaining. Revenue projections did not meet expectations of the
economic forum. The Board of Regents is asking for the largest increase in the
state. Collective bargaining is extremely problematic in the legislative session.
The assembly has passed a bill five times and it has either died or the governor
vetoed it. It is unlikely that we will pass collective bargaining for wages and
benefits. The question was asked what we can do as a council? It was
suggested that we somehow contact our legislators addressing the issue.
Ann Graham, Foundation University Way Support Person, Ian Buxton,
Professor of Pharmacology and Sagewind Representatives spoke on the benefits
of giving, i.e research and education and feeling good about what you are giving.
People are now able to donate to specific agencies whereas in the past it was
not an option. People need to have the address for the agency if it is not listed.
Checks will be distributed in March.
Chair's Report:
Chair Dashiell had a meeting with Ashok Dhingra regarding what the
council had planned for the coming year.
Chair Dashiell also informed us she was appointed by Joe Crowley to sit
on the new Hiring Freeze Committee. This committee looks at every new and
existing position that needs to be filled.
Chairl Dashiell handed out copies of the SEC bylaws for everyone on the
council. The committee information will be handed out at the next meeting.
Committee reports:
Arboretum Board: This committee did not meet. They have a December 2
meeting scheduled.
Affirmative Action Advisory Board: This committee did not meet. No update.
Child Care Committee: This committee has been meeting.
Classified Employee of the Year: This committee did not meet. No update.
Compensation Committee: This committee did not meet. No update.
Classified Staff Development Fund: This committee did not meet. No update.
Education Leave Stipend Committee: This committee did not meet. No
Classified Employee Recognition Committee: This committee did not meet.
No update.
Facilities Planning and Management Board: Master Plan update: Scheduled
meeting was cancelled.
LEGACY HALL: No update.
Faculty Staff Club: This committee did not meet. No update.
Food Services: The Request for Proposal “hit the streets”. The Retail Food
Committee met November 6, 1998 at Jot Travis Student Union. The next
meeting is scheduled at 10 am on December 4.
Discussion included: the new Student Service Building where the food service
should have (approximately) 1000 square feet for food service. The building will
be located next to the Parking Garage. Concerns and discussion included
receiving feedback on food and services. Russ Myers mentioned using a
“Feedback” phone so that a person could automatically call and leave a
message. This was thought to be a better idea than a written suggestion box.
Other things mentioned were service training for food service employees. Some
have had the experience of not being understood or understanding from a foreign
person at a food service point. Student organizations and groups can still have a
food fund raiser as long as it doesn’t interfere with the campus Food Service.
Gary Grant
SEC Member
Gender Relations: This committee does not meet unless there is a problem,
therefore has not met. The contact is Ann Ettinger.
Parking Committee: This committee did not meet. No update.
Safety Committee: The University Safety Committee met Tuesday, November
17, 1998 at the Former USBM Small Conference Room. Major issues during the
meeting were the OSHA Citation and Notification of Penalties. A list of serious
violations was outlined. Areas covered: Welding Shop, Carpenter Shop, energy
control, hazardous waste, Paint, Chemistry, lack of a safety plan. Environmental
Health Safety Department and Buildings and Grounds are working to clear the
violations. The Committee approved the Mission Statement of the University
Safety Committee and draft regarding chemical hygiene training available for all
university employees who work or supervise in laboratories where hazardous
chemicals are used. It was brought out during the meeting all new employees
must have training. A time limit for this training was discussed. If any staff work
where hazardous materials are being used you should contact the Environmental
Health and Safety Office at 327-5040 or contact the office at the USBM-228 for
special training. The Subcommittee Tabled Transportation of Injured Students,
Perimeter Security System and the Children in Laboratories issue.
Gary Grant
SEC/Safety Committee Member
E-mail any incidents, etc. re safety to Gary Grant @ learnlab@unr.edu.
SEC Bylaws: This committee did not meet. No update.
SEC Awards Luncheon: This committee did not meet. No update
SEC Open House: This committee did not meet. No update.
SEC Web Page: Diane Wagar informed the council that the SEC web page will
be published very soon.
Special Interests: This committee did not meet. No update.
Old Business: No old business.
New Business:
Surveys: A Staff Employees Council Questionnaire is being sent out to
UNR staff employees asking for their input on issues they would like to
see the SEC address for the coming year.
Contact with Constituents: Chair Dashiell encouraged all council members
to be in contact with constituents.
Service Projects: Student Services Service Project: VIP Thanksgiving
basket. The council collected donations (cleaning supplies, food from the
Food Pantry) to be given to a student on campus.
“Warm hands, warm heart”. A flyer will be distributed to campus
requesting new or used gloves and hats for elementary school children in
Web Page: The council agreed that the SEC meeting minutes will be
published on the web with a disclosure that the minutes have not yet been
Open House: The SEC will have two open houses this year. One in the
coming months and one in the Spring.
Meeting adjourned at 3:56 p.m.
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Lorrie Gaffney, Secretary
Neileen Dashiell, Chair