Experiment #2 Resistor Statistics • The object of this experiment is to generate a histogram demonstrating how many resistors in a sample of the same nominal value meet specifications. • A histogram is a plot that shows how many of an item fall into specific “bins”. 1 Procedure • Each student will be given a sample of resistors having the same nominal value. • For each resistor: – Determine the nominal value from the color code. – Measure and record the resistance of each resistor in the sample. – Enter your data in an Excel table as shown on the next page. – Plot a histogram bar graph of the measured values and determine the mean and the standard deviation of the resistance values. 2 Example Histogram Table Generated by Excel Raw Data Value 1 1000 2 1050 3 990 4 1075 5 950 6 899 7 1102 8 1080 9 1005 10 1020 Number of resistors with values < or = to 900 Bin Number of resistors with values from 1051 through 1100 Frequency 900 1 950 1 1000 2 1050 3 1100 2 More 1 Plot of Excel Table Data Histogram for 1000 Ohm Resistors 3.5 Number in Range R# 3 2.5 2 Frequency 1.5 1 0.5 0 900 950 1000 1050 Measured Value 1100 More 3 Data for Experiment #2 TEAM # NAMES NOMINAL VALUE TOLERANCE = ALLOWABLE RANGE MEASURED VALUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVERAGE STD DEV = = 4 Preparing to Plot a Histogram • Before you start to generate a plot, create a sequence of 5 numbers in your Excel sheet, equally spaced, from the minimum of your allowable range to the maximum of your allowable range. • For example, if the range was 400-800, I would generate the following sequence: 400 500 600 700 800 5 Generating a Histogram Table • • • • Click on the “Data” pull-down menu Select “Data Analysis” Select “Histogram” For Input Range – Enter the cell range with your resistance measurements (e.g. a4:a20) • For Bin Range – Enter the cell range of your 5 values • For Output Range – Enter the cell that you want to be the upper left corner of your histogram table 6 Generating a Histogram Plot • Select (click and drag the cursor over) the table that was created using the histogram command • Click on the “Insert” pull down menu • Select “Column” • Select chart type • You’ll see a preview of your plot, click “next” • Enter a label for the x axis and change the plot title from “frequency” to something with your nominal resistor value in it, click “next” • Select “as object in sheet 2” in last step then click “finish” 7 What needs to be turned in • A printout of the data table including: – The original data – The histogram table – The histogram plot 8