Panhellenic Constitution

We the undergraduate members of women’s fraternities at the University of Nevada, Reno agree
To promote and create a spirit of cooperation during the recruitment process and throughout the year based
on honesty, respect and sisterhood. Through adherence to the tenets set forth by the National Panhellenic
Conference we pledge to do the following:
Up hold and demonstrate the Panhellenic Spirit in thought word and action through our chapter as
well as individual members.
Recognize and encourage friendly relations with college women, Greek and non-Greek.
Avoid disparaging remarks about fraternity women and avoid publicity on Panhellenic matters
that are not properly the concern of non-members.
Provide recruitment programs to provide the opportunity for the greatest possible number of
women to become fraternity members, while protecting the rights of both individuals and chapters.
Know and uphold the potential new member Bill of Rights.
Provide accurate and factual information in regard total chapter standards, policies, and
Maintain a period of strict silence beginning immediately after the preference parties and ending
with the presentation of bids. At all other times, maintain normal friendly conversation.
The name of this organization shall be the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association.
The object of the Panhellenic association shall develop and maintain fraternity life and Interfraternity
relations at high level of accomplishment and in doing so to:
Consider the goals and ideas of member groups as continually applicable to campus and
personal life.
To further intellectual accomplishments and sound scholarship.
To cooperate with member fraternities, men’s fraternities, and the University administration
in maintenance of high social and moral standards.
To encourage good relations between fraternity and non-fraternity groups.
To act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements and
ARTICLE III. Membership
The regular membership of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association shall be
composed of all chapter members in good standing of National Panhellenic Conference
fraternities at the University of Nevada, Reno.
The associate membership of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association shall
be composed of all members in good standing of National Panhellenic Conference colonies or
pledge chapters.
ARTICLE IV. Officers
The officers of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association shall be the President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Chairman, Philanthropy Chairman,
Academic Chairman, and Greek Times Editor. Reorganized so the order of officers is in order
and consistent.
The officers shall be members in good standing from fraternities holding regular membership
in the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association.
The officers shall serve for a term of one year, the term of office beginning no later than thirty
days after the commencement of the spring semester.
The officers will be regular full-time students at the University of Nevada, Reno.
The officers will have and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
The officers will be at least a sophomore standing.
Any officer failing to perform her duties as outlined shall resign and a successor will be
designated by election or as provided in Article VI, Section 3.
If a member of a fraternity leaves campus, or the Association, for any reason the affected
officer will be allowed to complete her term of office.
Officers who fail to perform her duties as outlined, become disqualified, and refuse to resign
will be removed from office by impeachment proceedings.
ARTICLE V. Impeachment and Succession
Causes for Impeachment
a. Disregard for this constitution, including failure to perform duties as defined in this
Causes for Immediate Dismissal
a. Any member of Panhellenic Association Executive Board, Judicial Board, Greek
Events Board Representatives, and Greek Standards Board Representatives may be
subject to impeachment and succession.
i. Failure to maintain eligibility as defined in the appropriate sections of this
document, including GPA, and disciplinary requirements.
ii. Two (2) unexcused absences from a meeting of the Panhellenic Council,
Executive Board, Judicial Board, Greek Events Board, and Greek Standards
Board at which the member in question is required to attend. Absences are
excused by the President of Panhellenic in the case of Panhellenic Council
and Executive Board meetings, and excused by the chair of the Judicial
Board, GEB, or GSB for meetings of those bodies. In addition, for
Panhellenic Council meetings, the member must provide a proxy as set forth
in this document.
Impeachment Process
a. A 2/3 majority of the Executive Board or a majority vote of the Panhellenic Council
shall be necessary to initiate impeachment proceedings against a member of the
Panhellenic Association Executive Board, Judicial Board, Greek Events Board
Representatives, and Greek Standards Board Representatives. An impeachment
hearing will be scheduled by the President; or Vice President in the case of
impeachment of the President.
b. Notice of impeachment must be presented to all members of the Panhellenic Council,
as well as the member to be impeached, at least 5 days in advance of the planned date
of the impeachment hearing.
c. The Judicial Board shall preside at all impeachment proceedings.
d. A 2/3 majority of the Judicial Board shall be necessary to remove an RHA Council
member, Executive Board Member, or Judicial Board Member
a. In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President of
Recruitment shall assume the office of President for the remainder of the term.
b. In the event of a vacancy in any other position, the fraternity affected will appoint a
new representative.
c. In the event that the President or Vice President of Recruitment seats are
simultaneously vacant, or if the Vice President of Recruitment declines to assume
the Presidency, the affected member fraternity will re-slate for the position.
ARTICLE VI. The Panhellenic Council
The administrative body the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association shall be The
University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Council.
It shall be the duty of the Panhellenic council to administer all business related to the overall
welfare of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association, including recruitment and
pledging, which do not violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member fraternities.
Membership. The University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Council shall be composed of
one officer, one delegate, and one alumnae advisor from each National Panhellenic
Conference fraternity chapter at the University of Nevada, Reno and from such national
Panhellenic Conference fraternity colonies or national sororities at the University of
Nevada, Reno as the council may approve for membership.
Selection of Delegate and Advisors. Delegates and alumnae advisors to Panhellenic
Council shall be selected by their respected fraternity chapters to serve for a term of one
year beginning no later than thirty days after the commencement of the spring semester.
Whenever possible, the delegates of one year shall be the officer of the succeeding year.
Delegates and Officer Vacancies. When a delegate or officer vacancy occurs, it shall be
the responsibility of the fraternity concerned to select a replacement within a 4 weeks and
to notify the Panhellenic Council Secretary of her name, address, and telephone number.
When a meeting of Panhellenic Council occurs while an officer vacancy exists, the
delegate of the fraternity concerned shall fulfill the duties of an officer in all cases except
that of President. The Vice President shall fulfill the duties of President.
Officers. The officers of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association shall
serve as the officers of its Panhellenic Council. These officers shall serve as the
Executive Board of Panhellenic Council and shall have such powers and duties as are
prescribed in the Bylaws of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association.
a. Regular meetings of the Panhellenic Council shall be held at least twice a
month during the school year. This date shall be determined by the council
each semester.
b. Special meetings shall be called at the request of the Panhellenic President or
any member fraternity through the Panhellenic President at her discretion.
Quorum. Three quarters of the member fraternities shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.
The voting body of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association shall be its
Panhellenic Council.
The voting members of the Panhellenic Council shall be the delegates of each fraternity holding
regular membership. If a delegate is absent, the vote may be cast by a member of the fraternity,
providing her credentials have been presented in writing to the Panhellenic Council President prior
to the meeting.
Three quarters of the voting members of the Panhellenic Council shall be required to establish
recruitment rules, to determine quota and establish Total Chapter size, to set that data for pledging
and to add a chapter. A majority vote shall be required to carry all other questions.
The alternative delegates and alumnae advisors to Panhellenic Council shall have a voice but no
ARTICLE VIII. Panhellenic Advisor
The Panhellenic Advisor shall be appointed by the Vice President of Student Services of the
University of Nevada, Reno.
The advisor shall serve in advisory capacity to the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic
Association and its Council.
ARTICLE IX. Standing Committees
Such Standing Committees and special offers as may be necessary to carry out the work of the
University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Council shall be appointed by its Executive Board to
serve during the tenure in office of the Board which appoints them.
ARTICLE X. Unanimous Agreements and Policies
All members of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association shall act in accordance
with fundamental Panhellenic policies established by the National Panhellenic Conference in the
Unanimous Agreements (The Panhellenic Compact, Standards of Ethical Conduct, College
Panhellenic Agreements, Agreement on Questionnaires and Constitutions and the Jurisdiction of a
College Panhellenic Council).
ARTICLE XI. Violations
Violations of any regulations of the Constitution or its related Bylaws, of rushing rules, of rules
concerning matters other than recruitment, of the National Panhellenic Conference UNANIMOUS
AGREEMENTS, shall be the occasion for penalties established by the University of Nevada,
Reno Panhellenic Council in conformity with those recommended by the National Panhellenic
ARTICLE XII. Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by a three-quarters vote of the voting members of the
University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Council, providing notice of the proposed amendment
has been given in writing at the proceeding regular meetings.
PANHELLENIC COUNCIL. Additional updates occurred April 7, 2008.