Guidelines on Issuing Grants-in-Aid for LOAs

(Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 4, Section 13)
If the LOA faculty is teaching a non-credit course or not teaching, get his/her total
FTE and determine the number of credits he/she can be eligible for by following
the equivalency: 1 credit = 6.25%FTE, with a maximum of 6 credits to be issued.
1 credit
2 credits
3 credits
4 credits
5 credits
6 credits
6.25 %
12.5 %
18.75 %
25 %
31.25 %
37.50 % and above
If the FTE percentage is not in increments of 6.25%, roll the percentage up to the
next higher percent increment to determine the credits to be issued. For example,
if the LOA faculty works 10%FTE, roll the percentage to the next higher percent
increment which is 12.5% to give the LOA faculty 2 credits in grant-in-aid.
If a letter of credit equivalency (credit value of the work being done by a nonteaching LOA faculty) is received from the department/dean, the LOA faculty is
eligible for the number of credits (6 credits maximum) stated in the letter.
G:\UPS\Forms & Web Info\Web Info\LOA Faculty Grant-in-Aid.doc