Rio Hondo College PE 122: Nutrition for Sport and Fitness Fall 2009 Class Syllabus Instructor: Jodi Senk Text: Sport & Exercise Nutrition, 3rd Edition; William McArdle, Frank Katch, and Victor Katch, Lipinncott Williams & Wilkins; and Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, 3rd Edition, Nancy Clark, Human Kinetics Phone: (562) 463-7430 E-mail: Office Hours: By arrangement Student Learning Outcome: To provide an overview of nutrition to increase energy and enhance performance. Nutrient needs before, during, and after exercise are evaluated for their effect on optimal health. Students will learn how to design a proper nutritional program based on knowledge and needs. Three in-class quizzes and a final exam are used to evaluate knowledge of the subject. Students will be required to participate in laboratories to evaluate various foods and supplements. Students will also research present-day diets and present the results to the class. In addition, students will evaluate their current nutritional patterns, do a dietary analysis, and develop a personal nutritional plan. Grades: A= 900-1000 points B= 800-899 points C= 700-799 points D= 600-699 points F= less than 600 points The class consists of the following: 3 Quizzes Final Exam Personal Nutritional Plan Fast Food Project “Super Size Me” essay Diet Project and Presentation Attendance and Participation 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 50 points 150 points 200 points Total possible points 1000 points Any student with a disability, who believes that he/she may need accommodations in this class, is encouraged to contact the Disabled Student Program and Services office as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. The office is located in room S205 and the telephone number is (562) 908-3420 Course Outline: SN= Sports Nutrition Week 1 Dates August 24 2 August 31 3 September 7 4 September 14 5 September 21 6 September 28 7 October 5 8 October 12 9 October 19 10 11 October 26 November 2 12 13 November 9 November 16 14 November 23 15 November 30 16 December 7 NC=Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook Topic Introduction, review course syllabus, grading, SN: Ch. 1 Food Pyramid Video: Nutrition basics SN: Ch. 2 &3: Video: Vitamin Basics Video: Digestive System Labor Day Holiday-- No class— school is closed SN: Ch. 4 &5 Three Energy systems Video: Exercise Nutrition SN: Ch. 6: calorie calculations, Label reading, SN: Ch. 7& 8: Calculations for Protein requirements Protein Powders & Bars Personal Nutritional Plans due SN: Ch. 8& 9 Sugar substitutes; Fat Tubes SN: Chapter 10: Exercise Thermoregulation, Fluid Balance, and Rehydration sports drink comparison Fast food project due Ch. 11 Pharmacologic and Chemical Ergogenic Aids Ch. 12: Nutritional Ergogenic Aids evaluated Drug video Review for quiz Video: Supersize ME Ch. 13 Body composition Assessment and Sports-specific Observations; Nutrition for activity, training, and competition; Endurance Athletes Holiday-- No class—school is closed Ch. 14 Energy Balance and weight control Video: Obesity Diet Projects Due Potluck—diet food samples Diet Projects Due Potluck—diet food samples Ch. 15 Disordered Eating, NC: Ch. 12 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Final Exam Quizzes Dietary recall due Quiz #1: Ch. 1-3 Fast food project due Quiz #2: Ch 4-6 Quiz #3: Ch. 7-9 Quiz #4: Ch. 10-12 Personal Diet plans due Diet Research Project Due “DIETS” discussion/debate “DIETS” discussion/debate Final Ch. 13-15 Class policies: 1) Punctuality: You must arrive on time in order to receive attendance and participation points for the class. No points earned after roll is taken (Trainers must be on time). Also, if you leave before class is dismissed, you will also lose all the points for that class (clients won’t pay unless they get their full session). 2) Only water is allowed in all classroom areas. However, please bring a snack to have on the class break. The classes require your attention as well as ability to participate in activities and it is not advisable to not eat or wait until the end of class (This is a nutrition class so you are encourages to eat healthy items—no chips, fast foods, soda, etc.—you should “practice what you preach”). 3) No make-up exams. Prior notice must be given if student cannot attend due to illness or tragedy (yes, I require documentation). Quizzes will be given at the start of class after roll is taken (approximately 7:05pm) and will last 30 minutes. Lectures will commence immediately after. 4) Please plan to participate in class discussions. We are preparing you to work with people and to be able to share your knowledge and address concerns. 5) No Cell phones or pages allowed in class at any time! If it goes off or I catch you texting or checking messages, you will be buying the class dinner—PIZZA!!! 6) If you need to use the restroom prior to a break, please do your best to minimize the disturbance to other students. 7) One break will be given after each hour and will last for 10 minutes. 8) Labs will involve analyzing various foods, labels, or supplements, and students are encouraged to bring items for the designated labs. Class discussions will also incorporated as past of laboratories, so be ready to give your input and feedback. Class Projects: Personal Dietary Plan Due: August 31: 7 day dietary recall Final plan due: Nov. 2 1) Individual dietary analysis (100 points) A. Goals (health, fitness, and /or performance) B. Current diet (must attach a 7 day dietary recall) C. Analysis of current diet. This must include all concepts of macro- and micro- nutrients taken into consideration. 1) Favorable nutrients 2) Unfavorable foods D. Changes made to develop new diet E. New diet and nutritional components A specific diet with foods, supplements, times, and any training factors must be taken into consideration (i.e. a different diet for a training day vs. a competition day or time for a person to eat prior to exercise or after exercise) 2) Plan to discuss your personal nutrition and tell the class what changes you made, why, and how it makes you feel or any other noticeable factors (wt. loss, wt. gain, eating more/less, etc.) Fast Food Project: Due Sept. 21, 2009 Fast Food Project (100 points) A. Provide your favorite common fast food or chain restaurant meal. These may include, but are not limited to, such restaurants such as McDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Weinerschnizel, Quizno’s, Panda Express, Starbucks, Olive Garden, Friday’s, or Chili’s. B. Identify reasons the meal would be considered unhealthy. Include in your comments/considerations sugar content, processed food, fat, trans fat, saturated fat, and portion size. C. Analysis/caloric breakdown of the meal. This must include all concepts of macro- and micronutrients taken into consideration (fats, proteins, carbs, vitamins, minerals). ( 1) Favorable nutrients (pro’s) 2) Unfavorable foods (con’s) D. Identify a healthy substitute for the meal derived from the original restaurant. E. Develop a new meal choice and nutritional components F. Each of the healthy substitute meals must abide by the recommended percentages of the macro nutrients. Micro nutrients may vary due to the nature of the project. G. Identify professional education methods for each meal substitute and explain the effects of the unhealthy meal in comparison to the healthy meal substitute for each of the following situations. 1) Provide meal substitute advice with a goal of losing weight using any of the meals. 2) Provide meal substitute advice with a goal of improving health (such as lowering cholesterol, blood sugar, preventing osteoporosis) using any of the meals. 3) Provide meal substitute advice with sport-specific goals for athletes using any of the meals. Diets in this Day and Age –100 points Due: Nov. 23rd, presentations and potluck to follow 1) Three page minimum, typed, double-spaced Cite your references (minimum of two)-- 50 points Choose one of the popular diets promoted to Americans today (South Beach, Atkins, Zone, Beverly Hills, Cabbage Soup, etc.) or a weight loss program (Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig). Include the following in your report: 1) The concept of the diet 2) The claims of the diet (how much weight loss do they promote) 3) Why is this diet effective? 4) What research has been done on the reliability of the diet? 5) Is this diet safe? 6) What types of foods were included in the diet? 7) What types of foods were restricted in this diet? 8) How many days is the diet? 9) Are there any positive aspects of the diet in regards to health? 10) How much profit/money had this diet or program made? 11) Is there a guarantee of weight loss? 12) Does the diet encourage exercise? 13) Would you recommend this diet or do it yourself? 14) Please include your own comments and opinions about this diet. 2) You will then present this project to the class and share what you have found. 50 points BONUS_EXTRA CREDIT!!! In addition, you may bring in food samples of what the diet consists of, or we may divide groups and create a sample menu of the diet—and bring in SAMPLES!!!! 50 points