found here

Major, Degree Name
[See 2015 Catalog. This may be modified. Include a website link where appropriate for more information
on the major or careers. A link will be added for program learning outcomes on the university’s
assessment website.]
[See 2015 Catalog. This may be modified. Include department contact information and website link
where appropriate.]
[Optional section, if admission requirements and procedures are different from the general university
[See 2015 Catalog]
Total Units
Cumulative GPA
University GPA
Major GPA
Residency Requirement
F. Upper-Division Requirement
G. Minimum Units from 4-Year Institutions
120 units [or more, if approved]
[minimum university requirement is XXX, but can be
college or major may require more]
[minimum university requirement is XXX, but can be
college or major may require more]
[half of units in A]
Students in this major must meet all Silver Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying
Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course descriptions.
I. University General Education Requirements (24-33 units)
A. Silver Core Writing and Prerequisite (3-8 units): – CO1, CO3
1. ENG 101 - Composition I (3 units) OR
ENG 100J – Composition Studio (5 units)
2. ENG 102 - Composition II (3 units)
NOTE: Students who place in ENG 102 are not required to complete ENG 101 or ENG 100J.
[Majors must provide a justification for modifying the above description. In general, prerequisites
to ENG 102 or equivalent can only be excluded if it can be shown that at least half of graduating
students in the major enter the university ready for ENG 102.]
B. Silver Core Mathematics and Prerequisite (3-5 units) – CO2
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
[Majors may specify specific courses for this requirement. However, college-level prerequisites
must be included , unless it can be shown that at least half of graduating students in the major enter
the university ready for the higher-level Core Math course, or being ready for it is the accepted
standard in the discipline.]
C. Silver Core Natural Sciences (6-8 units) – CO4
Refer to Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
[Majors may specify specific courses for this requirement.]
D. Silver Core Social Sciences (3 units) – CO6
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
[Majors may specify specific courses for this requirement.]
E. Silver Core Fine Arts (3 units) – CO7
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
[Majors may specify specific courses for this requirement.]
F. Silver Core Humanities (6 units). Select two:
 CH 201 – Ancient & Medieval World (3 units) – CO5
 CH 202 – The Modern World (3 units) – CO5
 CH 203 – The American Experience & Constitution (3 units) – CO5, CO8
NOTE: Students who do not complete CH 203 must take a course that satisfies CO8 elsewhere in the curriculum.
[Majors may specify CH courses for this requirement, e.g., CH 203 and either CH 201 or 202.]
II. Additional Silver Core Requirements (0-18 units)
Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. Some or all of these requirements
may be satisfied by courses in the major requirements. Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this
[Majors may specify specific courses, or lists of courses, for each of these requirements. If these courses
are listed in another section, the units should be counted in the other section. Otherwise, the minimum
capstone requirement for CO13 is 3 units, but other COs may be satisfied with 1-3 units.]
A. Science, Technology & Society Course – CO9
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
B. Diversity & Equity Course – CO10
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
C. Global Context Course – CO11
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
D. Ethics Course – CO12
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis Course – CO13
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
F. Application Course – CO14
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
III. Additional College Requirements (x units)
[Optional section.]
IV. Major Requirements (x units)
[Required section.]
V. Minor Requirements (0-x units)
[Required section, even if no minor is required.]
VI. Electives (x-y units)
[Required section, even if no electives are required. Minimum and maximum unit counts depend on the
maximum and minimum unit counts from all other sections.]
[This section is optional in Spring 2015, but will be required in the Fall. It must be submitted and
reviewed in time to reach the University Courses & Curricula Committee by Oct. 16, 2015.]