Manoj K. Mohanty and Baojie Zhang Department of Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering Southern Illinois University at Carbondale ISTC Research Symposium – September 9, 2009 Introduction Objective Project Methodology Data Compilation Data Analysis Individual correlation coefficients (r) Hypothesis testing Multiple regression analysis Monthly Average Concentrations Conclusions Recommendations Acknowledgements 2 3 Causes of Birth Defects Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group. 4 US Corn-belt Past studies indicate: • Illinois- among the highly nitrate contaminated states. • Atrazine was detected in146 streams out of 149 sampled in the Midwestern states. • Iowa study- Higher rates of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) with higher level of atrazine in drinking water • Indiana study- Detrimental effects of disinfectant byproducts. Source: 5 To investigate the correlation of incidence rates of various negative reproductive outcomes with the concentration of key agrochemical based contaminants and disinfectant byproducts in drinking water used in Illinois. Negative reproductive outcomes: Drinking Water Contaminants: • Nitrate • Birth defects • Nitrite • Adverse pregnancy outcomes • Atrazine • Preterm births • Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) • Five haloacetic acids (HAA5) 6 1. Central Nervous System Defects • Anencephalus • Encephalocele • Hydrocephalus • Microcephalus • Spina bifida 2. Cardiovascular System Defects • Aortic valve stenosis • Atrial septal defect • Coarctation of aorta • Common truncus • Ebstein anomaly • Endocardial cushion defect • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome • Patent ductus arteriosus • Pulmonary artery anomalies • Pulmonary valve atresia and stenosis • Tetralogy of Fallot • Transposition of great arteries • Tricuspid valve atresia and stenosis • Ventricular septal defect 3. Respiratory System Defects • Lung agenesis/hypoplasia 4. Alimentary Tract Defects • Biliary atresia • Choanal atresia • Cleft lip • Cleft palate • Esophageal atresia • Hirschsprung disease • Pyloric stenosis • Rectal or large intestinal atresia/stenosis 5. Genitourinary System Defects • Bladder exstrophy • Hypospadias • Obstructive genitourinary defect • Renal agenesis/hypoplasia • Epispadias 6. Musculoskeletal Defects • Club foot • Congenital hip dislocation • Diaphragmatic hernia • Gastroschisis • omphalocele • Reduction deformity 7. Chromosomal Defects • Down syndrome • Edward syndrome • Patau syndrome 7 1. Very low birth weight 4. Perinatal deaths 2. Serious Congenital Infections 5. Endocrine Metabolic or Immune Disorder • Chlamydia • Adrenogenital syndrome • Congenital syphilis • Gystic fibrosis • Congenital tetanus • Immune deficiency disease • Cytomegalovirus • Inborn errors of metabolism • Gonorrhea • Neonatal hypothyroidism • Group B streptococcus 6. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome • Hepatitis B virus 7. Other Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes • Herps • Cerebral lipidoses • Listeriosis • Choriretinitis • Rubela • Endocardial fiberoelastosis • Sepsis • Intrauterine growth retardation 3. Blood Disorder • Neurofibromatosis • Coagulation • Occlusion of cerebral arteries • Constitutional aplastic anemia • Retinopathy of prematurity • Hereditary hemolytic anemia • Strabismus • Leukomia 8 1. 2. 3. 4. Negative reproductive outcome (NRO) data for each county in Illinois for the five year period: 1998-2002. Drinking-water contaminant data from community water supplies (CWS) for the same time period. Correlation coefficients (r) between individual NRO and drinking water contaminants based on sample data and hypothesis testing. Multiple regression analysis to investigate the correlations and their statistical significance by considering all five water contaminants simultaneously. 9 Example County: ADAMS Birth Defects Central Nervous System Defects Cardiovascular System Defects Respiratory System Defects Alimentary Tract Defects Genitourinary System Defects Musculoskeletal Defects Chromosomal Defects Total Incidence Cases Rate 5 12.0 52 125.1 3 7.2 7 16.8 17 40.9 16 38.5 4 9.6 104 249.9 10 2 County Birth Defect Rates for Each County Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Case 104 8 14 127 3 48 3 18 39 176 61 8 18 47 74 6113 12 10 181 31 27 1202 16 6 85 29 20 33 71 1 24 49 11 15 3 5 74 32 49 13 50 23 12 6 774 154 1 Rate 249.9 121.9 148.9 426.2 112.8 228.7 119.1 203.2 406.1 158.4 304.8 83.9 196.6 241.3 249.9 144.7 111.9 158.7 322.2 298.0 182.8 184.2 147.6 156.6 368.5 231.4 230.1 142.8 352.0 30.4 286.1 202.7 245.1 135.4 138.9 135.0 259.5 177.9 147.3 233.9 211.3 193.8 101.6 89.5 200.7 200.3 95% CI Lower Upper 204.2 302.8 52.6 240.2 81.4 249.8 355.3 507.1 23.3 329.6 168.6 303.2 24.6 348.1 120.5 321.2 288.8 555.2 135.8 183.6 233.1 391.5 36.2 165.4 116.5 310.7 177.3 320.9 196.2 313.7 48.5 240.6 57.8 195.5 76.1 291.8 277.0 372.7 202.5 423.0 120.4 265.9 153.2 368.1 84.4 239.8 57.5 340.9 294.4 455.7 154.9 332.3 140.5 355.4 98.3 200.6 274.9 444.0 0.8 169.4 183.3 425.7 150.0 268.0 122.4 438.6 75.8 223.3 28.6 405.9 43.8 315.2 203.7 325.7 121.7 251.2 109.0 194.7 124.6 400.0 156.8 278.5 122.9 290.9 52.5 177.5 32.9 194.9 186.9 215.4 170.0 234.6 2 County Lee Livingston Logan McDonough McHenry McLean Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall Mason Massac Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island St. Clair Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington Wayne White Case 51 55 55 41 485 356 254 65 385 72 27 32 4 10 32 31 38 78 35 137 382 17 12 23 0 7 14 36 12 339 363 33 383 4 8 30 18 104 216 15 93 1 34 16 13 11 1 Rate 275.1 223.7 326.1 276.1 240.6 356.0 340.3 235.1 231.0 273.6 396.1 350.9 42.1 149.3 336.8 183.1 221.8 371.6 369.0 452.4 290.6 139.4 139.3 241.8 0.0 150.8 425.6 185.8 121.2 324.9 202.5 215.1 303.7 106.9 259.0 246.8 485.6 346.0 274.3 144.3 161.2 14.2 326.5 190.1 126.9 133.8 95% CI Lower Upper 204.8 361.7 168.5 291.2 245.7 424.5 198.1 374.5 219.6 263.0 320.0 395.0 299.7 384.8 181.5 299.7 208.5 255.3 214.0 344.5 261.0 576.3 240.0 495.4 11.5 107.7 71.6 274.6 230.4 475.5 124.4 259.9 156.9 304.4 293.7 463.8 257.0 513.1 379.8 534.8 262.2 321.2 81.2 223.2 72.0 243.3 153.3 362.8 0.0 227.9 60.6 310.6 232.7 714.1 130.1 257.2 62.6 211.6 291.2 361.4 182.2 224.5 148.1 302.1 274.1 335.7 29.1 273.6 111.8 510.3 166.5 352.4 287.8 767.5 282.7 419.3 239.0 313.5 80.8 238.0 130.1 197.5 0.4 78.9 226.1 456.2 108.7 308.7 67.6 217.0 66.8 239.5 11 For all 102 counties in Illinois over the period of 1998-2002: Negative Reproductive Outcomes Number of Incidences Incidence Rate Range Birth Defects 17,379 0 to 485.6 Adverse Pregnancy 38,738 0 to 540.7 Preterm Birth 89,097 358.3 to1462.9 12 County: ADAMS Nitrate Data CWS No. of Observation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 5 19 18 5 5 9 20 5 Observed Value (mg/L) 8.057 3.360 6.348 5.318 2.200 2.302 0.820 6.167 2.704 Total 106 2.641 Population Served 159 883 1066 248 45000 600 1812 4890 98 54,756 Detection Limit (mg/L) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Censored Value (mg/L) 8.057 3.360 6.348 5.318 2.200 2.302 0.876 6.167 2.704 2.643 13 County: ADAMS Nitrite Data CWS No. of Observation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total 20 5 19 18 5 5 9 20 5 106 Observed Detection Censored Population Value Limit Value Served (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) 0.00 159 0.1 0.10 0.02 883 0.1 0.12 0.00 1066 0.1 0.10 0.00 248 0.1 0.10 0.00 45000 0.1 0.11 0.00 600 0.1 0.10 0.00 1812 0.1 0.10 0.00 4890 0.1 0.10 0.00 98 0.1 0.10 0.000 54,756 0.109 14 Nitrite Data for Each County County Number Population Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 106 20 13 89 10 130 22 79 36 142 72 158 15 64 63 273 123 37 201 46 34 172 114 18 41 25 56 4 52 56 54 138 N/A 42 10 70 236 222 13 20 1 11 135 15 324 56735 6349 13102 32718 629 26658 4963 10012 10353 162942 29743 10306 7647 30480 43574 3832774 11028 4801 73449 11741 6208 321168 12540 4036 18931 14279 10614 39018 24412 4221 10107 29928 8621 10897 17471 6442 36242 20194 26074 10117 40045 13007 22289 5885 388361 Observed Mean 0.0003 0.0063 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0080 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0078 0.0018 0.0401 0.1854 0.0144 0.0084 0.0001 0.0025 0.0276 0.0001 0.0025 0.0336 0.0034 0.0835 0.0404 0.0008 0.0000 0.0028 0.0000 0.0008 0.0025 0.0000 0.0001 N/A 0.0014 0.0000 0.0000 0.0068 0.0126 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0010 0.0000 0.0010 Censored Mean 0.1085 0.0466 0.1000 0.1102 0.1000 0.1026 0.1020 0.1111 0.1000 0.0438 0.1171 0.1220 0.2737 0.1401 0.0566 0.1015 0.1022 0.1063 0.0998 0.1009 0.1253 0.1007 0.0959 0.2042 0.1113 0.1162 0.1092 0.1000 0.1123 0.1013 0.1000 0.0857 N/A 0.1354 0.1000 0.1065 0.1373 0.1169 0.1976 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1022 0.1000 0.1014 County Number Population Lee Livingston Logan Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall Mason Massac McDonough McHenry McLean Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby St. Clair Stark Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington Wayne 106 91 132 50 39 131 24 99 35 18 58 302 146 24 104 25 55 31 25 206 241 13 64 108 4 23 35 82 22 279 5 83 10 25 91 33 22 109 344 15 129 55 49 7 22 30558 28328 19623 96575 25433 221024 40498 13180 16038 6803 21714 179319 121079 7695 16957 21017 18417 25552 14287 32631 160075 17714 10248 11279 4413 7348 6086 21967 8118 117776 24808 149308 3070 5537 22893 201705 6332 48979 107229 10089 52518 9196 18735 8234 10815 Observed Mean 0.0000 0.0248 0.0325 0.0127 0.0013 0.0073 0.0555 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0008 0.0034 0.0022 0.0000 0.0412 0.0026 0.0000 0.0005 0.0552 0.0000 0.0009 0.0163 0.0212 0.0008 0.0000 0.0020 0.0000 0.0093 0.0000 0.0047 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0025 0.0055 0.0348 0.0001 0.0063 0.0000 0.0081 0.0006 0.0102 0.0317 0.0018 Censored Mean 0.1017 0.0865 0.1290 0.1097 0.1327 0.0598 0.1611 0.1149 0.1062 0.1000 0.0977 0.1288 0.0757 0.1000 0.1294 0.1113 0.1708 0.1070 0.1217 0.1040 0.0438 0.1343 0.1210 0.1632 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1039 0.1953 0.1021 0.1140 0.1043 0.1000 0.1000 0.1020 0.0313 0.1270 0.1760 0.1012 0.1000 0.1020 0.1003 0.1152 0.0524 15 0.1722 Contaminants Number of in Drinking Measurements Water Nitrate 10,967 Nitrite 9,909 Atrazine 5,504 TTHM 7,409 HAA5 4,407 Observed Concentration Range Censored Concentration Range 0 to 4.90 mg/L 0 to 0.190 mg/L 0 to 1.02 µg/L 0.213 to 84.8 µg/L 0 to 64.9 µg/L 0.043 to 4.91 mg/L 0.031 to 0.274 mg/L 0.156 to 1.185 µg/L 0.947 to 84.9 µg/L 1.00 to 64.9 µg/L Observed Censored Average IL Average IL Concentration Concentration 0.652 mg/L 0.003 mg/L 0.067 ug/L 23.3 µg/L 10.4 µg/L 0.709 mg/L 0.100 mg/L 0.343 µg/L 23.2 µg/L 10.6 µg/L MCL 10 mg/L 1 mg/L 3 µg/L 80 µg/L 60 µg/L 16 Correlation Analysis where, SSxy= SSxx= SSyy= xi: contaminant concentration for each county yi: rate of negative reproductive outcome for each county Hypothesis testing where n represents the number of county water contaminant concentration values and r is the sample correlation coefficient 17 Sample correlation coefficient and hypothesis testing results BD APO PB t-BD t-APO t-PB Absolute t-critical; α=0.2; =80 Significant Correlation Nitrate Nitrate (Observed data) (Censored data) 0.163 0.164 0.032 0.033 0.062 0.062 1.476 1.491 0.288 0.296 0.553 0.555 1.294 1.294 BD only BD only BD: Birth defect; APO: Adverse Pregnancy Outcome; PB: Preterm Birth 18 Statistically Significant Correlations Nitrate Nitrite Atrazine TTHM HAA5 Based on Observed Contaminant Data Based on Censored Contaminant Data BD APO BD APO PB PB PB PB BD PB PB BD PB BD: Birth defect; APO: Adverse Pregnancy Outcome; PB: Preterm Birth 19 Multiple Regression Analysis Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes First Step - All Variables Entered R2 = 0.3576 DF Regression Error Total 20 61 81 Variable Value Sum of Squares 336543.96 604648.99 941192.96 Final Step – Significant Variables R2 = 0.2824 Mean Square 16827.20 9912.28 F Ratio Prob(F) 1.6976 0.0590 DF Regression Error Total Standard t-ratio Prob(t) Variable Error Intercept 341.5898 17.5006 19.5188 0.0000 Intercept X1 -12.2542 28.1969 -0.4346 0.6654 X4 X2 -22.8035 21.5956 -1.0559 0.2952 X5 X3 -24.6700 34.9375 -0.7061 0.4828 X1*X2 X4 -126.7511 34.0797 -3.7193 0.0004 X1*X4 X5 125.3061 39.7763 3.1503 0.0025 X2*X3 X1^2 2.8801 11.5610 0.2491 0.8041 X2*X5 X1*X2 -19.7633 18.4164 -1.0731 0.2874 X4*X5 X1*X3 6.5454 20.3016 0.3224 0.7483 X4^2 X1*X4 58.8689 21.5424 2.7327 0.0082 X1*X5 -31.8425 32.2058 -0.9887 0.3267 X2^2 -2.2452 7.4131 -0.3029 0.7630 X2*X3 14.7828 15.8718 0.9314 0.3553 X2*X4 59.0453 30.2566 1.9515 0.0556 X2*X5 -44.6522 23.1555 -1.9284 0.0585 X3^2 4.7412 9.0755 0.5224 0.6033 X3*X4 -21.0662 43.3601 -0.4858 0.6288 X3*X5 35.8869 34.8607 1.0294 0.3073 X4^2 52.4069 15.9505 3.2856 0.0017 X4*X5 -81.2761 25.2204 -3.2226 0.0020 X5^2 10.5416 19.8922 0.5299 0.5981 X1: Nitrate mg/L; X2: Nitrite mg/L; X3: Atrazine, ug/L; X4: TTHM ug/L; X5: HAA5 ug/L; L 8 73 81 Value 336.3542 -92.9137 80.8744 -26.9575 41.7613 20.4827 -19.6211 -50.5058 46.5344 Sum of Squares 265786.12 675406.84 941192.96 Mean Square 33223.26 9252.15 F Ratio 3.5909 Standard Error 13.3080 26.0995 27.8310 13.2648 11.0803 11.3337 9.6265 14.1453 13.1761 t-ratio Prob(t) 25.2745 -3.5600 2.9059 -2.0323 3.7690 1.8072 -2.0382 -3.5705 3.5317 0.0000 0.0007 0.0048 0.0458 0.0003 0.0749 0.0452 0.0006 0.0007 Prob(F) 0.0015 20 No. of County Data 82 Initial R2 0.206 Final R2 0.132 F-ratio 1.90 Critical F-value 1.85 Significant main factors X3, X4,X4^2 Significant factor interactions X1*X3,X1*X4, X4*X5 BD Censored 82 0.163 0.092 1.95 2.02 X4,X4^2 X1*X4, X4*X5 APO Observed 82 0.358 0.286 3.65 1.76 X2,X4,X5,X3^2,X4 ^2 X1*X4,X2*X5,X4*X5 APO Censored 82 0.358 0.282 3.59 1.76 X4, X5, X4^2 X1*X2,X1*X4,X2*X3 X2*X5,X4*X5, PB Observed 82 0.166 0.110 1.97 1.92 X5, X1^2 X1*X2,X1*X4,X2*X5 PB Censored 82 0.206 0.118 2.58 2.02 X2,X3,X5,X4^2 NA BD Observed Final X1: nitrate; X2: nitrite; X3: atrazine; X4: TTHM and X5:HAA5 BD: Birth defect; APO: Adverse Pregnancy Outcome; PB: Preterm Birth 21 22 23 24 25 26 As much as 16.3%, 35.8% and 20.6% of the variability in the rates of birth defects, adverse pregnancy outcomes and preterm births is explained by five contaminants (nitrate, nitrite, atrazine, TTHM and HAA5) in public drinking water supplies in IL. TTHM, HAA5 and Nitrate- statistically significant for all three categories of negative reproductive outcomes. Nitrite is significant for APO and PB only. Atrazine is significant for all three categories of negative reproductive outcomes except the BD model based on censored data and PB model based on observed data. 27 The monthly average concentrations of all three agrochemical based contaminants are much higher in surface water based CWS. Concentration of disinfectant byproducts are more in the GW based water supplies. Atrazine concentration peaks in the months of May/Juneagrees well with past studies. The peak monthly average concentrations (118 μg/L in May and 98 μg/L in November) for TTHM are well above the corresponding MCL of 80 μg/L . The peak concentrations of HAA5 of 75 μg/L in May and 100 μg/L in November for HAA5 are well above the corresponding MCL of 60μg/L . 28 Surface water based CWS and Ground water based CWS may be separately examined. For developing meaningful correlations for some of the individual BD and APO, a data set covering a much longer time period (maybe 10 to 20 years) will be required. A much more comprehensive study using controlled experiments in future should include all known factors contributing to various negative reproductive outcomes to develop predictive models for each or at least some of them. 29 Illinois Sustainable Technology Center United States Geological Survey Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Illinois Department of Public Health Indiana University Medical Research Center 30 31 32 33 Correlation among the exploratory variables Nitrate Nitrite Atrazine Statistically Significant Contaminant Based on Observed Data Statistically Significant Contaminant Based on Censored Data TTHM HAA5 HAA5 TTHM TTHM HAA5 HAA5 TTHM HAA5 HAA5 TTHM Atrazine Atrazine HAA5 TTHM Atrazine Atrazine Nitrate Nitrite 34 Occurrence of a specific adverse outcome is assumed to be a rare event, therefore such occurrences are assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. Where there are a large number of birth defect cases, the confidence interval is narrow, indicating that the rate is stable. Where there are few birth defect cases, the confidence interval becomes very wide, indicating that the rate is not very stable. - where Y is the observed number of events, Yl and Yu are lower and upper confidence limits for Y respectively, c²n,a is the chi-square quantile for upper tail probability a on n degrees of freedom. 35 36 37 38 Correlation Analysis based on Observed Contaminant Nitrate Nitrite Atrazine BD 0.163 -0.074 0.038 APO 0.032 -0.210 0.115 PB 0.062 -0.006 0.166 t-BD 1.476 -0.661 0.342 t-APO 0.288 -1.922 1.033 t-PB 0.553 -0.053 1.503 Absolute t-critical; α=0.2; =80 1.294 1.294 1.294 Significant Correlation BD only APO only PB only Correlation Analysis based on Censored Contaminant Nitrate Nitrite Atrazine BD 0.164 -0.048 -0.023 APO 0.033 -0.156 0.013 PB 0.062 -0.177 0.189 t-BD 1.491 -0.429 -0.206 t-APO 0.296 -1.408 0.120 t-PB 0.555 -1.605 1.723 Absolute t-critical; α=0.2; =80 1.294 1.294 1.294 Significant Correlation BD only APO and PB PB only Data TTHM -0.132 -0.073 0.161 -1.194 -0.659 1.461 1.294 PB only Data TTHM -0.136 -0.072 0.160 -1.224 -0.644 1.450 1.294 PB only HAA5 -0.174 -0.060 0.207 -1.583 -0.533 1.889 1.294 BD and PB HAA5 -0.175 -0.058 0.211 -1.588 -0.518 1.931 1.294 BD and PB 39 Nitrate Nitrite Atrazine TTHM HAA5 t-HAA5 t-TTHM t-Atrazine t-Nitrite t-Nitrate Absolute t-critical; α=0.25; =80 Significant Correlation Nitrate Nitrite Atrazine TTHM HAA5 Correlation among the Explanatory Variables based on Observed Data Nitrate Nitrite Atrazine TTHM 1.000 -0.008 0.067 -0.139 -0.008 1.000 0.135 0.068 0.067 0.135 1.000 0.365 -0.139 0.068 0.365 1.000 -0.088 0.168 0.380 0.686 -0.794 -1.259 0.599 -0.076 1.294 TTHM 1.523 0.610 1.215 -0.076 1.294 Nitrite, HAA5 3.678 3.506 1.215 0.599 1.294 TTHM, HAA5 8.441 3.506 0.610 -1.259 1.294 HAA5, Atrazine and Nitrate Correlation among the Explanatory Variables based on Censored Data Nitrate Nitrite Atrazine TTHM 1.000 -0.138 0.002 -0.145 -0.138 1.000 0.042 0.142 0.002 0.042 1.000 0.303 -0.145 0.142 0.303 1.000 -0.096 0.206 0.310 0.677 t-HAA5 -0.862 t-TTHM -1.312 t-Atrazine 0.018 t-Nitrite -1.242 t-Nitrate Absolute t-critical; α=0.25; =80 1.294 Significant Correlation Nitrite, TTHM HAA5, 1.881 1.285 0.375 2.912 2.848 HAA5 -0.088 0.168 0.380 0.686 1.000 8.441 3.678 1.523 -0.794 1.294 TTHM and Atrazine HAA5 -0.096 0.206 0.310 0.677 1.000 8.231 8.231 2.848 2.912 0.375 1.285 1.881 -1.242 0.018 -1.312 -0.862 1.294 1.294 1.294 1.294 TTHM, Nitrate TTHM, HAA5 HAA5, Atrazine and Nitrate, Nitrite TTHM, Atrazine, Nitrite 40