To: LSU Faculty Evaluators From: Robby Bowen, Chair LSU Premedical/Predental Review Committee Re: Evaluation Letters for Medical/Dental School Applicants Thank you for agreeing to write an evaluation letter for a student applying to medical or dental school. This student has chosen to use the services of the LSU committee and is required to obtain three letters of evaluation from faculty members who have taught them or with whom they have done research at LSU. Your letter will be used in the evaluation process by the LSU Committee and is then forwarded as a part of the committee packet submitted to medical/dental school Deans for Admissions. Release of information forms for each committee applicant are signed and on file in the College of Dean’s Office. The applicant should provide you with a copy of a committee evaluation form. Many medical schools require a copy of this form be sent along with the letter for verification purposes. This form is also available online through the College of Science Student Services website ( Please complete the evaluation form and attach it to your letter. Medical and Dental Schools also require that faculty letters be submitted on university letterhead and that the letter have a signature. Please keep the following in mind: •The final deadline for receipt of letters is Monday, June 3, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. However, due to the number of students using the committee and the time the committee must spend in the evaluation process, letters received on the deadline date often mean that the evaluations are not sent to the medical schools until October. Since the application process begins in June and most medical schools use rolling admissions, it is to the student’s advantage for you to submit your letter as soon as possible. •Early Decision Program Applicants have much earlier deadlines and we recommend that letters for these applicants be submitted by Monday, April 15, 2013 by 4:30 p.m. in order to ensure that the committee packet can be submitted in time for the August deadline. •Evaluation forms and any attachments you submit will be forwarded to the professional schools. Since students typically apply to several medical/dental schools, it is best to write a general letter without mentioning specific medical/dental schools by name. On behalf of the LSU Premedical/Predental Review Committee as well as the College of Basic Sciences, I thank you for taking time to evaluate this student. Your feedback is a very important part of our evaluation process. FACULTY EVALUATION FORM LSU PREMEDICAL/PREDENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE 2014 ENTERING CLASS Applicant’s Name_____________________________________________________________ ________Medical Applicant _________Dental Applicant ________ Other To the evaluator: This student is required to secure evaluations from instructors who have knowledge of his/her academic work. You should complete this form ONLY if this student has taken a course with you or has worked in your lab. Outstanding Excellent Above Average Average Fair Poor No basis to evaluate Knowledge of subject matter Intellectual curiosity Verbal Skills Writing Skills Ability to get along with others Maturity Remarks: This is the most important part of your evaluation. Include any comments you may have on the above-named student’s suitability to the profession. Since your comments will be reproduced and forwarded, it is in the student’s best interest if the evaluations are typed on departmental letterhead and attached to this form. Please make sure to sign this form and attach it to your letter of evaluation. Overall Evaluation (check one) _____ Outstanding (top 1-5%) _____ Excellent (top 6-20%) _____ Above Average (top 21-40%) _____ Average (top 41-50%) _____ Fair Candidate _____ Poor Candidate Deadline: Regular Applicants: June, 3, 2013 Early Decision: April 15, 2013 Return via campus mail to: Premedical/Predental Committee College of Science Student Services 338 Hatcher Hall Baton Rouge, LA 70803 _______________________________ Signature Date _______________________________ Print or Type Name _______________________________ Title Dept. _______________________________ Dept/Course # Course title ATTENTION: Medical/Dental School Admissions DO NOT accept this form unless accompanied by a premedical/predental committee evaluation.