UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS DARTMOUTH DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING ECE 201 CIRCUIT THEORY I OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER -- OP AMP INTRODUCTION An Operational Amplifier, or OP AMP, is an electronic circuit that can be configured into circuits that perform mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, integration, and differentiation. This device is fabricated as an integrated circuit and is very easy to use. “Under the hood”, the OP AMP consists of several transistors, resistors, and a capacitor or two. The circuit diagram for a typical OP AMP is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. An OP AMP configured as a Comparator The operation of the circuit can be studied by applying the following condition. Let’s consider that the voltage Vplus is larger than voltage Vminus . The voltage on the non-inverting input of the OP AMP is larger than the voltage on the inverting input. The OP AMP will try to amplify the difference between the input voltages with a very large non-inverting voltage gain, causing the OP AMP output voltage to saturate at the positive supply voltage VCC (+ 15 Volts). When the situation is reversed and voltage Vminus is larger than voltage Vplus , the voltage on the inverting input of the OP AMP is larger than the voltage on the non-inverting input. The OP AMP will try to amplify the difference between the input voltages but now with a very large inverting voltage gain, and the OP AMP output voltage saturates at the negative power supply voltage VEE (-15 Volts). Let’s add some more components to the circuit and see what happens. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 2. Figure 1. The circuit diagram of a 741 OP AMP. The circuit symbol for the 741 OP AMP is shown here in Figure 2. 7 1 5 U1 3 6 2 4 741 Figure 2. The circuit symbol and pin connections for a 741 OP AMP. Figure 2 is repeated here for easy reference. 7 1 5 U1 3 6 2 741 4 The 741 OP AMP terminals/pins are defined as follows: Pin #2 Pin #3 Pin #6 Inverting input Non-Inverting input Output Pin #7 Pin #4 Positive Supply Voltage, VCC Negative Supply Voltage, VEE Pins # 1,5 Offset Null Adjustment (Not needed for now) Briefly, here’s how things go. When a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the inverting input and the non-inverting input is grounded (zero volts), the output voltage will be an inverted, or, out of phase by 180, sinusoid. When the reverse is true, that is, a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the non-inverting input and the inverting input is grounded, the output voltage will be a noninverted, or not-out-of-phase sinusoid. The sections that follow show the practical configurations that produce these results. INVERTING AMPLIFIER The circuit shown here in Figure 3 is a typical OP AMP inverting amplifier. Vee 15 V Rf 10kOhm 4 U1 R1 1kOhm 2 Vout 6 3 V1 1V 1kHz 0Deg 7 1 5 741 Vcc 15 V Figure 3. A 741 OP AMP as an Inverting Amplifier The relationship between the output voltage, Vout and the input voltage to the circuit, V1 is Vout = -(Rf /R1)V1 In this case, Rf = 10 kΩ, R1 = 1 kΩ, and Vout = -10V1, or we have a voltage gain, G = 10, and then Vout = -GV1 = -10sin(2000πt) volts. NON-INVERTING AMPLIFIER A non-inverting OP AMP amplifier configuration is shown below in Figure 4. Vee 15 V Rf 10kOhm 4 U1 R1 2 1kOhm Vout 6 3 V1 1V 1kHz 0Deg 7 1 5 741 Vcc 15 V Figure 4. A 741 OP AMP as a non-inverting amplifier Note that the feedback connection remains between the output and the inverting input as before, but now the input voltage to the amplifier is applied to the non-inverting input. The output and input voltages are related by the expression Vout = {1 + (Rf /R1)}V1 Here, Rf = 10 kΩ, R1 = 1 kΩ, and Vout = 11V1, or the voltage gain G = 11. The output voltage is given by Vout = 11sin(2000πt) volts. PRELIMINARY WORK / DESIGN 1. Design an OP AMP inverting amplifier that has a voltage gain, G, numerically equal to G = 0.002(ABCD) + 5 where ABCD = the last four digits of your Student ID Number. Try to make the value of Rf at least 2 kΩ and the values of the other resistor between 100 Ω and 1 MΩ. 2. Design an OP AMP non-inverting amplifier that has a voltage gain, G, numerically equal to G = 0.002(EFG) + 12 where EFG = the first three digits of your Student ID Number. 3. Simulate each of your designs using MultiSim. Use the standard 741 model for the OP AMP and power it with +/- 15 volts. Use an input voltage of 1 kHz at an amplitude that does not cause your amplifier to saturate. Check your input and output voltages (amplitudes and phases) with the oscilloscope. EACH GROUP MEMBER MUST HAVE HIS/HER OWN AMPLIFIERS DESIGNED AND SIMULATED BEFORE COMING INTO THE LAB! LABORATORY PROCEDURE / RESULTS Each group member will construct the circuits that they have designed and simulated. For each circuit, measure the input and output voltages using the oscilloscope. Calculate the voltage gain of each configuration and compare with the theoretical values. Be sure to sketch each of the input and output voltages in your laboratory notebook. Use the oscilloscope’s storage option to save a copy of your results for publishing in your lab report. Please use the REVERSE printing (White background) to save toner. Your lab report should include all design calculations as well as any modifications that were necessary. Be sure to comment on how well your results agreed with the theoretical calculations. If things didn’t go as they should have, explain what may have gone wrong.