INSTRUCTIONAL ENHANCEMENT GRANTS (IEG) FUNDS FOR YOUR INNOVATIVE TEACHING PROJECTS! The 2016 IEG program will fund projects that promote excellence in instruction and assessment. Funding for this program comes from the Provost's Office and 365Learning. Program Objectives: The Instructional Enhancement Grants program exists to provide grants from a few hundred to $5,000 for activities that will enhance the instructional mission of the university. Projects may include traditional classroom-based modes of instruction as well as other modes such as tutoring, peer-led instruction, electronic distance education, directing graduate students, and advising. Projects may include development or acquisition of instructional materials, the introduction of new teaching techniques, instructional research, outreach, or assessment. Eligibility: All faculty on continuing appointments of >0.5 FTE are eligible to apply. Application: A description of the proposed project including a budget must be submitted to the Provost's Office (attention Audrey Casey, by 5 p.m. on April 18, 2016. Proposals must include: 1. Title Page. Include names of principal investigator(s) and their department, college or school, campus phone, campus mail stop, and e-mail address. 2. Project abstract 3. Student population to be served by the project. Include all that apply: undergraduate lower division, undergraduate upper division, graduate, department/program majors, nonmajors, community members, etc. 4. Course(s) where this project will be applied, if applicable. (List course titles and numbers.) How many students will benefit from this project each year? 5. Project Description. Include a description of how the project will enhance the instructional mission of the university. 6. Expected results and project assessment. Include discussion of how the products or results will be applied to your or others' teaching in the future. 7. Budget. Provide an itemized list of the expenses and costs associated with your project, as well as the time period for which the funds will be used. 8. Other Resources. We encourage faculty to utilize existing services or resources on or off campus to fund projects. If you have obtained commitments for funds or services from others to help with this project, please include the source, amount, and intended use of these funds. We encourage matching resources from other entities; this evidence of support and sustainability will strengthen the proposal. Restrictions: The IEG program does not fund faculty stipends. Consumable supplies are the responsibility of the department and will not be funded. Salaries for undergraduate graders or graduate research assistants are funded, if well justified. Reporting Requirement: A brief report describing project outcomes is expected within one month of project completion. IEG Committee: The Instructional Enhancement Grants Committee will review all proposals to determine funding. This committee includes faculty representatives, many of whom have been recipients of Instructional Enhancement Grants in previous years. Please Note These Important Dates: Proposal Due Date: April 18, 2016 Notification of Results: May 6, 2016 Funds Available: July 15, 2016 Project Completion and Funds Expended: June 1, 2017 Final report due: June 30, 2017