Home Page Set-Up Work Instruction The URL for OnCore is https://oncore.ynhh.org For more information about OnCore please visit the website at http://oncore.yale.edu You can set up your home screen to display relevant protocols, subjects, and events that are just a click away. To set up your home screen click the blue widget in the upper right and you will be brought to a new screen. Depending on your roll you can decide any or all of the widgets you would like to display. Click the boxes next to each of the widgets you would like. Next click save. Page 1 of 4 Version: 2011-08-22 Home Page Set-Up Work Instruction The widgets will display as squares on your home screen. Select one of the widgets and use the green arrows to move the location of the widget. Next click save. Protocols, Subjects, and SAEs have three widget options in the upper right corner. The first circular widget opens configuration window. The second “-” widget allows you to delete the given box from the home screen. The third square widget allows you to see the expanded view of the protocols. There is more instruction below on how to set up the dashboard and expanded views. Configurations Widget: Watch Tab Page 2 of 4 Version: 2011-08-22 Home Page Set-Up Work Instruction For example, in protocols the first tab, Watch, allows you to chose which protocols will appear in the box on your home screen. Check the boxes next to Pending, Active, or Terminated to select which protocol types would like to appear in your box. Display bookmarked protocol: From the drop down select Yes if you would like to have bookmarked protocols appear. To bookmark a protocol select the star in the upper left-hand corner when you are in the PC console. Display Assigned Role: If you are assigned as protocol staff on protocols you can change this drop down to Yes and those protocols will automatically appear as long as you have selected a role. Please Select a Role: select this hyperlink and a window will appear where you can select your role. Select your role(s) as relevant by checking the box next to the role and then click Save. Page 3 of 4 Version: 2011-08-22 Home Page Set-Up Work Instruction Fields Tab The next tab in the configurations window is Fields. On the home screen you will have the option for an expanded view of the protocols. You can select which fields you would like to see in the dashboard and which you would like to see in the expanded view. Check the box in the given column to have the field appear in the chosen view. Bookmarks [Protocol] Tab: where you can remove bookmarked protocols so that they no longer appear on your home screen. Check the box next to the protocol and then click Save. All of the other widgets have similar configuration options. Registration, reports, and saved searches do not have an expanded view because there are only a few fields that appear in each one of those widgets. There is a configuration option for the registration widget with a fields tab. Page 4 of 4 Version: 2011-08-22