POSITION DESCRIPTION QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTRATIVE FACULTY ALL INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED TO DEPARTMENT. QUESTIONS? CALL UNR Faculty Human Resources at 784-6082 x250. ******************************************************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS: PDQ and Org Chart must be sent to marshag@unr.edu for initial review BEFORE routing. 1. Complete form, sign, and submit to immediate supervisor; 2. Supervisor (chair/director/dean)– review, approve, sign, forward to vice president or vice provost; 3. Pres/Vice Pres/Vice Prov - approve, sign, forward to Placement Committee (c/o UNR HR, M/S 238); 4. Placement Committee recommends administrative salary range and title & forwards to Provost. 5. Approval letters are then sent from HR with final stamped PDQ to Vice President, Dean or Director and supervisor for PAF/Terms preparation. ******************************************************************************************************************** Incumbents’ Name (if applicable): Travis Lee Position #: #: 16395 Current Title: Manager, 4-H Camp(77969;3D;None;HRL80224;E) Current Range: 1 Department: 4-H College/Division: Cooperative Extension Action Proposed: (check all that apply) ( ) New position : Proposed Range: Proposed Title: ( ) Title Change, Proposed Title: ( x ) Proposed Reassignment from Range ( x ) Revised PDQ only (no change in title) 1 to Range 2 I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Employee’s Signature Date I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments. Carol Benesh, Spec, St 4-H Youth Dev / John Burton, Asst Dir Immediate Supervisor’s Signature Date Director/Chair/Dean Karen Hinton, Dean, Coop Ext Date Approved for Salary Placement Committee review. Pres / Vice Pres / Vice Prov Signature Jannet Vreeland Date Vice Provost Action Approved by the President (Completed by Faculty HR): Position #: EEO Code: CUPA Code: Job Class Code: Exempt: Yes or No Range: Effective Date: Title Approved: _____________________________________________________________________________ Employee’s Signature (Sign & send to HR for personnel file after final approval) Date Revised: 3 / 1 / 2006 Position Description - Manager, 4-H Camp Page 2 1. Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the university. Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division which reflects the position in it as well as those supervised in the department. The on-site Manager, 4-H Camp, directs the day-to-day 4-H Camp operations and provides leadership and future planning of the Nevada 4-H Camp located on 33 acres in the Lake Tahoe Basin at Stateline, Nevada. Individual must live on-site year-round in the housing provided at the Nevada State 4-H Camp. This position serves as the first line of contact with the public, the camp advisory council, government agencies and other community agencies and must be capable of rapid and appropriate response to emergency situations involving the potential loss of life. The 4-H Camp Manager serves as a part of the State 4-H Office team. This position requires compliance with Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), interaction with the public including administration of camp policy to ensure camper user needs are met, and long-term planning and goal setting for the camp with the Advisory Council, Buildings and Grounds, and State 4-H Youth Development Specialist. 2. List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide enough detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job. 35% - 4-H Camp Facility Management Coordinate and manage daily camp operations by facilitating and finding solutions for issues encountered in the day-to-day operations Provide an environmental friendly, attractive and safe environment for all campers ensuring that emergency management procedures are in place Provide for safety and welfare of the campers by monitoring all certifications and inspections Under the supervision of the Director of Operations prepares a plan for winter facility usage, new construction and maintenance of camp facilities and for any Challenge course improvements Provide updates to the Nevada 4-H Advisory Council and UNR Buildings and Grounds for improvement and preventative maintenance management moving to a future goal of yearround camp usage of the total camp Participate in Administrative, 4-H and Advisory Council meetings and subcommittees as required for this position Participate in trainings for fiscal management and employee supervision and other UNCE required training for this position Maintain positive relationships with adjacent property owners, agencies and camp user groups and handling conflict issues that arise 35% - Fiscal Management Prepare and manage camp self-supporting budgets and provide timely submittal of information and updates to state 4-H Youth Development specialist and Director of Operations Prepare camp reports and financial statements as directed for the UNCE Dean and for presentation to the Nevada 4-H Advisory Council Monitor and prioritize needs for camp budget; supervise and track all income and budgeted expenses; initiate and supervise purchasing and communicates status of budget regularly to the Director of Operations Provide information to the Administrative Assistant for the preparation and processing of journal voucher transfers; BPO’s; requests for payments; and monitors accounts payable and receivable Supervise the lead cook in development of the camp food budget and monitor the management of food expenses Under the guidance of the UNCE Director of Development Specialist and the Director of Operations seek funding and other resources to support the development of the Nevada 4-H Camp Position Description - Manager, 4-H Camp Page 3 20% Hiring, supervision, training, and evaluation of employees Hire, supervise, train and evaluate camp employees which include: classified, temporary and volunteers at camp Set a goal/timeline for recruiting, hiring, and training all employees prior to the beginning of the high camp season and work with the Administrative Assistant to ensure all required paperwork and trainings are done prior to high season 10% Community, Public Relations and Customer Service Provide support to all clientele user groups through use of a camper packet outlining rules and regulations, conducting camp orientations, posted information, and through safety seminars related to camp facilities, cleaning responsibilities, use of the facilities and emergency procedures Coordinate with the local authorities in Douglas County and other groups to provide community service workers Work with Administrative Assistant to provide updated camp web site information Maintain a positive neighborly working environment with Edgewood Golf Course and Tahoe Shores trailer park, Kingsbury Water District, Douglas County emergency operations Ensure that camp user needs are met by responding to camp user requests in the appropriate time frame Provide leadership for conflict resolution during camp weeks by responding to and resolving camp user group issues, concerns and complaints Provide appropriate documentation on disruptive events or major concerns immediately to University Police, State 4-H Office or Director of Operations during a major event (i.e., July 4th, Celebrity Golf Tournament, etc.) 3. Describe how the decisions and judgments made by this position and the results of work performed impact the department, division and/or the university as a whole. This position is the first point of contact for the UNR College of Cooperative Extension and 4-H for many 4-H Camp-related issues with the public, government agencies, camp users and other agencies and groups. This position is highly visible and must ensure camp grounds and facilities meet all safety and access requirement and are maintained; ensure campers’ needs and requests are met in a timely and appropriate fashion and are managed within approved budgetary guidelines. This position is supervised by the Director of Operations and reports all camp information directly to the Director of Operations. Incumbent must make instantaneous decisions affecting the welfare of youth and adults who occupy this property. An error in judgment may jeopardize the safely and well-being of camp users and staff resulting in injury or death and may truncate the flow of funds and loss of future bookings’ which could result in costly fines or lawsuits levied against the camp. 4. Describe the knowledge, skills and abilities essential to successful performance of this job. Knowledge of: Youth Development Environmental education Business management Buildings and Grounds management & maintenance Position Description - Manager, 4-H Camp Skills: Page 4 Strong interpersonal skills Conflict resolution skills Problem solving skills Sound planning, management and organization skills Excellent written and oral communication skills Ability to: Develop and manage or oversee multiple budgets Function and work effectively with diverse audiences to include University system; UNCE, 4-H and other UNR employees Manage and direct day to day camp operations Work flexible hours with frequent weekends in the summer and evening work Successfully complete state required background check 5. Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job. Explain the nature and purpose of these contacts: i.e., to provide services, to resolve problems, to negotiate. Campers, prospective campers, local residents and members of the public: to secure and provide information, make decisions related to request, resolve problems, attend to special needs and requests, maintain future camp usage and handle emergencies. Governmental and other agencies: to provide information and make records available, conduct inspections; respond to emergencies and other requests. Vendors, suppliers and to local business: to research products, make purchasing decisions, other suppliers and maintain adequate levels of inventories. Personnel: to supervise and direct camp personnel to ensure food service functions are preformed and necessary repairs and maintenance of camp grounds and facilities are completed in timely fashion. UNR Buildings and Grounds: to ensure compliance with purchasing, personnel and fiscal policies and procedures. UNCE fiscal office; to provide information on finances when appropriate. State 4-H Office; for accountability of actions regarding camp to the Director of Operations 6. Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this position should it become vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsibilities of the position rather than the qualifications of the incumbent. a. Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any. Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution b. Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required education necessary for a person entering this position. Bachelor’s Degree and two years or Master’s Degree and one year of experience in recreational management, educational leadership, youth development , facility management, hospitality, or other related/appropriate field c. Indicate any license or certificate required for this position. Current Nevada Drivers license