IRPNF round 3 specification [DOCX 63.86KB]

International Research
Partnerships and
Networks Fund
Round 3: Programme Specification
This scheme is funded from the University’s International Office and administered by Sussex
Research. The third round is open to all University Research Centres, Regional Research
Centres and Research Centres listed at The
scheme is intended to enable research centres to enhance the quality of their research and
markedly raise their global profile through international partnerships, in accordance with
University strategy.
The University’s Strategic Plan Making the Future states that one of the University’s
ambitions is to grow significantly the number and strategic importance of our external
partnerships with organisations, institutions and individuals locally, nationally and
internationally. The plan suggests that these research links will manifest themselves as joint
publications and joint projects across institutions in different countries, funded from sources
including those not previously exploited by Sussex.
The International Research Partnerships and Networks Fund is designed to develop and
enhance international strategic partnerships and networks that facilitate sustainable
research programmes, which should normally be self-financing after the initial period of
funding through this scheme. The scheme will allow Research Centres to develop a new
partnership or network or enhance an existing collaboration by deepening the relationship
through new activities or adding new international institutions of strategic importance.
Objectives may include:
Enhancing the international reputation of the Centre
Encouraging world-leading researchers to engage with the Centre
Facilitating internationally co-authored publications
Developing collaborations to attract funding from sources within the UK and
Facilitating recruitment of the highest quality research students
A significant research aim must be identified which requires international collaboration
with one or several overseas institutions. Eligible partners can be world-leading international
research institutions and/or non-academic organisations. Full justification should be given
for the involvement of all participants, with each participant bringing specific – and stated –
expertise which will directly contribute to the success of the collaboration.
For the purposes of this scheme, the following definitions apply:
Research Partnership: would involve Sussex and one international institution.
Research Network: would involve Sussex plus several international institutions.
UK institutions could be involved in the network if a convincing case is made for their
inclusion and if they cover the costs of their own participation.
The scheme is intentionally flexible, recognising that different Centres may have different
requirements for developing international research collaborations. The International
Research Partnerships & Network Fund will therefore support the development of
sustainable partnerships and networks by providing initial funding for a range of activities
which could include:
Visiting Fellowship: mobility funds to invite an overseas researcher to enhance the
knowledge, skills and funding potential of academic staff at Sussex;
International Fellowship: mobility funds enabling a Sussex researcher (normally
faculty) to spend a concentrated period in an overseas institution. The intention is to
provide opportunities to develop new knowledge, skills and ideas and may for
example be used for observing and learning ground-breaking techniques or
practices, or developing new lines of research through overseas collaboration;
Access Award: for stays of up to one month in another country to engage in
research, to access facilities not available in the UK or to gain access to new
techniques or materials, which will directly link to the development of a research
Short Term Travel Award: could be used by faculty to internationalise the Centre’s
work by initiating and establishing new contacts with an international counterpart, or
to prepare major collaborative proposals with partners for international programmes.
Series of Network Meetings: to exchange international ideas and expertise in order
to develop and establish future collaboration across a network of institutions
including potentially UK ones.
In this third round, grants can be made for periods of up to 3 years. The maximum
available to any one partnership/network would be £25k in year 1, reducing to £12,500 in
year 2 and £6,250 in year 3. It is anticipated that 2 awards will be made in this round.
Funds, which must be spent within the financial year that they have been allocated, can be
used for:
International travel (economy class) and subsistence;
Organising and running of local seminars or workshops;
Access/use of equipment;
Administrative costs incurred in the organisation of specific partnership/network
workshops or web development.
Please note that unspent funds cannot be rolled forward into the next financial year.
 Teaching relief is not an eligible cost under this initiative.
 Although postdoctoral and PHD visits/exchanges are eligible activities, fees and
maintenance for research students are not eligible costs.
Stand-alone conference travel and fieldwork costs are not eligible.
On-going administrative costs beyond those incurred in organising specific
partnership/network events are not eligible.
Partner travel and subsistence costs should normally be funded by the partner
institution; a strong case for support would be needed if costs are requested from the
IRPN Fund to cover partner travel and subsistence.
Schools would be expected to cover all bench fees related to hosting a visiting fellow.
Applicants are encouraged to seek access to other, external funds to support the
partnerships/networks, for example to extend visits or enable additional people to travel
where possible.
There will be one call per annum for this fund. Applications from all Research Centres are
invited. A single Principal Applicant should be identified, and that person should normally be
the Centre Director.
Applicants are encouraged to be as concise as possible and not exceed the maximum page
limits specified. Any material beyond these page limits will not be considered. Single line
spacing can be used and font should be 11pt Ariel. The International Research Partnerships
and Networks Fund application form must be used - continuation sheets will not be
accepted. Applications are structured as follows:
Part 1: Cover sheet
Part 2: Partnership/network description
Part 3: Outcomes
Part 4: Budget
Part 5: Statement of support from relevant HoS
Applications should be submitted to by 5pm on 27 MAY
Round 2
Call issued
1 Feb 2016
27 May 2016
Decision to
w/c 27 June 2016
Earliest project
start date
1 August 2016
Applications will be reviewed by a panel consisting of the Pro-Vice Chancellor Research,
Director of Interdisciplinary Research, Director of Research & Enterprise and Assistant Head,
International Liaison.
Applications should address the following criteria which will be used to review the proposals:
 Clarity of objectives for the collaboration;
 Relevance of the collaboration to the University’s Strategic Plan;
 Reasons for choosing the specified partners at this time;
 International reputation of the external partners and implications of the partnership for
the reputation of the Centre and/or University;
 Viability of programme of activities and plan for delivery;
 Evidence of commitment to the partnership/network from both external partner(s) and
the host School(s). This may include financial investment and/or the investment of
other resources in the partnership;
 Value added to the research centre’s research portfolio;
 Likelihood that the partnership/network will generate external funding;
 Likelihood that the partnership/network will generate high quality research and
 Extent to which the proposal is likely to attract favourable media attention or publicity;
 How the partnership/network will be promoted internationally through events, web,
social media, etc.;
 Opportunities the partnership may provide for the recruitment of international staff or
 Extent to which the proposed outcomes justify the costs;
 How the collaboration will be taken forward after the initial funding period.
Successful principal applicants will be expected to submit a report every 6 months detailing
progress and outcomes to date. That report will address the following:
 Progress towards anticipated outcomes.
 Priorities/planned activities for next period.
The International Office may publicise the activities supported by this scheme for University
marketing purposes and applicants are expected to engage in this process.
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their application with either:
Vicky Shaw
(International Office)
ext 8373
Debbie Foy-Everett
(Research & Enterprise),
ext 3812
Applicants need to provide a convincing case:
That the partnership/network will generate external funding through collaborative
That the partnership/network will be taken forward once the initial funding period
has ended.
That there is a genuine, sustained commitment from the partners to the
That the funds requested are fully justified and provide value for money.
A list of the 3 projects funded from the first two rounds is available at