Minutes, Staff Employees Council Wednesday, February 17, 1999

Minutes, Staff Employees Council
Wednesday, February 17, 1999
Melton Media Center, Journalism Building
Representatives present: Nicole Aguilera, Shirley Boyd, Robin Collins, Neileen
Dashiell, Debi Dearman, Joyce Duncan, Ann Ettinger, Stephanie Flatt, Kristy
Forbes, Elizabeth Gadsden, Lorrie Gaffney, Leon Garrett, Terri Garside, Gary
Grant, Jim Henley, Larry Hillerman, Samantha Hoole (also proxy for Billye
French), Gary Kramer, Evelyn Martin, Betty Osborne, Sharon Smith, Teena
Tuttle (also proxy for Robert Boyd)
Visitors: None
Representatives absent: Robert Boyd (excused with a proxy), Dave Delporto,
Billye French (excused with a proxy) Bob Martin, Jewell Radcliffe, Diane Wagar
Call to Order:
Chair Neileen Dashiell called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM
Approval of January 20, 1999 Council Minutes:
The minutes were approved with changes on “Representatives present”
and “Representatives absent.”
Guest Speaker:
Mary Zable, Coordinator, Disability Resource Center, University of
Nevada, Reno spoke about the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and what it is
offering. The DRC was created to meet the unique educational needs of
students with disabilities. The DRC is dedicated to providing a coordinated
program of support services that allow students with disabilities the opportunity to
become integrated into campus life and to be successful students, while
maximizing their independence. The DRC staff is available to provide students
with sensitive and individualized assistance at the student’s request. The DRC
values each student’s autonomy.
Students who wish to request academic accommodations must provide
the DRC with documentation of a verified disability.
The DRC offers a wide range of support services and accommodations for
students with disabilities. Appropriate services are determined and provided,
based upon the student’s specific disability and the academic requirements of the
appropriate department, college, school, etc. The DRC provides
accommodations and services tailored to the individual need(s) of each student.
When appropriate, reasonable accommodations may include the following:
Reader services/books on tape
Note-taking services
Alternative testing accommodations/proctors/scribes
Adaptive computer equipment access
Accommodations counseling
Registration assistance
Classroom aids
Interpreter services
Faculty Liaison
Classroom building access
Learning strategies instruction
Verification of disability
Math 019/119 (a two-semester course equivalent to Math 120)
Course substitution assistance
Referrals to campus and community services
Other appropriate services as necessary
Mary Zable is available for suggestions, ideas, etc at (775) 784-6000 or
you can e-mail her at drc@scs.unr.edu
Chair's Report:
Chair Dashiell handed out the survey results from the Staff Employees
Council Questionnaire wherein 73 responses were received. The top five issues
people would like to see addressed are Merit pay and pay issues, health
insurance, parking, longevity pay, and staff educational benefits.
Chair Dashiell informed the council that she had contacted the Legislature
to inquire as to when our issues would be put on the table and the process as to
testify with respect to these issues. The secretary told Chair Dashiell that she
would call her when our issues are brought forward.
Chair Dashiell brought up for discussion the Open House, which will be
held in the late part of March/first part of April. Chair Dashiell asked for the
council’s input as to having the theme “This is Your Council” for the SEC Open
House, which would include speakers and SEC committee displays. Each
committee would have a table with displays and handouts to inform campus of
the Staff Employees Council and their objectives. The council was in favor of this
and the Chair asked everyone to start getting prepared for this event.
Chair Dashiell informed the council that the Web Page is put on hold until
Diane Wagar is back from her injury.
Committee reports:
Arboretum Board: The Arboretum Board met in FA on February 10, 1999 at
3:00pm. There were 20 members present. Billye French provided the council
with a report. See below.
We will be hiring a student worker for research of historical files, site
survey of campus & plaques, photo file development database development and
recording of herbarium species. Kay Stone reported a Joshua tree broken off in
Ag quad. We were told it would regrow from left portion.
Wayne Johnson reviewed the physic planter plan.
Ann Graham gave treasurer's report.
C.J. Walters will act as the board’s publicity chair. She will investigate
availability for web site. Chris Cheney suggested campus tours and tree walks
be included on the site. Leanne Stone volunteered to maintain the web site after
she has received more instruction on web site development. Dick Garrett
suggested that there be a downlink to the Ag College for horticulture information.
Signs and plaques were discussed for the Cherry Blossom Garden. We
will look into some that are Japanese in nature. Dedication will be in first part of
May. LaRai Frank will chair dedication committee. Billye French, Linda
Newman, and Anne Graham will serve on the committee. An exact date and time
will be set after they receive feedback from the Garden Donors.
Arbor Day: Planned outreach to Roger Corbett School. Grants to be set up
for future Arbor Day activities as part of regular curriculum and include less direct
involvement from the Board. The Board will act as advisor and grantor.
Kleiner Project: Underway
The plans for landscaping between the new Student Services Building
between CFA and the parking garage were presented to the Board and
Graham asked for information regarding a possible tree planting in memory of
Sandra Neese.
Linda Newman has received quotes for the 1908 Quad map brochure.
She will fax them to Chairman Lambert.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45pm.
Submitted by:
Billye French
SEC Member
Affirmative Action Advisory Board:
Subcommittee of Affirmative Action: American Disabilities Act committee:
This committee met on February 3, 1999. Shirley Boyd provided the
council with a report. See below.
The committee discussed that the Disability Resource Center services
over 300 students on campus. The Disability Resource Center coordinator is
Mary Zable. We talked about people (staff & faculty) needing to be made more
aware that disabilities can be physical and mental (as some disabilities can not
be seen). The University is responsible for staff & faculty awareness of ADA
issues. The committee discussed disability accommodations i.e.: during
construction that accesses need to be pre-arranged. The committee will hopefully
have Buzz or Lyle come into speak at one of our meetings.
Shirley mentioned to the committee that she wanted to have Mary speak
to the SEC. Next meeting is to be in two weeks.
Submitted by:
Shirley Boyd
SEC Member
Child Care Committee: This committee did not meet. No update.
Classified Employee Recognition Program: This committee did meet and
selected two people. The committee is still working hard to be creative and
innovative and doing a great job at it!
Classified Employee of the Year: This committee did not meet. No update.
Compensation Committee: Joyce Duncan and Sharon Smith did meet and did
not accomplish much. They did decide that they would invite Rochelle Greco
and Donna DuBois to their next meeting to discuss health insurance issues and
how the SEC could get a voice in decision making. If they can get enough
people involved the committee will take on the tasks of longevity and step
increases. This committee needs more volunteers. The job cannot be done
with the amount of people presently on the committee.
Classified Staff Development Fund: This committee did not meet. No update.
Education Leave Stipend Committee: This committee did not meet. No
Classified Employee Recognition Committee: This committee did not meet.
No update.
Facilities Planning and Management Board: Master Plan update: This
committee met on Tuesday, January 12, 1999. The minutes were provided as
Present: Jean Perry, Carol Ort, Marsha Read, Jim Kidder, Janita Jobe for Steve
Zink Rod Aeschlimann, Skip0 Records, Jannet Vreeland, Michael Ashley, Buzz
Nelson, Gary Kramer and Gary Bishop.
Woody Barry, Joan Zenan, Mike Bowers and Pat Richard.
Stephanie Astoriadis, NTSU
Denise Abbey, NTSU
Steve Maples, NTSU
Rick Savage, NTSU
MINUTES: The Board approved minutes of the December 8, 1998
meeting as written.
Board discussed a request for space from the NTSU for a commuter student
lounge (about 1,000 ASF) and an office for the NTSU organization (about 120
ASF), which would total about 1,120 square feet. Denise Abbey indicated that
the two functions do not need to be adjacent to each other. It was noted that
about 70% of the students at UNR are commuter students. It was suggested that
there are already a number of student lounges in various building around the
campus, and that perhaps one of these lounges could be dedicated for commuter
student usage. Buzz Nelson indicated that he would prepare a list of lounges
around the campus. Other suggestions for the location of these functions
included Thompson Student Services after the new Student Services building is
The question was raised as to how the renovation for the lounge, if
needed would be funded, and how the equipment (computers) in the lounge
would be paid for. Denise indicated that the equipment would be funded from
money raised by the NTSU. The source of any renovation funds that would be
required is unknown at this time.
It was noted that this request would be a good pilot request to implement
the suggestion that a block of space, as yet not identified, be allocated to
ASUN/GSA to be assigned to student organizations on an annual basis. It was
suggested that this issue be discussed with Shannon Ellis and Dave Hanson
during their visit at the February meeting of the Board.
discussed several issues related to the Nelson building with the Board. The first
issue was parking, and a complaint from the occupants of the building that the
amount of parking available on the site is inadequate. Buzz Nelson indicated
that he would ask the Parking Services office to see if it would be possible to
utilize a parking lot adjacent to the Nelson building that is currently owned by the
City of Reno.
The second issue is safety. Complaints have been received from various
occupants of the building that there are safety concerns related to the location of
the facility, particularly in accessing the building at night. There is a feeling that
the neighborhood is unsafe because of the proximity of the Building to the bus
station, and vagrants in the streets around the building and in the parking lots.
There was a sense that the riverfront development will help the situation
somewhat when it has been completed.
The third issue involves two rooms currently occupied by Justice Studies.
This function will be relocating to the Judicial College building when the current
addition to that facility has been completed, which is anticipated in August, 1999.
Jean and Carol will review this space availability at Dean's Council to see if there
are other programs in the building that might be interested in utilizing these
rooms. If there are no other proposed uses for the rooms, HCS will request the
allocation of the space.
D. CAPITAL PROJECTS - STATUS: Buzz provided the Board with a status
report of the various capital projects in progress:
Parking Garage: Complete.
Student Services Building: Bid 2/99, Completion 1/2000.
Frandsen Humanities Building: Abatement in progress.
Bid 2/99. Completion 1/2000.
JTSU Loading Dock/Kitchen Renovation: Bid 5/99, Completion 1/2000.
Redfield Campus Phase I: Design complete. Awaiting funding from
Legacy Hall: In progress. Completion 2/99.
Judicial College Addition: In progress. Completion 8/99.
Engineering Lab Center Renovation: Bids 2/99. Completion 8/99.
Human & Comm. Science Building: Feasibility Complete.
Computing Center: Being studied for relocation to DRI.
Chancellor's Office: Being studied for relocation to DRI.
Medical Educ./Library Building: Bid 10/99. Complete in 2001.
Getchell Library Renovation/Replacement: Feasibility Complete.
CFA Expansion: Feasibility under review.
Old Gym Renovation: Feasibility under review.
University Inn Expansion: Seeking request for proposals.
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN - STATUS; Gary suggested that the Board
schedule one meeting per semester as an open campus meeting which would be
utilized to review the current draft of the campus physical master plan. It was
suggested that the April 1999 meeting be used for this purpose.
Gary described the interaction with the East and West University
Neighborhood Advisory Boards to the Board. The results of these meetings are
that there have been a number of problematic concerns relative to the
relationship of the university and the neighborhoods. Specifically these concerns
include parking, traffic, lighting, safety, housing, and property acquisition. It has
been proposed that the NAB’s and the university form an issue specific work
group to discuss these specific issues and formulate recommended solutions that
everyone agrees with. Both the NAB’s and the university can incorporate these
solutions into their respective master plans.
Gary also reported that UCCSN is in the process of formulating a master
planning process that will be required for each member institution in the system.
They are asking that the master planning efforts on each campus be
synchronized with the UCCSN process, so that the end results will all be
completed and in the hands of UCCSN personnel by October, 1999, when
consideration of the 2001-2003 Capital Project Request List will begin.
NEW BUSINESS: Buzz reported that the Studies Abroad program is
in the process of trying to purchase a house on the East Side of Center Street,
just North of Eighth Street. The Board had reviewed and approved the purchase
request of another property at an earlier Meeting. The specific property being
purchased had changed, but the approval, in principal still stood.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the Facilities Planning and
Management Board is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, February 9, 1999, from
2:30-4:30 pm, in the Clark Administration Building in the Phillips Conference
Faculty Staff Club: This committee did not meet. No update.
Food Services: Campus Retail Sub Committee. This committee met on Friday,
January 22, 1999. Gary Grant provided the council with a report. See below.
Discussed current concerns:
Starbucks coffee quality control – will reduce selections by one to
improve control.
Discussed the possibility of expansion to the Medical School:
Minimal traffic
Previous attempt was unsuccessful
Reviewed Evaluation Process specific to retail for the RFP Process.
Defined the evaluation team
Discussed time frame for decision
Submitted by:
Gary Grant
Sec Member
Gender Relations: This committee does not meet unless there is a problem,
therefore has not met. The contact is Ann Ettinger.
Parking Committee: This committee has not met. Next meeting is February 24,
Safety Committee: See Minutes attached.
SEC Bylaws: This committee did not meet. No update.
SEC Awards Luncheon: This committee met on February 12, 1999 and those in
attendance were Ann Ettinger, Teena Tuttle, Betty Osborne, Neileen Dashiell,
Stephanie Flatt and Ellen Guerricagoitia. The committee was missing a few
members who were ill or had to work. They are trying to get some new people
on the committee. The committee talked about a new chair and there were no
takers at this time so the members will be co-chairs. The committee discussed
many items such as the entertainment that is free this year, the theme for this
years event and how to fit it in with the entertainment, the names for the event,
and food ideas (Teena Tuttle will contact Marriott's), and luncheon dates (Betty
will contact Lawlor and Neileen will write Pres. Crowley and Ashok).
The committee discussed improvements for the event. Neileen received a
letter about scholarship donations in lieu of awards and the committee did not
like this idea. Neileen will write them back with information how a good portion of
the expenses for the luncheon have been donated, i.e. the award covers,
entertainment and such. The committee then looked over pictures from last year
and made plans for the next meeting.
SEC Open House: See Chair’s Report above.
SEC Web Page: This committee did not meet. No update.
Special Interests: This committee did not meet. No update.
Old Business:
Chair Dashiell informed the council that the workshop at the last meeting
was a huge success. The only complaint was the weather. Evaluations
indicated everyone enjoyed it and would like to do it again.
New Business:
Chair Dashiell asked the committee for a volunteer to chair the Luncheon
Committee. Teena Tuttle volunteered.
Chair Dashiell gave the council a homework assignment. She asked that
everyone goes back to their office and say something nice or offer some positive
communication to that one negative person they work with.
Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Lorrie Gaffney, Secretary
Neileen Dashiell, Chair